Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Blue Thunder in Miami 12-27 Key Biscayne Library

Dear Family of Light,

Hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas time with family and awaiting a glorious New Year. Keep this thought, " AS YOU THINK SO U WILL BECOME," Only think high quality thoughts.

In Jan 2006, I got an email from Bennie Le Beau, Blue Thunder - Shoshone Tribal Elder, see bio below...and it tiggered a memory. Time to unite tribes and reveal the prophecy. I even posted it on my blog, see

This past Solstice, Benny came to Miami and we did a ceremony at the Miami Circle. 7:22 pm at the exact time the Solstice came in, we had a fire, singing and drums. It was quite unique and you could feel the power. The second we put out the fire and we were starting to leave...the rain came down, like a cleansing.

Benny will be with us this tonite, Wed at Key Biscayne Library. at 730 pm.
299 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 - (305) 361-6134

He will be giving a slide show of his Medicine Wheel and healing the planet.

Those from a far just take time tonight and look at the stars.

It will be a special chance to tune into the wisdom of the Gran Tetons

See his web for more info.

Call me if u need more info, 786 663 4626.

Many blessings,



Msg To Indigenous Nations Leaders

Bennie E. LeBeau, aka BlueThunder Eastern Shoshone Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming - - (307) 851-6249
January 17th, 2006

Greetings my Fellow Brothers, Sisters & Relatives; All Nations, My name is BlueThunder, aka Bennie LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming.

This is a message to all wisdom keepers within the Indigenous Nations of the America's. I have been asked to spread the word of White Eagle, a sacred Holy One who is working from the East-bringing message towards the west with sacred messages for peace. As an Eastern Shoshone messenger, a Peacemaker; I pray that leaders within the Dakota/Lakota Nations, Navajo Nations, Shoshone Nations, Chumash Nations, including all other Indigenous Nations that receive this message with a peace in their hearts. This is to be considered and sent out to all Leaders/Advisors and Spiritual Leaders within the Indigenous Nations of the America's. Please consider forwarding this to those influential individuals that you know far and wide.

Those that want to get in touch with me please call me at 307 851-6249 or my email at I thank you all on Behalf of White Eagle and White Thunder, Gerry Brolan as Peacemakers from the past, spiritual messages sent now that will help bring peace to the America’s. This Peacemaker White Eagle was recognized by many sacred names in the Tribal Nations of the America's and the World.

May the Great Spirit Continue to Bless Each and Everyone in Wisdom and Knowledge for Mother Earth as the Great Spirit intended within the Central Sun, the Creator our Father and our Universal Mother of Creation the Universe.

Many Zahaunts, meaning many thank you’s for your help in sending this message for peace, within the America’s for the world at large. Those leaders of men and women that receive this message I respectfully request that you consider contacting me at my telephone 307 851-6249 or my email address, Blessings Be Peace.

Bennie E. LeBeau, aka BlueThunder, Eastern Shoshone,

Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming


*Spoken Truth... Warriors of Old - 16th January 2006


The attached message was received this afternoon from White Eagle with the instructions from White Thunder to forward to All Wisdom Keepers. As you know, we do not have e-mails or addresses for them over here in the East we are asking that you Bennie (Blue Thunder) and Marshall (Golden Eagle) please help us. It has been shown that Navajo Nations, Lakota/Dakota Nations and Hopi Nations must receive this attachment as must all or as many of the Wisdom Keepers that you know between you. Please will you forward on and keep in touch with us for we have been shown we need to know who receives this message.

Many Blessings Gerry Brolan (WhiteThunder) – Lyn Shelton (MoonStar), Paul Brolan (RunningBear)


*Book Of Trust

Spoken Truth - Spiritual Messages From the Warriors of Old

Nations Unite Within Souls We Walk

Brother to my people, Saviour to many Nations.

Open with me, walk beside all.

Offer own hand of peace; Challenge no meaning Trust in all Spoken Truth

Knowledge I give, Wisdom I share.

Open the mind, share amongst those, teach through visions shown.

Feel the wisdom I bring to enable walkways of harmony to balance Nature's forces

Touch the heart and soul of those who walk within the shadows of darkness.

Radiate with the love and warmth I bring in peace.

Understand the hand I offer.

Search no more, wisdom I bring. Each Warrior bring forth meanings of the soul.

Tether no more. Wisdom Keepers unleash knowledge of old.
White Eagle

Many walkways of peace shadowed by mysteries of doubt. Each pathway shown by me throughout past time glistens with true vibrations of Natures Glory. Many wish to walk upon footsteps laid down by Ancient Ones in the hope of balancing all Tribal Nations throughout.

Each Warrior understands the true beliefs handed down through time. Peace Brothers give much from within depth of own self, teachings of wisdom shared by many who walked upon the lands that were once of plenty. Eyes closed by the blinkers of doubt change nothing; eyes open bring forth new beginnings. Walk with me along pathways of brightness. True beings of Old walk beside those of true belief. Hands cross many palms of all races, each palm toughed by those chosen by me, share the vibrations of love.

Each barrier of doubt cast shadows from which fears dwell deep within. We acknowledge those of troubled minds, peace from within will shine once more, begin the journeys forward, enhance the true meaning of life itself. Bring forth the true meaning of trust, open own heart to walk the pathway forgotten by many. I bring Truth and Honesty back for all to share, and walk beside the one who carries the hurts and sorrows for all Nations.

Walk within the Golden Rays I bring. These words I have been given to pass through the Wisdom Keepers of many Tribal Nations. I offer the openness of my being to share with many Nations the teachings I bring from many Warriors of Old to enable the worth of many to flourish and to begin the sacredness of journeys of time past.

Each Warrior of today releases energies from within to shine the true colors of Peace and Harmony for which the walkway to eternity forms the Rainbow Bridge of many colors.

White Eagle

Bennie E LeBeau, Sr., Elder spiritual leader and advisor, is an enrolled tribal member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe, Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft Washakie, Wyoming. He has many years of experience in indigenous tradition and culture with the Eastern Shoshone Tribe. Through the encouragement of his tribal elders, he studied Cultural Anthropology and Applied Indigenous Studies at Northern Arizona University, located in Flagstaff, AZ. Studying methods of communication at NAU, which now has allowed Mr. LeBeau to speak from a truly Native American perspective. An indigenous viewpoint of what needs changed in the educational institutional classrooms across America and the world.

Mr. LeBeau is a member of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth (, an organization of indigenous prophecy carriers of North America. In this capacity, he helps educate his Shoshone Nations people and other cultures to the significance of sacred sites and the indigenous prophecies. His present emphasis is: Informing all cultures of the importance of protecting and preserving all indigenous sacred sites within this country and across the world.
To teach the great significance of sacred rock art areas across the America's and the world to those who need help interpreting the landscapes of these sacred sites. And, to stress the importance of the language written within stone in the many Garden of Eden's (the original homelands of Indigenous Nations) that are currently and rapidly disappearing around the world due to uncontrolled land development.

Native American rock art sites, as well as other sites around the world provide a tremendous amount of important knowledge and wisdom, which can be combined and re-taught to other traditions and cultures of the world. The wisdom given in dreamtime to Mr. LeBeau has given him the tools and a foundation that allow him to interpret the rock art texts and the pictures written in stone [petroglyphs- rock art]. These rock art images explain historical events that have happened in the past, can happen in the present or are about to happen in the future. Additionally, medicine people [shamans, priests, priestesses, knowledgeable men/women] find important ceremonial explanations. The ancient rock art is a text of ancient healing ceremonies and knowledge's of the universe for 'all things' on Mother Earth that have been lost through the ages.

Mr. LeBeau believes there is a great need to undertake a thoughtful visionary look at all rock art sites as part of a spiritual learning experience. Regaining harmony for all things related that have an association with on Mother Earth, working to bring her back into harmony. There is a need for wisdom of the tangible and intangible spiritual aspects of all life on our Mother Earth. Our true Mother the earth gives us life. Our Father the Central Sun is known as the mysterious one to everyone across this planet. The Spoken Truth has been written in the stone writings of the original instructions of universal laws. Great visions of the past allowing us to move into the future that is present now. It's direction for mankind tells us how to stay in balance and in harmony with nature and all conscious life upon our sacred Mother, the Earth.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter Solstice and Silent Tree

Dear Family of Light,

Greetings of peace, light and love from the inner heart. Wishing everyone a Magical Solstice, a Spiritual Christmas and Blessed New Year.

Today Dec 21 is the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter and the longest night of the year. We are ending 2006 and going into 2007, the year of completion a 9. We just finished an 8 year, 2006, the symbol of infinity. When we see our eternal nature, a dot, we can time travel in infinity. You become time. So what time is it? Can you stop time or at least slow it down? As is your thoughts so will be your experience. A space between thoughts brings peace, like the space between notes in music creates harmony.

These past few days have given me a chance to see how the astros affect us. We had the Mercury transit, a couple solar and lunar eclipses in Sept and the reality of a black hole in each galaxy. Pluto is going through our galactic center and we are all vibrating at a new frequency. A couple months ago I talked about a renewed awareness of the need to be Silent and Listen, to become timeless. These 2 words have the same letters. When we listen to our higher self we can see our purpose in life and sometimes it is clearer in Silence. Take time to go to within, to a space where time is absent, in the soul world vibrating next to God.

