Thursday, September 27, 2007

Demo of Prophecy, Last Message.

Demo of Prophecy, Last Message.

Film about the Kogi- Hopi Prophecy and how they relate to our modern world.
Enjoy and txs for watching.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

World Peace Day, 9-21 & Equinox 9-23

Dear Family of Light,

Join with millions around the galaxy for World Peace Day, 9-21
Stop at 12 noon and think of God, Pray to Him/Her, Be in Silence.....
Traffic Control--stop the traffic of your thoughts and become light.

Peace One Day

A short video explaining Peace One Day.

Friday, Sept. 21 is World Peace Day--this is an OUTSTANDING video--please watch it--we need your energy for Attracting World Peace

Remember, what you put your attention on grows stronger in your

Take 5 minutes 2 attract world peace.

Watch the Attraction Magnet video, and focus on a world at peace.

From the UN

For immediate release


International Day of Peace precedes UN high-level talks on Darfur, Israel/Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan

New York, 12 September 2007

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, has appealed to people around the world to join in a Minute of Silence at 12 noon on the International Day of Peace, observed on 21 September each year.

The International Day of Peace, designated by the UN General Assembly, has been growing in worldwide recognition since the date was fixed on 21 September in 2001 as an annual day of global cease-fire and non-violence. All governments, UN system agencies, non-governmental organizations and individuals are called upon to join in the observance. Civil society has added an International Day of Peace Vigil, including prayers and meditation for peace by people of all faiths.

This year, the International Day of Peace falls on a Friday, just before the start of the Secretary-General's high-level meetings on four of the most sensitive areas of conflict in the world: Darfur, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It also falls during both Ramadan and the Jewish High Holy Days.

Mr. Ban admits that, " countless communities across the globe, peace remains an elusive goal." He urges "all countries and combatants to honour this cessation of hostilities" and asks "people everywhere to observe a minute of silence at 12 noon local time."

"As the guns fall silent, we should use this opportunity to ponder the price we all pay due to conflict. And we should resolve to vigorously pursue ways to make permanent this day's pause. On this International Day, let us promise to make peace not just a priority, but a passion."

The Secretary-General will back up his promise with the high-level talks at the United Nations, which will include the participation of several Foreign Ministers and the Presidents of Afghanistan and the Prime Minister of Iraq.

The International Day of Peace will be observed at UN headquarters on 21 September beginning with the Secretary-General ringing the Peace Bell at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Ban and the President of the General Assembly will then greet 700 middle school children attending the annual student observance. Also participating will be several Messengers of Peace, including Michael Douglas, Jane Goodall and Elie Wiesel. Three new Messengers of Peace will be introduced. The children will raise the flags of all nations with the theme, "May Peace Prevail on Earth."

The public is urged to join in the Minute of Silence at 12 noon on Friday, 21 September, in support of a successful outcome to the peace talks and in a shared focus or prayer for peace on earth.

For the complete message of the Secretary-General, please visit

For information on how you can support the International Day of Peace, please visit

For the International Day of Peace Vigil, please visit

Sit back an relax....


On the 23rd is the Fall Equinox & Harvest Moon.
Equal Day of the Eternal Dance.

EST- Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 5:51 am

Get your time at
What is the Harvest Moon?

A day of Ceremony and time when Venus is the Brightest, so as the planet of love...become love in action and kiss someone.

The date when night and day are nearly of the same length and Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving southward (in the northern hemisphere). In the southern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving northward and occurs on the date of the northern vernal equinox. The autumnal equinox marks the first day of the season of autumn.

As the sun spirals its equal dance,
Cleanse us, As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us, As God showers Peace on all, let it rain bliss.
Let all things live with loving intent, a pure heart
And may we all fulfill our truest destiny.

We are solar children with an inner galaxy. As above so outside so inside. The Sun is our Father and the Moon our Mother. In ancient times the sun was seen as God and giver of all life. His movement across the sky was watched and recorded. Certain days had special spiritual and ritualistic significance. The Equinox and Solstice were opening portals into other dimensions and ways to activate our inner temples.
So on this day open your temple, create a fire and dance with the cosmic energies healing the Earth & U!