We are in a solar cross, the Winter Solstice is the actual start of the real new year. It arrives each year sometime between Dec 20-23 (actual date varies because of our un-natural calendar)

Have you ever wondered why the "end of the year" (Nov-Dec) has more religious holidays than any other time of year? It seems every religion and culture celebrates it's most important holidays during this time - - Ramadan for Islam; Hanukah for Jews; Devali for Hindus; Christmas for Christians; Zoroastrian; Paganism; Wiccan; Quanza; all have High Holy Holidays at this time of year.

While the superstitions of the various world religions embellish their own symbolism for this time of year, all are associated with Light and rebirth of Life. Rightly so because as our Earth reaches Winter Solstice (DEC 21) , the Southern most point of the Celestial Cross at the Tropic of Capricorn, we experience the longest night and shortest day (in the northern hemisphere). The very next day is the "birth" of light as the sun appears to turn and move north. It begins to "stay up" ever so slightly longer (about 4 minutes) after it stops [solstice= sol (sun). stice (stasis), so Sun stands still].

To the average person looking at the sunrise and setting, this annual process simply looks like the sun is rising a little bit further south or north of due east each day. More info at

So imagine the sun in your third eye and you expand to become the solar system, planets revolve around you and you hold earth in between your hands, a golden light shines from the 3rd eye, a blue light from your heart and a red-green light from your eyes. We heal the earth with our thoughts and imagination.

Going deeper into Silence, we slow down our thoughts and peace is the result. We feel the Soul World is our true home. It is like I am swimming in an ocean of peace…. nirvana, beyond sound and I am just a seed of light dancing with dolphins, angels and my family od star beings. No worries of the world down below.

We are beings of peace, so why not become peace in action with a generous dose of love.

Listen to God, really listen….. He is only a thought away and loves you more than you can imagine. We can be at our darkest night, but there is a wonderful Light at the end of the tunnel. You are connected to that Light and He Loves you, now and forever. So smile and be happy!

When we feel that Energy, that original peace that has no words, then the heart opens like a flower. You love the true U, a point of light, love each other then God smiles. One smile from God can heal a million broken hearts. Love flows in timeless directions and Peace is my birthright. Your heart is healed and all the past is just a cosmic video.

Wisdom is knowing this world is just a stage to express your divinity. When you see that Eternal Light and remember who You really are…then Listening with an open heart becomes a way of life. Listen and be Silent, this can set you free.

Many around the world are celebrating Christmas, the memory of the birth of Christ. But it is also a memory of the Christ Consciousness within each one to awaken. Christ came to show God's Love and His Memory will live forever.

That Love endures today, but how many of us really Love without expectations. Do you really Love yourself and everyone around you? Can you forgive that one person that caused you pain many years ago or today? Past is past and letting go is great freedom. Somehow your higher self is always showing you back to perfection to God's path of gentleness.

This is Love in action. Peace with no reaction.

The Christmas Tree is the symbol of the world family tree with all the major religions as branches and a Golden and Silver age as a trunk. God is the Seed of this magical tree and He sent his children Abraham, Christ, Buddha and Mohammad to show the way home. We are a global family and everyone is your brother and sister, so why the fighting? Maybe we have forgotten how to Love, maybe we forgotten who we really are, maybe we have become so lost in the maze and the gifts that God is giving us everyday. These gifts are our true virtues and powers and they are only a thought away. You have them now deep in your soul….Love, Peace, Wisdom, Purity, Power and Happiness. This is what we were and will become again. So there is Hope for the Future, that is the message of the new born child. If Jesus were to appear to you today as a child, would you not feel the innocence that is in your heart?

Return to your original nature and be at peace with the world. Don't focus on the war, your imperfection or the past, live in the present and receive God's Presents for you now. He can see your past, present and future and only has the highest thoughts for you, so do the same for others and yourself.

The Winter Solstice is a time of magic. In the South it is the Summer Solstice. Its true meaning is the "Sun stands still. " Let you inner sun be still, silent and listen. Look within you and feel the new U coming into being. Who are we really but the ancestor souls, the roots of the tree connected to the Master Seed who awakens the World Tree.

These days I have been feeling God's energy on the planet and it is like He is saying, "OK children it is time to create a shift to unify the world through music, art and film. My dream has always been to heal my fellow brothers and sisters with sound, light and color, or wisdom, peace and happiness. When the sound of wisdom, lights our inner peace then happiness is the result. When you see how great you are an Awakening occurs and nothing is the same.

In this New Year of 2007 and during these special days of the Solstice and Christmas, listen more to God and your higher self, spend more time being silent and let the love in your heart heal the world.

When you heal the world, then you are automatically healed and all your dreams will come true. Use your Heart. I got an email from of Go Gratitude

'Heartist' is a (k)new word, yet officially in the
dictionary, though its meaning is transparent and
easily received.

Quite simply it is this:

One who creates from the heart.

Imagine for a moment your favorite song ...

Let this melody play within your frame, re-awakening
Love, Joy, Grace and Gratitude presently stored as
emotion through the power of cellular memory.
Take notice of the shift within your being, enjoying
being wrapped once again in the bliss of this vibrational

Sri Chimnoy, a well known spiritual teacher, wisely
praises the power of song like this:

"My heart is all gratitude to music,
for it keeps me all the time in touch with my
Universal Self."

When we intentionally expose our bodies to frequencies
resonating with Love and Gratitude, our mind-body-spirit
remembers how to pattern itself after perfection ... releasing
a spirited mix of kundalini cocktails to relax, rejuvenate
and re-(k)new our earthly being-ness.

Flow like a river of love returning to the Ocean and feel the Magic of being a Master, a seed of light creating heaven on earth. The Supreme Being, the Light of the World is with you, so why not share that light with the world. You are powerful beyond measure. We are the ones the world is waiting for.
Open the Heart and let the Light shine thru.

Much love and blessings,

Lucho L Condor
See my you tube site,

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Time, Pluto & Energy

Dear Family of Light,

Hope everyone is well and in tune with the inner fire. These past few days have given me a chance to reflect on Energy, Pluto and Time.

Energy- the soul in action creating pure thoughts to affect change, Time changes and soul awakens.
All is energy in motion creating time vortexes.

Pluto- Great transformer, God of the Dead.
From Greek Ploutn, from ploutos, wealth (belief that the underworld was the source of wealth from the ground) True spiritual wealth is knowledge, underground - hidden.
Pluto also is Plutonium- a radioactive, metallic chemical element. It has the symbol Pu and the atomic number 94. It is the element used in most modern nuclear weapons. Would not the God of the Dead, use radioactive energy to transform humankind back to gods and goddess? More on that later....

Time- We are Time. My awareness is my soul, spiritual clock. I-Light, eternal spark of creation, the soul move time as we move through space and time, if we are not moving or or time would stop. You would step out of this time and enter timeless time or maybe come back into time and another birth. If you can slow your thoughts you can slow time.

This past week I saw a Discovery program where astronomers now see a black hole in the center of ever galaxy. Imagine that a doorway to another world or a time vortex.
See news from

So what will happen when Pluto crosses the Galactic Center? I see a pulse of magnetic UV light that will awaken humanity to a new awareness. We will be able to see the Golden Age dawn before us and understand we were gods and goddess all along...

Changes are a Master of Time and move Energy to heal the World.

Much love,

Consider the Whole Sky. The word "consider" comes from root words literally meaning "examine the stars." In examining the stars and all of Creation, Whole Sky astrology provides the baseline of astrology for the 21st Century and beyond. This view of the Universe allows for examination and understanding of objects outside the confines of our solar system, and is not confined to a narrow plane of sight. Like it or not, objects in space profoundly affect us. Our Sun involuntarily revolves around the Galactic Center, much like the Earth does around the Sun. Our Galaxy rotates around another nucleus of thirty-odd galaxies, the Super Galactic Center. All this draws toward an enigmatic point known as the Great Attractor. The relationship of Earth to all these points (and everything else in Creation) remains undeniable. Other objects bombard us with high energy beams that dramatically impact the energy system of the body. Understanding what is out there and how it affects us connects us more to the point of Galactic Origin, enables an understanding of the "vibes" we feel, offers a deeper understanding of our psychological constitution, assists us in coping with the real world, and above all, opens the door for a clearer spiritual belief system.

Pluto, the Galactic Center and Enlightenment (published December 1, 2005)

"This era exceeds, for physical, symbolic and enlightenment purposes, the significance of the expiration of the Mayan Calendar."

- Philip Sedgwick

In 2006 and 2007, Pluto will align with the Galactic Center three times, ushering in an unprecedented period of cosmic awareness and healing. This passage will also be marked by chaos and turmoil.

Pluto's conjunction with the Galactic Center occurs only once every 248 years. While some astrologers report Pluto as conjunct the exact center of our galaxy earlier in the year, the alignments are actually in late December 2006 and again in July and October of 2007.

Because of Pluto's proximity to the degree of the Galactic Center (26'55" Sagittarius) throughout 2006, we will feel the effects all year.

How each of us experiences this transit will depend on our consciousness.

Pluto is the spiritual plunger of the solar system, forcing us to face issues submerged in the unconscious that hold us back from our highest expression of divinity. The Galactic Center is a black hole around which our Sun and other planetary systems revolve.

The nature of black holes, and Pluto, is annihilation.

Pluto's passage over the Galactic Center will accelerate the natural process the Hopi refer to as the Great Purification. As a transpersonal planet, Pluto influences the collective consciousness as well as the individual. Watch for political upheaval, revolution and chaos, as well as Earth changes that restore balance to human systems and the natural world.

In December 2005, we're put on notice. This is the time for Lightworkers to heal spiritual, mental, emotional and physical imbalances in preparation for the changes to come in 2006 and beyond.

A crescendo of emotional release and fulfillment culminates in the Gemini Full Moon on December 15. Between now and then, our priority is to acknowledge and release patterns from our past that will not be carried into the new cycle.

Key issues for Lightworkers during this phase include:

- Self-esteem not cultivated in childhood must be nurtured now in order to achieve greater expressions of creativity and leadership.

- Ego imbalances will be corrected. As you recognize and heal issues of low self-esteem and create a unique, individuated identity, check in often to be sure you're operating from essence, not ego.

- Patterns of codependency must be released. Healing codependent patterns requires periods of solitude to develop right relationship with self and Source, which eventually leads to healthy relationships with others.

- Addictions of all kinds - to substances, relationships, activities, even feelings - are obstacles to soul growth and need to be released.

- Recognize and rewrite thoughts and beliefs that hinder your experience of yourself as Infinite Divine Light.

- Heal the illusion of separation that stems from "original separation" when your soul individuated and descended from Source to experience growth through human experience.

On the path of healing these karmic issues, we encounter many forms of resistance. Emotional outbursts, rage, hysteria, anxiety, depression, illness, accidents, body aches, digestive problems, allergies, acute pain and injuries, chemical and other dependencies are some of the experiences we create as we begin to break away from past patterns.

As we grow in awareness, we begin to welcome these challenges as confirmation that we're making progress!

Meanwhile, strategies that will help you through the changes include…

- Daily meditation. Twice a day, at least 15 minutes each time, will help you ground, center, reconnect with Source, and integrate the changes on all levels.

- Develop a support network with others on the path of mastery. Release non-supportive relationships that attempt to hold you in past patterns.

- Set clear intentions and express them in ceremony, prayer, poem, dance, song and/or art.

- Explore transformational healing tools including energy and bodywork, essential oils, flower essences and sacred sound.

Many astrologers have been writing and speaking about Pluto's alignment with the Galactic Center in 2006-2007. Some presentations are fear-based, some hopeful. While the effects of these conjunctions will be dramatic and far-reaching, they'll serve to strengthen and unify us as the shift to higher consciousness intensifies.

As the World Shifts

If you thought the past few years were exhilarating, exhausting and exuberant, wait till you see what's ahead.

The countdown to the Golden Age is on. As vast cycles of cosmic time come to a close, new and wondrous cycles are beginning. We live in the transition period, the Shift of the Ages.

The Mayan calendar teaches that the evolution of consciousness is accelerating. There's a 25-year window from the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987 through the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012. During this period, special planetary alignments guide us in an accelerated learning lab.

The Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999, catalyzed a mass spiritual awakening. This signpost in the heavens was a turning point, a wake-up call for Lightworkers to move more fully into their path of service.

In 2001 and 2002, Saturn and Pluto faced off with three exact oppositions that reshaped our world. Most memorably, the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., occurred between the dates of the first two oppositions in 2001.

By 2003, planetary servers had expanded their base of experience, and on November 8/9, 2003, solidified their commitment as six planets created an elegant Star of David/Merkabah pattern in the sky. This alignment, known as the Harmonic Concordance, opened a portal of divine consciousness and called us to a deeper level of union and service.

Last year, Venus danced with Pluto and crossed the face of the Sun in the historic Transit of Venus, transforming our ideals of love and abundance.

At the end of 2005, we stand at the threshold of a major new passage, the conjunction of Pluto, God of the Underworld, with the very center of our galaxy. The Galactic Center is a place of mystery and awe. From the black hole at its center, entire worlds are obliterated, or formed.

Pluto's conjunction with the Galactic Center in 2006-2007 is at least as important as the ending of the Mayan Calendar just seven years from now. Pluto roots out spiritual sludge and brings to light issues held deep within the subconscious. The effects of this transit will be felt individually, collectively and throughout the cosmos.

The Pluto alignment offers a gift of profound healing, potential enlightenment, new levels of service. On this Sagittarius New Moon, may we aim like the archer for the stars as we prepare for the next round of transformation.

I am rebirth
Let me dance you to death
Let me dance you to life
Will you walk through your fears to dance with me?

- The Goddess Kali

Over the next 18 months, the transformation of consciousness on planet Earth will take a quantum leap. As we stand at the threshold of this cosmic opportunity, we have a simple choice – to be guided and empowered by love, or to allow fear to squelch our divine, creative potential.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

God's Descent- Day of Thanks

First a special Happy Thanksgiving and a may all our blessings be counted today. Many years ago some pilgrims came to a new world and it was not easy. They had to begin everything anew and left behind family and friends. We look up to God and say Thanks for all He has given us.
Now it is a national holiday and turkey is on most peoples mind.

But when I think about given thanks to God, my mind goes back 20 years when I first had an experience of God as Light. My life at that time was a mess and now 20 years later I knew God had a plan for me. Not always clear at the beginning, but I had faith and knew we lived in times of change. There is so much I have written in the past few years that I could fill a couple books.
I write first for myself and as a way of documenting my thoughts and just for the joy of putting things in digital. Sometime I write and wonder who is really writing. I see myself as an instrument for God and sometimes we just have to say what is on our mind.

These past few days I have been thinking about the descent of God to Earth.
So many people have had experiences of God in the past and He has promised that one day He will return. Today I had an email exchange with a fellow Raja Yogi and we were discussing this topic.

Why have fear in telling your friends the truth about God and how He comes. Sooner or later each soul will understand and Truth will stand by itself. When I teach the Raja Yoga Course, I am very clear and honest. My job is simple, to present the truth about you the soul, God’s role as the Teacher and Loving Father and the time we are in, a Confluence Age, an end of a cycle and a new World to come.

In the Gita it says, God Speaks... But how does he speak? Can it be true that God comes to earth like a thief in the night and teaches the souls that will be instruments to create a new world?

In India we see images of Krishna playing a flute or Murli, (Hindi for flute). All the gopes and gopis, lovers of God come running to hear the music of Krishna. What if I told you I have met the soul who is the reincarnation of Krishna. You many not believe it, but for me it is my truth. Reading the murli’s and going to Mt Abu to experience God first hand has been my saving grace.

So my question, when do I tell the world the truth of what I know?

What if I told you that for the past 20 years, I have had a personal experience with God? He has changed my life in ways you would never imagine. Just ask my parents. They say if it wasn’t for the Brahma Kumaris, I would be dead. That is the truth.

So let’s go back to the Bible.

The last of the 66 books in the Bible, the Revelation, speaks about the end of the world and Judgment Day where humans have to do their reckoning, after which they will go to Paradise or Hell. For me- this is world is Hell and Heaven is something we create now with our pure thoughts. In a cycle of time, we return to perfection. As is the past will become the future, and the future will become the past. Time is eternal, as we souls are eternal. Energy is in constant change it can never be created or destroyed. We are spiritual energy.

In my studies of Raja Yoga we teach time is reaching a climax. Just look at the situation of the world, so many wars, nature out of balance and the threat of a nuclear explosion very real. Just see what the military is planning. Read more at Global Research.

Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?

by Michel Chossudovsky
The new nuclear doctrine, however, goes beyond preemptive acts of "self-defense", it calls for "anticipatory action" using nuclear weapons against a "rogue enemy" which allegedly plans to develop WMD at some undefined future date:
Responsible security planning requires preparation for threats that are possible, though perhaps unlikely today. The lessons of military history remain clear: unpredictable, irrational conflicts occur. Military forces must prepare to counter weapons and capabilities that exist or will exist in the near term even if no immediate likely scenarios for war are at hand. To maximize deterrence of WMD use, it is essential US forces prepare to use nuclear weapons effectively and that US forces are determined to employ nuclear weapons if necessary to prevent or retaliate against WMD use.
Nukes would serve to prevent a non-existent WMD program (e.g. Iran) prior to its development. This twisted formulation goes far beyond the premises of the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review and NPSD 17. which state that the US can retaliate with nuclear weapons if attacked with WMD. --End Quote--
So if you were a prophet and have seen the future what would you do?
The big question on everyone’s mind is when, what date. God can not tell us when the war will begin, but He does give warning signals. I have been getting these signals and as a writer, I put it down in digital. This is my life story. Only once in the whole cycle do you get to experience a direct relationship with God. He gives you a pen and says, write your whole story, a story of the angels, the deities and the Brahmin family, a story of you and me. We create our whole future now, by the love we share, the wisdom we acquire, the purity of the soul and the service we do.