This date has had spiritual significance for thousands of years as humans have been amazed by the great power of the sun. Many ancient sites are activated during this time and if you meditate long enough you will remember the fires created in past lives during the Equal Days. One day you will see all your past lives like a 5 min movie and understand who u are and why you are with certain souls. So have mercy on yourself and forgive and forget. Let God take over and life becomes much easier.

So lets celebrate this day as a new vision for the self. An inner sun awakening the powers we have within and showing the wisdom of the magical healer within.

Let the Sun's rays wash all the troubles away...

Last Wed in my meditation class we did a visualization and sound chants that took us to the Soul World, a place of golden red light beyond this world, where time stops. We used to live here as pure energy, seeds of light and power, like a star of peace.

Here is where God Lives. In India they call it Nirvana, the land beyond sound, Shantidham, the land of peace. Many names, but 1(one) home.
The truth is that it is within us as without us. As above, so below....

Traveling to the 3 worlds we see the bigger picture and the cycles of time.

The Subtle region or angelic world, is the in between dimension where your higher self lives. It is like a silent movie, a world of pure energy and a place to have visions. No time and ability to see past, present and future. Each one of us has an angelic or higher self beyond this world. Imagine if you can see yourself 10 years from now, what would you look like? What are u thinking about? What were you when you were 2 years old? Maybe your parents called you an angel.

In God's time…the past, present and future are all happening at once. If He is Out of time, then maybe time is a point for Him. Get the point and be a dot.

When we tune into God's light and knowledge we can heal ourselves on multi-dimensional levels and the understanding of vibrations and soul awareness makes the journey much happier. Time to be a river and flow. Time to be Fire and Glow. Time to be Light and become might. You may never know how powerful you were all along, but I know and God time 4 u 2 know.

Light by Twilight

Light is… Light Was…Light is to Be…..

Light by Twilight and random thoughts for future reference.

I just burned a match and my candle smiled, the light came on…

Lights out in New York, The UN stops for a minute of peace and the world will never be the same. Reality TV or TV reality, Time Vortex and my TV blew a tube.

Can this be happening? Peace around the corner or peace in my heart?
Light is who I am & so are you.

God is Light and like Father, like son or is it the sun?

When we turn on the lights, the darkness fades. When we become Light, fear runs away and the inner child flys on the wings of love.

The Light in your heart is the truth of who u are, so be double light and never touch the ground. All is going round. Long lost and now found. A cycle of time and an eternal dance of u and me. Know each of u is much loved.

Light by Twilight and the world will never be the same.

This poem was written long ago and it is being be rewritten now for words have a way of changing before the reality we see in life now.

The history of the world is created from our individual actions, as is the future of the world. Each thought is powerful and our actions follow, so be love, peace and bliss in the flow of life. Your actions will be a reflection of the inner soul.

For my Miami Family join us Sunday at sunset 4 a
Fire ceremony and Meditation 4 Peace at 81 & Collins on the beach from 6-8 pm
Music, Drums and Love.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!!

From the heart,

News from around the world on this day.

An Angel Meditation....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Eclipse Sunrise Medtation -Miami Beach Aug 28

Dear Family of Light,

Enjoy this video of Solar Eclipse sunrise Aug 28, 2007 in Miami Beach,

A meditation, crystal healing and waves of bliss.

All the best,

Eclipse Sunrise

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Fotos of Sunrise..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Global Om & Journey to Nirvana

Dear Family of Light,

Yesterday we had an amazing EarthDance and still feeling the pure energy of the Global OM.

Wanted to thank everyone who joined in person and spirit. Special congrats to Eric, Theresa, Ray of Moksha Family and all who made it happen. Love in action.

When we link with our powerful thoughts, the world is healed and God smiles on us.

In honor of the Peace experienced wanted to share a Journey to Nirvana and Truth at the center of your mind.

Take a minute to go within.....

Let the Dolphins take you home....

From the Dancing Heart of the Earth,


Monday, September 10, 2007

Solar Eclipse & Time to Open the Curtain of Revelation.

Dear Family of Light,

On the anniversary of 9-11, we have a partial Solar Eclipse. Is the world darker or brighter; are u in tune with the changes or just cruising along?