Jesus himself once said "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom" (Matthew 16:28).

I have always thought about the quote in the Bible where God says He will come like a thief in the night and very few will recognize him.
.. Joel 2:1-9: ..for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;[...] they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. "
.. Matthew 24:43: "But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up."
.. Revelation 3:3: If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."
.. Revelation 16:15: "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth [...]"
.. 1st. Thessalonians 5:2: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night".

Do I want any of my friends to say to me, hey Lucho, Prakash you never told me God was teaching you. Well now you know and the descent of God is for all to question.
So I did a search on Google and put ..Descent of God.. This came up.

| BrahmaKumaris ||- The Seat of Highest Universal Learning
The Divine Descent of God. Once Dada was sitting in a satsang (spiritual gathering) which he had arranged in honor of his guru. ... - 1


The Divine Descent of God
Once Dada was sitting in a satsang (spiritual gathering) which he had arranged in honor of his guru. In between he got up and went to his room, which he had never done in his life, for it was a sign of disrespect. The following is the description of one of the persons who had the good fortune of being there.

..The eyes of Dada had become completely red, as if a red light was glowing inside him. His whole face had become red, and even the room was now illumined, with reddish, otherworldly glow. And something began to happen inside me too! I felt bodiless! How can I describe it? I was there and yet I wasn’t. I was simply light. My mind felt clearer than it ever had been. I heard a sound from above. It was as if through the mouth of Dada, Someone else was speaking! That voice was so very quiet at first, then it grew louder and louder. It was stunning, not frightening, but simply awe-inspiring. The voice spoke thus:

Nijanand Rupam Shivoham Shivoham
Gyan Swarupam Shivoham Shivoham
Prakash Swarupam Shivoham Shivoham
Nijanand Swarup, Gyan Swarup, Prakash Swarup


I am the Blissful Self, I am Shiva; I am Shiva ...
I am the Knowledgeful Self, I am Shiva; I am Shiva ..
I am the Luminous Self, I am Shiva; I am Shiva ..
I am the Form of Self, the Form of Knowledge, the Form of Light.

To this day, I cannot forget that voice, nor that scene. The atmosphere was electric, more than realm and my condition of feeling as if without a body is still alive in my memory. As soon as Dada opened his eyes, he started looking around with great wonder. Whatever he had seen had jolted to the core of his being.

During that time, Dada saw tremendous Light and Power which told, “You have to make such a world.” And he had the vision of an altogether new world. But he did not know how that world was to be made. How shall he be able to make such a world?
Dada fell into deep, deep thought. He immersed himself in the work of solving the mystery of this unparalleled event. ..Who was that? What kind of power could give him such visions, such knowledge, such self-realization? Gradually he unraveled the logic and the implications of it all; the secret was unveiled to his astounded intellect.

Based on our real life experiences we clearly know that it was God, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, Himself, had entered into his body. It was God who had revealed the truth about the coming destruction, and of the establishment of the heavenly world which would then follow. And it was God Himself who had given the sign that he, Dada, was to be His medium and the engine for creating such a divine world.

I have seen this world to come in visions and dreams. It is very real and my own personal experience. You may not accept all I have to say, but the important thing is to have an unlimited mind and open heart.

So there you have it, the first in a series of articles about God’s Descent on Earth.
I give thanks for the chance to reveal an open secret...

Many blessings, much love and Happy Thanks Giving,

Lucho ~ Prakash

Friday, November 10, 2006

Kogi Message of Peace

The KOGI, Lost Tribe with a Message of Peace
By Luis Mejia (L CONDOR)

Around 20 years ago I saw an amazing video called from the “Heart of the World.” It was about a unique Indigenous community that lived in Northern Colombia who say they are keeping the world in balance. I was so impressed because they are still living with the same spiritual values and traditions of their ancestors, but the ecological warning the Kogi’s shared touched a nerve.

I was born in Bogota, Colombia in 1959 and came to the US in 1960, so I never had a chance to really understand my roots and my Colombian heritage. When I saw how the Kogi lived I was determined to find a way to meet them. The only problem was they don’t like tourists and getting into their land is very difficult, not to mention that today there is para-military control, a FRAC guerrillas army that has riches beyond description and senseless killing. 40 year civil war that has no end in sight.

In May 1995 I moved to Brazil to work for Ford Motor Company to promote an internal communications campaign called Ford 2000 in Latin America. Then I spent 1 year at the World Headquarters in Detroit working in the International Public Affairs covering Asia, India and Latin America. Life was good but deep down I had a need to understand my roots. In April of 1997, I went to Colombia on a business trip and met some people who had just returned from the Sierra Nevada where the Kogi live. I was having major synchronicities about the Kogi and my heart kept feeling I needed to find a way to communicate with them.

In June of 1997 a lifelong dream came true for me. I had just took a leave of absence from my job at Ford and decided to go to an Indigenous conference in the Amazon region of Colombia. It was called the “2nd International Gathering of Priest and Elders of the Americas.” When I arrived I started helping with the logistics of the conference. We were expecting about 300 elders from more than 13 countries. That event changed my life and I made a promise to my Kogi brothers that one day I would return and help them out. I have been back to the sacred mountain 7 times and each time the situation gets mote intense.

This past summer ( April-Sept 2006) I have been living in Bogota planning the final details of the Kogi film and media campaign. I had a chance to go to the Sierra and meet the elders in charge and understand th real needs of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the people suffering there.

The campaign will have 3 key objectives:
* To raise awareness of the critical situation the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is in and the humanitarian crisis of the Native Peoples including the Kogi, Arhuaco and Wiwa.
* Bring medical supplies and smiles to Children and Hospitals in Santa Marta and Bogota. Partnership with Airline Ambassadors
Create Music & Films 4 Peace- Concert for Harmony,

Funds raised go to buy land and communications equipment --Juanes, Carlos Vives, Santana will be invited. Partnership with Daniel Pearl Foundation, Harmony for Humanity

The civil and drug war going on in Colombia right now has taken a toll on the native population and people are being killed without justice and deep fear. The Kogi and all the tribes in the Sierra are asking for help and the time has come to hear the call.

A little history …..

More than 500 years ago the Kogi fled high into a sacred mountain in Northern Colombia called the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Spanish had arrived and the message was not good. They believe the Sierra Nevada to be the “Mother” and the “Heart of the World.” The Sierra Nevada, in the shape of a pyramid is where the Andes chain begins or ends, depending on your perspective. If you look at the Andes, the Sierra is the crown chakra or top most part of South America. It is like a spinal column and the sacred mountain is the 3 eye. The Kogi are unique among the world’s Indigenous cultures because they were never conquered by the Spaniards. They are said to have memory of the beginning of time and remember the rampage the conquistadors brought to their region in 1498.

In 1988 the Kogi allowed a BBC journalist Alain Ereira to film a documentary about their culture. This was a historic event. No western journalists have been allowed to return and the Kogi remained silent observing the ecological destruction they have seen from their mountain-top. Very few Colombians dare enter into their territory and few know they exist.

In June of 1997, I was invited to visit the Kogi. This created a bond of friendship and trust. They are now ready to share their next warning and message to the “Younger Brother.” We are the “Younger Brother” who are destroying the Earth and causing an ecological imbalance that may affect future generations to come.

Who are they?
The Kogi are the direct descendants of the Tayrona civilization. The Tayrona culture flourished in Northern Colombia around 1,000 AD. They left behind stunning gold artwork, stone and pottery artifacts and an amazing network of brick roads covering the Sierra Nevada. Kogi society has changed little in the past five centuries. They survived as a culture because the Kogi focus all their energy on the life of the mind as opposed to the life of a body or an individual. Fundamental to that survival is the maintenance of physical separation from their world and our own. The Kogi do not allow anyone into their land. They are very protective of their sacred space and the dense jungle is not kind to tourists.

As of 2006, it is estimated there are 12,000 Kogi’s left.

Where do they live?
The Kogi live in the higher regions of the Sierra Nevada. Many self-sustaining communities are on the Western part of the Mountain accessible through Valledupar, which is located in the State of Cesar. The Sierra Nevada is the highest coastal mountain in the world only 26 miles from the beach. It is located near the Equator, which means it has no seasons. Day and night are of equal length all year round. It has every eco-system in its 17,000 km2 area. The highest peek is the Pico Simon Bolivar at 5,775 mtrs. So in this mountain area all the eco-systems of earth are present creating a mini earth. From the sea the mountain goes straight to snow capped peaks.

Why are they unique?
The Kogi represent the most complete surviving civilization of pre-Columbian America. They are not hunter-gatherers or a wondering tribe. They are a nation whose fields have been continuously cultivated for more than a thousand years.
The Kogi believe they are the “Elder Brothers,” the guardians of life on Earth. Through their mind power and meditation they keep the world in balance. They live in “Aluna,” an inner world of thought and potential. They are now concerned because their Mountain is dying.

Everything about their history and religion is passed down through oral instructions and their lives are run by the spiritual leaders or Shamans named “Mamas.” The Kogi Mamas are chosen from birth and spend the first nine years of childhood in a cave in total darkness learning the ancient secrets of the spiritual world or Aluna. They are the priests and judges who control Kogi society. All major decisions and shamanic work is done by Divination. All is the world of Aluna, so the Mamas see a reflection of the physical world first in the spiritual world. If Aluna is the Mother, then the Kogi listen to the Mother by divining. This lost technique of divination is what keeps the Kogi world in balance and order. The Mamas are worried that the “Younger Brother” has not heeded the first warning. If the Sierra Nevada or the Mother dies, the world will also die.
Of unique importance is that the Kogi are a peaceful tribe that have never killed one of their own and rarely intermarry. They never grow gray hair and have no facial hair. They can spend 9 days awake without sleep during their ceremonial rites.
They are now beginning to learn Spanish because they realize the importance of communicating with the outside world. They also need to understand the Colombian Government’s laws regarding the Sierra Nevada, which was named a Historical Heritage by UNESCO and a National Park by the Colombian Government.

This past Oct, 2006 we formed an alliance with the UNPD in Bogota and will be helping raise funds and awareness for a campaign to buy their sacred land back.

The Kogi have a lot to teach us. Are we ready to listen?

More info on our web at

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mercury Transit Today 2:12 pm EST

Mercury will glide across our Sun... a magical day.

See it live today ...2:00 pm exact at 2:15...
japan site

Dear Family of Light,

Have you felt the energy in the sky, did you know a comet dove into our Sun on Nov 5th, did the past full moon in Taurus -Scorpio knock u out? Is the Universe out of site? Well hold on tight now we have another sign in the sky night or sunset, where ever u are

Nov 8th, tomorrow a major significant celestial event will take place in our solar system. Mercury the closest planet to the sun, the communicator, the iron core dwarf will cross the face of the Sun.

The first bite of Mercury appears on the solar disk's edge at 2:12 P.M. EST (11:12 A.M. PST). This moment is called "first contact," and it signifies the transit's start. People throughout North and South America and in Hawaii will witness this stage. About 2 minutes later, Mercury's entire disk appears against the Sun's face — second contact. Over the following 4 hours and 54 minutes, Mercury's dark silhouette traverses the Sun's southern hemisphere. At Mercury's distance of 63 million miles from Earth, the planet's 3,000-mile-wide disk spans a mere 10".

Mercury reaches the midpoint of the transit at 4:41 P.M. EST (1:41 P.M. PST), and the Sun sets soon after along the U.S. eastern seaboard.

The transit's end will be visible only from west of the Rocky Mountains. Third contact occurs at 4:08 P.M. PST, followed 2 minutes later by the transit's conclusion. Residents of Hawaii and New Zealand can see the entire event. The transit's final stages can be viewed from Australia, Japan, and eastern Asia, where the Sun rises with the transit in progress.

Mercury transits can occur only in May or November, when the planet crosses the ecliptic plane. And they happen rarely — 13 or 14 times per century. The next Mercury transit occurs May 9, 2016.

Mercury will track closer to the Sun's center during this month's transit. So imagine our Sun and your inner sun being awakened by a cosmic beeper. We still have the effect of the Ultra Violet meditation of Oct 17 and my feeling is anything can happen suddenly. Be ever ready and flow like a river. Who are we but the ones who use the energy to shift the planet to a higher plane

Remember Venus...This transit takes place 2 years 5 months and some twelve hours after the Venus transit of June 8, 2004. One observation of the possible effects of the Venus transit involved the unusual and difficult blooming pattern seen in yarrow plants in the following year. Perhaps other plant species which are thought to relate to the planet Venus were also affected, but certainly, the yarrow definitely seemed to be experiencing problems. One could presume that with a Mercury transit, we might observe chamomile plants very closely to see if they experience a similar difficulty in their growth patterns, since chamomile is almost universally seen as having a connection to the planet Mercury. A Mercury transit takes place with approximately thirteen to fourteen transits each century while a Venus transits occurs with approximately the same thirteen to fourteen transits each 1000 years.

The transit of Mercury may well have an effect on the Warmth forces emanating from the Sun, especially if Mercury has the same capability of "eating up the light" from the Sun that Rudolf Steiner ascribed to a Venus transit. If that capability exists, Mercury's smaller size may diminish its effect well below the effect that Venus may have had. It will be interesting to see whether the Mercury transit results in an increase or a decrease of Warmth forces over the next few months.

(Source from Susan Weed)

So what to do, become the planet Mercury. An ancient God from Greek times.

The principal holiday for the merchant god was Mercuralia, May 15th. Among the Celtics and Germans existed cults of Mercury worshippers.

As one of the five "moving stars" or "planets", Mercury's name is the origin of "Wednesday." In French, this is 'mercredi', coming from the Latin 'Mercurii dies', or Mercury's day.

Hermes served as messenger for Zeus (though sometimes he job-shares with Iris, the goddess of the dawn) and as sometime conductor of souls of the dead to Hades. He was also known as "the guide and giver of good." As one of Jupiter's favorites (as Mercury) he was considered the most entertaining, the most shrewd and the most resourceful god. When Jupiter tired of Olympus, he chose Mercury to accompany him on forays to Earth, both disguised as mortals.

In his job as messenger, he wears a broad-rimmed traveller's hat called a petasos or petasus, talaria or winged sandals made "of imperishable gold which bore him swift as a breath of air over sea and earth," and carries a cadeuceus or herald's staff around which serpents or ribbons may be found. The cadeuceus is said to be able to charm men's eyes to sleep. He also carries a purse (more like a money-bag actually....). The purse signifies his role as the Greek god of riches, trade and good fortune and the Roman god of trade, profit, merchants and travelers. He took over the latter job from the Dei Lucre, early Roman deities of commerce. Hermes also changed his name to Mercury. Among his personal favorite commercial activities was the corn trade. Mercury's relationship to business and speed survive in words like "mercurial" and mercantile." Because of his speed he is sometimes considered a god of the winds.

To the Babylonians he was viewed as the bearer of riches. To the astrologers of the Renaissance he was the bringer of misfortune.

Mercury's `corporate logo' is often described as representing the messenger's cadeuceus or wand with two snakes curled around it. In some versions of the logo's origin it is said to be Mercury in his winged hat or petasos.

To the Germans he was Wodan.
To the Greeks he was also known as Alipes (the one with winged feet).
To the pre-Roman Etruscans he was Turms, guide of the deceased to the underworld, and messenger of the gods.
To the Egyptians he was known as messenger of the gods Thoth. As such he was the origin of the deity Hermes Trismegistus, or "Thrice-great Hermes." The three part title comes from this version of Hermes being the Greek writer of astrological texts and responsible for occult arts including alchemy, and the Egyptian god who invented hieroglyphics and calendar-keeping and also judged the souls of the deceased.
To the Sumerians he was Gud, a god favoring welcome rains, agricultural fertility and harvest abundance.

To the Assyrians he was Nabu, the "herald." Instead of being the messenger of the gods, he was the heavenly secretary, keeping track of the words of the gods. This also made him the Assyrian god of knowledge and the recorder of fate for people for the next year.

So use your imagination and be the messenger for the world.
Take time and talk with God and let go of the fears. You have many riches within and time to reap the harvest of good thoughts.

Enjoy the times we are in as U are the time clock and time traveler.

From the heart,



For more information and to watch the event live, go to:

On November 8, 2006, Mercury will slowly slide across the face of the sun during an event known as a transit. A transit of Mercury is relatively rare—there are only about a dozen in a century.

The Exploratorium’s Live@ crew will be at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, and, with the Kitt Peak staff, will Webcast the transit: a live five-hour telescope-only feed beginning at 11:00 am PST.

The transit will take place from 11:12 a.m. PST until 4:10 p.m. PST and will be visible from the Pacific, the Americas, eastern Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, although some locations will not be able to see the entire transit. Because of Mercury’s diminutive size, the transit cannot be seen with the unaided eye, but it can be viewed with a telescope (with the proper filter) or with a homemade optical projector.

The Comet story ---
DEATH PLUNGE: Yesterday, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) caught a comet plunging toward the sun. It went in--but not out again. The sungrazing comet disintegrated like an ice cube in an oven. See the movie: large, small.

TRANSIT OF MERCURY: On Wednesday, Nov. 8th, Mercury will transit the sun, crossing from one side of the star to the other in just five hours. En route, it might eclipse sunspot 921. Greg Piepol of Rockville, Maryland, prepared this animation showing the path of Mercury and the expected position of the sunspot on Nov. 8th:

In Greg's simulation, the background image is real. He took it on Nov. 3rd using his Coronado SolarMax90. The photo was rotated just as the sun spins to move the sunspot into position for the transit. Bulls-eye! 921 is going to provide a pleasing backdrop for Mercury's journey across the sun.

2006 Transit of Mercury -- an overview from Science@NASA
* Safe viewing tips and solar filters
* Photo & Art Contest
* live webcasts: from Japan; from Kitt Peak; from Hawaii; from NASA;


Friday, October 27, 2006

Wayuu Women elder in Spanish

Wayuu Women elder in Spanish
Her is another test of my new video online skills, not perfect yet but working on it. This is Deborah Barrios, a Wayuu women elder and leader of her clan protesting at a Resistencia en la Playa event in Miami.

In 2004 the Para-military, AUC came into her town and killed more than 20 people including 5 of her family. To this day nothing has been done and she fears for her life as she has gotten death threats. The Guajira is in North East Colombia and has the largest open coal mine in the world. Glencore a Swiss company is exploiting the area and causing major health concerns as well as eco-damage.

The Carbones de La Jagua (formerly 'Caribe') mine is located in La Jagua, Colombia. Coal is exported through Prodeco's port facility in Santa Marta. The Glencore interest was acquired through a subsidiary in January 2005. The destruciton of families and the environment is without merit. Please send your concerns to Glencore.

See this link.

wayyyuu 2.wmv

Distrub War...

wayyyuu 2.wmv

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Open Letter to News Media, Real War in Colombia?

Dear Chris & Steve, AP News, NY Times, El Espectador,

My name is Luis Mejia and I am doing a documentary on the Colombia Peace process with an Indigenous focus. We aim to report a balanced version of the the crisis in Colombia.

Chris, I read your report on New Trade Perks in the LA Times and we can see the US has a big interest in signing a free trade deal with Colombia.
But at what cost?

I was also surprised to see the AP report in the Miami Herald, page 8A. Oct 23, 2006 , which says, "The government blames the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, better know as FARC, for the blast, which injured 23.

The FARC have yet to comment on the explosion"

They have commented and there seems to be more questions than answers.
See news attached.

My concern is that the news has reported the FARC is responsible for this grave act of horror and the evidence points to a covert operation.

I am a journalist and film maker and wish to see if any evidence proves this was the FARC or another US backed 9-11 coverup.
I do not support the FARC or any illegal armed group, but find it hard to believe this act of terrorism with a military dressed personal and a camera that was not working at the time is all the evidence available.
Quote from Indy Media-

Para buena parte de la opinión pública este atentado puede haber sido también un montaje, teniendo en cuenta que la zona afectada fue una de las más custodiadas y que, se ha dicho en los medios, que la persona que dejó el vehículo con los explosivos hasta el lugar vestía un uniforme de la Armada Nacional, portaba un carné y el carro estaba matriculado para entrar en el sitio, y además coincidencialmente la cámara de seguridad encargada de registrar a las personas que entran en automóvil al complejo militar se había dañado.

Good part of public opinion regarding this attack thinks it is a setup, montage...
The zone which was affected, high security, and reported in local media,that the person that left the vehicle with explosives wore a uniform of the National Armada, had credentials and the car was registered to enter the place, and coincidentally the security camera that registers everyone entering the military complex was broken.

Another concern is this quote from same AP article--

"The FARC previously demanded the zone be demilitarized to allow rebel negotiators to meet with the government and discuss a possible swap of around 500 imprisoned rebels for about 60 kidnapped prominent Colombians, including ex-presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three American defense contractors.

Solorzano said that the number of rebels in the municipalities, located in the province of Valle, has risen in recent months, possibly as the guerrilla group prepared for talks.

Uribe said the only option left for freeing the hostages is military rescue, something bitterly opposed by the families of the kidnapped who fear their loved ones may die in the crossfire." End quote-

So resort to war and military rescue and call of a dialogue for peace? When will the blood shed end?

Why is the media not asking the right questions?

Where is the truth about the real Plan Colombia and the US backed war?
The fumigation war is a genocide on our Indigenous people, all children without a voice and a grave concern to the future of Colombia’s agriculture and water supply.

Adam Isacson said it well in his report to Center of International Policy,

Since Plan Colombia began in 2000, we have seen $4.7 billion spent and 2,500 square miles sprayed with herbicides. Yet U.S. government satellites found more coca in Colombia last year than they did in 2000, while cocaine and heroin street prices have actually declined.

Coca cultivation will decrease only when Colombia can govern its rural areas, where more than 75 percent of the people live in poverty.

Those who insist on spraying instead of governing are doing a disservice to Colombia’s police officers by forcing them to face mortal danger for a strategy that isn’t working.


Director of Programs

Center for International Policy

Please see news below and please offer your readers a balanced report.

Thanks and all the best,
Luis Mejia

Tribal Ink News & The Womb Radio/ TV

Editors note-
This is a updated version, once read need to add more info.
Emails sent & time-

Date: Oct 24, 2006 3:30 PM
Subject: Colombia Truth

Security boosted after car bombing in Colombia
The Colombian government sent police to secure a remote area that was proposed as a site for negotiations with rebels. The talks were called off after a bombing in Bogotá.

BOGOTA - (AP) — A remote zone in southwest Colombia, once a proposed safe haven for negotiations with rebels, was teaming with police Sunday after the president ruled out talks because of a bombing.

Police Capt. Guillermo Solorzano on Sunday said some 150 police officers were sent to the municipalities of Florida and Pradera to boost the government’s presence in the area and “calm the situation.'’

President Alvaro Uribe, in an impassioned speech Friday, said he’d given up on the possibility of talks after a car bomb exploded Thursday in a military installation in northern Bogotá, just yards away from the Army’s top general.

The government blames the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, better known as FARC, for the blast, which injured 23.

The FARC have yet to comment on the explosion.

‘’We are going to capture the militias of the FARC that have infiltrated the urban centers of Pradera and Florida and we are going to remove any trace of the FARC from the rural areas,'’ Uribe said.

The FARC previously demanded the zone be demilitarized to allow rebel negotiators to meet with the government and discuss a possible swap of around 500 imprisoned rebels for about 60 kidnapped prominent Colombians, including ex-presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three American defense contractors.

Solorzano said that the number of rebels in the municipalities, located in the province of Valle, has risen in recent months, possibly as the guerrilla group prepared for talks.

Uribe said the only option left for freeing the hostages is military rescue, something bitterly opposed by the families of the kidnapped who fear their loved ones may die in the crossfire.

Source AP- and Miami Herald Page 8 A - Mon Oct 23, 2006

17 de Octubre de 2006

Los “positivos” de la infamia

Por: Iván Márquez / Integrante del secretariado de las FARC-EP

En ejecución de la nueva doctrina gringa de la “seguridad democrática” el gobierno Uribe está causando irreparables destrozos a Colombia, a sus perspectivas como colectividad.

Ya no es sólo la represión brutal y la adopción de leyes draconianas para humillar o disuadir la inconformidad social a favor de la política neoliberal; ahora las manos del Estado explotan bombas contra objetivos civiles y militares con la pérfida intención de inculpar a la insurgencia apuntando a su deslegitimación, y de mostrar resultados en busca de oxígeno para la desprestigiada seguridad democrática gubernamental.

La mentira y el engaño son consustanciales a esa política de lesa humanidad y lesa patria.

Con falso dolor de corazón el comandante del ejército reconoce que un coronel, un mayor y un capitán del B-2 del ejército están detrás de los atentados dinamiteros en Bogotá, pero el Presidente, consecuente con su torcida política, parece exculparlos ante la opinión.

No se puede olvidar que fue el mismo Uribe en persona quien incitó a los militares. Les exigió partes positivos y resultados en litros de sangre. Por eso la captura de más de 120 mil ciudadanos bajo la falsa imputación de guerrilleros. Por eso tantas muertes de inocentes. Esa indignante estratagema de asesinar civiles para luego uniformarlos y presentarlos en la televisión y en la prensa como “guerrilleros muertos en combate” no es una práctica aislada de la IV Brigada del ejército en Antioquia, sino la práctica cotidiana generalizada en todas las Brigadas militares de Colombia.

Los estímulos y recompensas económicas corren por cuenta de Uribe. ¿Quién alborotó los sapos en este país con ofertas de dinero? El mismo que incentivó esa emulación criminal de los “positivos”.

Varios generales y coroneles fueron echados de la institución por no presentar resultados, o porque se opusieron a la concepción gringa sobre el funcionamiento de los ejércitos. Para evitar ese albur, algunos se dedicaron a montar carros bombas y a desactivarlos, para ganarse un “positivo”. Y “platica”, como diría el Führer de Palacio. No importa que de vez en cuando estalle uno de ellos y mueran transeúntes y soldados.

Este es el gobierno de la mentira. Y para ello tiene al diario El Tiempo de los Santos en el bolsillo, con Vicepresidente y Ministro de Defensa.

Simón Trinidad, vocero de paz de las FARC, fue extraditado a los Estados Unidos con mentiras y argucias para burlar la expresa prohibición constitucional de extraditar nacionales por razones políticas. A Sonia, la guerrillera, se la llevaron estampándole su huella digital a la cédula de identidad de una narcotraficante. Montaje y farsa fue la “desmovilización” de 70 supuestos guerrilleros en el Tolima, orquestada por el señor Montoya, actual comandante del ejército. Montaje noticioso es el desmantelamiento de laboratorios de cocaína propagandizados torpemente por algunos generales, como “pertenecientes a la guerrilla”. Lo raro, dice la gente, es que no aparezcan ni siquiera un soldado herido o un Black Hawk derribado. Mentira fue la muerte de 10 policías “por fuego amigo” en Jamundí, cuando en realidad fue una masacre perpetrada sin piedad por unos militares al servicio del narcotráfico.

Nos sumamos a la indignación del país y de los buenos soldados de la patria por tanta desinformación y estafa a la opinión proveniente del Estado y del gobierno, y por los crímenes y desafueros de los montajes y “positivos” de la infamia.

La alternativa antifascista clama concreción en Colombia.

Source FARC WEB -,2367,1
Source Indy Media- Colombia

Auto bomba en el Cantón Norte
Ante el último atentado, cancelan el intercambio humanitario y ordenan arremetida militar. Llamado de Uribe al terrorismo de Estado. El jueves 19 de octubre la explosión de un carro-bomba, en el complejo militar más importante del país, dejó más de una veintena de heridos minutos antes de una actividad académica al rededor de los Derechos Humanos, en donde participarían el delegado de la ONU, el comandante general del ejército, el artefacto explosivo fue ubicado al frente de la sede de la Escuela Superior de Guerra y en las inmediaciones de la Universidad Nueva Granada, una universidad pública dirigida por la fuerzas armadas donde también estudian civiles.

En medio de el derrumbamiento de gubernamentalidad del gobierno de Uribe, y ante esta nueva evidencia del fracaso de la “Seguridad Democrática”, ha impartido orden de ofensiva militar total. Mientras que el Estado en pleno responsabiliza a las FARC, el último comunicado de ese grupo guerrillero desmiente el hecho, y ambas partes hablan que la contraparte está en contra de la solución negociada.

Para buena parte de la opinión pública este atentado puede haber sido también un montaje, teniendo en cuenta que la zona afectada fue una de las más custodiadas y que, se ha dicho en los medios, que la persona que dejó el vehículo con los explosivos hasta el lugar vestía un uniforme de la Armada Nacional, portaba un carné y el carro estaba matriculado para entrar en el sitio, y además coincidencialmente la cámara de seguridad encargada de registrar a las personas que entran en automóvil al complejo militar se había dañado.

Dentro de la lógica obtusa de la derecha gobernante, al atentado da la oportunidad para descalificar toda opción de izquierda que se oponga a los intereses del régimen, desde las protestas estudiantiles en las universidades (que ya la semana pasada el vicepresidente pedía persegir con infiltración y castigar como terrorismo), hasta el trabajo de control político que los representantes de la izquierda democrática aunados en el Polo Democrático desarrollan en el congreso.

Ante los hechos que pueden suceder, a los sectores populares solo nos resta incrementar la organización para enfrentar la dictadura civil .
Source Indy Media


Source-Center for International Policy

The Real Solution for Colombia’s Drug Problems

Monday, July 3, 2006; A20

In “More Help for Colombia” [op-ed, June 26], Robert D. Novak employs a tired tactic: slapping the “soft on drugs” label on any who oppose the current U.S. policy toward Colombia.

Critics, Mr. Novak implies, are betraying brave Colombian anti-drug police officers who risk their lives every day.

Why, though, must these police risk all for a strategy that hasn’t affected Colombian coca and opium?

Since Plan Colombia began in 2000, we have seen $4.7 billion spent and 2,500 square miles sprayed with herbicides. Yet U.S. government satellites found more coca in Colombia last year than they did in 2000, while cocaine and heroin street prices have actually declined.

Coca cultivation will decrease only when Colombia can govern its rural areas, where more than 75 percent of the people live in poverty.

Those who insist on spraying instead of governing are doing a disservice to Colombia’s police officers by forcing them to face mortal danger for a strategy that isn’t working.


Director of Programs

Center for International Policy


As of July 5, 2006, this document was also available online at

– =============================================================================

Biological Weapons in the Drug War

A Review of Opposition in South America

With Examples from Other Regions, Intergovernmental Agencies, and NGOs


Under heavy US pressure, Colombia is choosing to ignore its neighbors and the international community and support the US strategy to use biological weapons in the Drug War. Although the plan is opposed by government officials and civil society both domestically and internationally, the Colombian Environment Ministry has prepared a US $7 million project proposal for work on illicit crops including a major component to develop biological weapons to forcibly eradicate coca crops.

While Colombia denies that it will use US-developed biological weapons, the US State Department’s anti-narcotics chief Rand Beers says the US will keep the pressure up, recently telling the BBC “I am never prepared to admit it is over.”  The inventor of the US government’s preferred agent, a strain of the Fusarium oxysporum fungus called EN-4, is using the private company Ag/Bio Con (co-owned with a former US Air Force general) to promote use of the fungus. The inventor, whose work has been funded by the US government for over a decade, told journalists on camera that he believes biological weapons should be used by force on target countries.

The agents are to be used against the Colombian government’s enemies in an escalating armed conflict that has displaced one and a half million civilians and taken tens of thousands of lives. Colombia is the third largest recipient of US military aid in the world (after Egypt and Israel). Biological weapons have been proposed as part of a military offensive aimed at regaining state control of coca growing areas, most of which are de facto administered by guerrillas or right wing paramilitaries.

Colombia’s proposal mimics US usage of the deliberately confusing misnomer “biological control” when referring to coca-killing agents and spray technology. In fact, they are not legitimate biological controls; but weapons designed to provoke massive disease outbreaks and remain in the soil for decades. The term is being abused by when applied to this biological weapons research.

In other parts of the world, a program in Uzbekistan supported by the US, UK, and United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) is developing weapons to eradicate opium poppy. These agents are to be used in conflict-torn parts of Asia, including Afghanistan and Burma. In Africa, concern has been expressed that anti-crop biological agents may be proposed for use on cannabis fields.

There is no exemption in the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), a key international arms control treaty, for the use of biological weapons in military, law enforcement, or civilian actions to forcibly eradicate illicit crops. Countries North and South recognize that prohibiting any use of biological weapons is critically important to stop arms proliferation, uphold treaty commitments, and protect human health and the environment.

The Agent Green[3] biological weapons controversy has generated important attention and statements from governments, intergovernmental organizations, and NGOs. This is especially true in South America, where the debate has been most intense. This paper organizes and presents important examples of government and other positions on Agent Green, providing an important reference point for policymakers and civil society working on policies to halt the use of biological weapons everywhere.


Despite the widespread opposition detailed in this paper, the Colombian Environment Ministry’s proposal to develop biological weapons for the eradication of coca is proceeding. The only donor country that has expressed interest is the US, making the Americans the logical funder for the proposal despite their prior statements, including to the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, that it would not bilaterally fund this biological weapons research. Earlier this year, Colombia refused to sign a controversial US funded contract with the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) for the testing of a US-developed Fusarium oxysporum strain named EN-4.

Then Colombian President Andres Pastrana and Environment Minister Juan Mayr are attempting a dangerous and shortsighted political balance between global and US interests. A very small number of senior Colombian officials have deceptively said that Colombia will not allow the testing of “the fungus”  (”el hongo”), claiming that the US EN-4 poses risks to the environment and human health because it is “alien” . The effort is a public relations attempt to deflect scrutiny of their decision to proceed with the development of a domestic “hongo criollo” (”Creole fungus”) biological weapon to accomplish the same ends, and potentially cause similar environmental havoc, as the purportedly discarded EN-4 strain.

Thus, Colombia has only renounced a single US government-developed strain of Fusarium oxysporum. Ignoring the pleas of its neighbors and civil society, and with strong support from US anti-narcotics and security agencies, Colombia is moving ahead with “native” biological weapons developed from a wide variety of local pathogenic organisms.

The following sections of this paper present an important (but not exhaustive) list of examples of the lack of endorsement and broad rejection of the US-Colombian plan by Colombia’s neighbors, other Southern and Northern countries, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society… but first:

The anti-coca biological agent preferred by the United States is Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Erythroxyli strain EN-4, a particularly virulent coca-killing type of a fungus genus that attacks many crops. The strain was investigated along with many other Fusarium types (including samples from Colombia) in research contracts between the US government and Dr. David Sands, a plant pathologist at Montana State University in the USA. After the successful identification of EN-4 and development of formulation and dispersal technology, Dr. Sands established a private company called Ag/Bio Con to promote EN-4 and other agents to eradicate illicit crops. Ag/Bio Con has briefed the Colombian government, including the President Pastrana ( Editors note- this published in , and sought contracts with the US Government for coca eradication research. Dr. Sands was interviewed in September 2000 by the BBC investigative journalism program Panorama and explained, in the frightening excerpts below, that he believes biological weapons should be used by force, with or without the consent of target countries:

SANDS: This fungus is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a silver bullet … I have seen it take out 99% of plants in a field. I think that’s incredible and I think people should know that this technology exists … This would be a green kind of warfare …

BBC: Okay, but we’re talking semantics here. You call it green warfare. Other people call it biological warfare. That is semantically correct, it is biological warfare.

SANDS: That can be right. It’s biological warfare or green warfare. I just want you to understand my opinion is it’s a good thing if it’s done to eradicate something that the entire world feels is noxious.

BBC: What happens if consent is not forthcoming … I put to you a hypothetical - you never get consent - what should happen then?

SANDS:You’re saying that two countries [Colombia and Afghanistan] that knowingly are unleashing a chemical, a drug, on our children, an addictive drug, that they are consenting to do that and they are not consenting to do biological control, I think they should suffer the consequences of that decision.

BBC: Which means that we should go in without consent.

SANDS: I think somebody should.

BBC: And it should be treated as an act of counter terrorism?

SANDS: Well it’s a pretty high stakes game. Just go to any rehab clinic and check it out yourself.

BBC: You’re saying yes?


Source- Sunshine Project


Background info--

The Sunshine Project
News Release
15 March 2006

US House Votes to Advance Offensive Biological Weapons Plan

In an titanic fit of myopia, the US House of Representatives has passed a bill that advances a US plan to wage biological warfare against Colombia and other countries where illicit narcotics are produced. If passed by the US Senate, the bill (HR 2829) will require the US Drug Czar to quickly formulate a plan to field test biological weapons designed to eradicate illicit crops.

The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) prohibits all biological warfare, including attacks on crops. The BWC has no exemptions - not for the Drug War, nor for the US Congress. The US eradication project thus violates the BWC's Article I, which prohibits development and stockpiling of biological weapons.

The Sunshine Project will call upon the BWC to prevent violation of the treaty by the United States. In April, the Sunshine Project will distribute an Agent Green dossier to governments attending a preparatory meeting for the BWC's upcoming 6th Review Conference. If the US bill is signed into law, the Sunshine Project will press for multilateral action by the BWC 6th Review Conference itself, when it meets in November.

Opposition in South America, the primary target of the plan, spans the political spectrum. When first confronted by US biowarfare pressure in 1999-2000, the Colombian government decided against testing and use of biological agents to eradicate illicit crops. Other Andean countries also oppose the plan, as do many environmental and peace NGOs. So do indigenous peoples who grow coca for cultural purposes unrelated to the drug trade, a constituency that includes Evo Morales, the recently-elected President of Bolivia.

Speaking to the Colombian daily El Tiempo on Monday, former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana, now Bogotá's Ambassador in Washington, emphatically reiterated Colombia's opposition to the plan, telling the paper, "During my government we opposed it. And Colombia's position, now under President Álvaro Uribe, has not changed."

The main biological weapons agents under US consideration are strains of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum that attack coca and other illicit crops. With its serious human health and environmental risks, F. oxysporum has been dubbed "Agent Green" by civil society opponents, who liken it to the defoliant Agent Orange that was used by the US in Vietnam. In the US conception, huge amounts of specially-formulated Fusarium would be sprayed from large military aircraft to blanket large portions of Colombia and, potentially, other countries.

The HR 2829 provision does not specifically mention Colombia or Fusarium, although it does specify that the testing plan should be for a "major drug producing nation". This opens the possibility that the tests could be conducted elsewhere, such as Central Asia, where the US has supported development of biological weapons for use against opium poppy. Given past events, however, the bill's language is widely interpreted to refer to Colombia.

The Sunshine Project hopes that the US Senate will catch this egregious mistake and that the provision will be struck from any related bill that it considers. With US fear about a biological weapons attack and spending on biodefense both at unprecedented levels, it is difficult to envision a more unwise US policy than for it to field test biological weapons and to seek to perpetrate a biological attack on other countries.



The Sunshine Project maintains an Agent Green web page, including a detailed background report (updated in September 2005) on the human health and environmental risks at:

Independent researcher Jeremy Bigwood has also extensively investigated the issue. His Agent Green website is:

In 2000, the BBC's flagship investigative journalism program Panorama interviewed proponents of the plan, including the US "inventor" of Agent Green, who concedes that it constitutes biological warfare and says that it should be applied by force:


HR 2829:

PDF copy (see page 30):

HR 2829, titled "An Act to reauthorize the Office of National Drug Control Policy Act", was sponsored by Rep. Mark Rep Souder, an Indiana Republican. The Agent Green provision was placed in the bill at the behest of Rep. Dan Burton, another Indiana Republican who is an enthusiastic supporter of using biological weapons against Colombia and other countries. As reported to the US Senate this Monday, the provision reads as follows:


(n) REQUIREMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF MYCOHERBICIDE IN ILLICIT DRUG CROP ERADICATION.-Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy shall submit to the Congress a report that includes a plan to conduct, on an expedited basis, a scientific study of the use of mycoherbicide as a means of illicit drug crop elimination by an appropriate Government scientific research entity, including a complete and thorough scientific peer review. The study shall include an evaluation of the likely human health and environmental impacts of such use. The report shall also include a plan to conduct controlled scientific testing in a major drug producing nation of mycoherbicide naturally existing in the producing nation.

The Sierra Nevada, Sacred Land in Colombia

See this powerful video of the Sierra Nevada and the Arhucos.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wishing all blessings

Dear Family of Light,

Wishing everyone a blessed weekend & thanks for making my journey a magical one. Each ones energy is a spark in creation.
We create our Future now based on love, peace and happiness.

Y/Our Circle of Light ~O~ is a blessing.

Special thanks for the magical fotos sent and love shared.

Here is a gift of images and hand of blessings.


La Historia de Mow be' , El Tiempo

Attached you will find an article published today in El Tiempo, Colombia's main newspaper. As we have said this story has a sad ending because what caused Mow be' to give up hope is-- stress. Yes a victim of the lies, the deception, bureaucracy, papers, legal garbage and the anger of his people claiming to go back, he was under stress and was the only one who spoke Spanish. He was the last link, the final thread to the Nukak Nation and the lost voice will be missed.

For more than 500 years since the Spanish arrived, the Indigenous people have been second class. They were killed just to rob some milk.

The historian Alfredo Molano writes during the conquest of the Colombian Amazon and surrounding regions, there was much exploitations and deaths. "An Indian is worthless unless he is carrying something. If he has nothing he is worth nothing, if he has 2 ponchos he is worth a shot of the gun. If you leave the Indians alone there will come a robber and kill them for the milk.

Such is the 500 hundred year reality of these ancient people. They have lived in harmony with the land and now they are being forced out of their own territory and subject to the same illness we all have ….stress!


La historia de Mow be'
20 de Octubre de 2006. Redactor de EL TIEMPO.

Una noticia de ayer daba cuenta del suicidio del líder indígena Belisario Sánchez, el hombre que lideró a 200 indígenas desplazados hasta San José del Guaviare y expresó en lengua de blancos su memorial de agravios. Era el único que hablaba español y dialecto nukak, y ello lo convirtió en vocero de su pueblo.
Conocido como Mow be' en la comunidad nukak, Sánchez falleció envenenado el martes pese a los esfuerzos que hicieron los médicos de la Clínica Meta de Villavicencio para salvarle la vida.

Él es una víctima más, la enésima, del interminable genocidio americano. Sin embargo, su caso es diferente a los otros. Según funcionarios oficiales del Guaviare, lo que impulsó a Mow be' a poner fin a su días fue un típico mal urbano y contemporáneo: el estrés.

De acuerdo con tal interpretación, sobre sus hombros recayó la responsabilidad de exponer las quejas de su clan y conseguir una solución para ellas. Tuvo que enfrentar entonces un enemigo peor que el tigre o la malaria: la burocracia. El laberinto de despachos, papeles y funcionarios lo enredó, lo engañó, lo embolató. Los indígenas le reclamaban por las promesas que a él le incumplía la administración, y terminó ganándose la malquerencia de su propia gente. Nervioso, angustiado, desesperado, Sánchez bebió el lunes pasado una pócima de barbasco, mortífero veneno utilizado para caza y pesca, y se marchó a rendir cuentas a los dioses de su religión.

Cuenta el cronista Alfredo Molano en sus reveladores relatos sobre el avasallamiento de los pueblos indígenas en llanos y selvas de Colombia que no solo durante la conquista de la costa y los Andes, entre el siglo XVII y XIX, se produjo el despojo que los expulsó de sus tierras y diezmó sus poblaciones. En pleno siglo XX, con la colonización de la Orinoquia y la Amazonia, se repitieron cacerías y explotaciones. "Un indio no valía sino por lo que llevaba en la mano -narró un colono al escritor-: si nada llevaba, nada valía, y si llevaba dos cubetas, ya valía el tiro." Y añadió: "Si uno dejaba a los indios solos, llegaba un bandido y los mataba para quitarles la leche".

La suerte de los aborígenes no ha mejorado. Antes los aniquilaban las enfermedades o los asesinaban para quitarles una cubeta de hielo o una botella de leche. Hoy mueren por cuenta de enfermedades del tercer milenio, como el estrés. Tal vez el sacrificio de Mow be' sirva de alerta para que los compañeros suyos que cambiaron hace algunos meses la selva por la marginación urbana escojan el menos malo entre dos abandonos y puedan regresar a su tierra.

Source El Tiempo