Today 9-10 was on a Spanish radio program talking about the changes, Faith and the cosmos...felt the shift in process.

It is available for 24 hrs -see

For my family in Miami we will gather at 46 and Collins on Miami Beach at 6 am for a fire ceremony, then again @ 8 pm at Space 402": 402 N.E 34 Street, Miami 33137 (3 houses EAST of Biscayne Blvd. on 34th St.

This is a chance to burn the past and light you inner fire.

So if you have been feeling Strange....join the club!!

We are sandwiched in between 2 powerful eclipses, the past lunar of the 28 & the partial Solar one tomorrow. An increased vibrational energy that can consume you or transform you. U have all the answers in your hands. The key is Faith in a Higher Power and Trust in the Universe to rearrange itself to fit your picture of reality.

When we consciously work with this energy, we have a great opportunity to affect a deep and positive change in the mass consciousness and our world. We can use this energy to manifest anything we desire. The bigger the wave of consciousness, or intensity of voltage of the thought energy, the easier it is for us to bring positive changes and to dream the forgotten dream.

For me this has been a time of intense reflection, deep meditation and silence. Since the day Dadi Prakashmani left this plane, my mind has been in another world...not to mention my Internet was down for 4 yes behind on mails and requests...

She stayed in the Subtle Regions for 12 days and on Sept 6 we received a special message from India, "Dadiji has the button to open the curtain of Revelation in her hands; all of you become cooperative in this."

Revelations, messages from God and how do you share such profound secrets?
Do I share all in my heart or will you think I am crazy? Not to worry...been crazy and OK with that! Look at the way this world is going....looks pretty crazy to me!

I am not here to prove anything -just presenting a point of view. Sharing my thoughts with my family and open 4 discussion. Many will ask, Who are these people? What is this Spiritual University? Who is teaching these souls dressed in white?

In my dreams I can still see her and she says, "Be Ever Ready, Free of Attachment & a Brick in a Spiritual Fortress. If the brick is at the bottom, or in the middle or a brick on top, if even one brick shakes, it influences everything."

So now is the time to be strong and Karmateet, free of all karma and light as a feather.

I see the Sun dancing with the Moon, Krishna playing with Radhe, Christ with His Mother and God with His Children. We all have a moon and sun within. A Father and a Mother image. The moon is now being charged with new light and nothing will be the same.

See this time as a chance to awaken. As your inner crystal awakens and is eclipsed by the inner sun, see the pure energy you are, a being of light, peace and wisdom. We have this celestial gift to truly become a master in time.

The universe opens a portal of light and you can feel the magic in the air. Imagine the world in your hands and the sun in your 3rd eye. We heal the earth and ourselves with our positive thoughts as we unite with millions around the world.

The moon and your emotions are cleared and cleansed when the sun and earth align. Let the light and peace of God shower blessings upon you as you fulfill your dreams and visions.
You are a Master in time becoming timeless and free. Be who you were meant to be.

Doing ceremony, meditations or going to church to pray during this Eclipse is important. It is a chance to accelerate synchro-destiny and intuition. From South America, where it will be visible to the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, to the stone circles in England, to the solar markers in the Native northwest, an incredible amount of energy will flood the planet. Time to make a profound difference in our world, just tune in.

The Sun is on fire and our Inner Sun is being activated. These celestial events are a unique time to tune into the mysteries of God and prophecy.

Do you understand the meaning of these ancient cosmic dances of sun and moon?
In the past the Tribal People saw the sun as God, without Him no life would exist on earth. When the moon danced in front of the sun and the world becomes dark, it was as a sign of changes to come, a sign from God to awake and change the inner self. The power of cycles and cosmic days is not to be underestimated.

In these days we can see our shadow side and also our true power. This is a time to look deep within and change what is not working. It is also a time to be timeless and have faith that everything that is happening is perfect and no need to worry. Worry is a negative emotion and during these times we have to be on a high vibrational frequency and only create positive and powerful thoughts about ourselves and the world.

Have mercy on yourself and become double light, light in the mind and light in your astral self with pure thoughts.

We dream a message of peace, love and enlightenment and it is up to us to make it happen. We are creating a new world by the thoughts we plant now. If you see a clock we are at 11:59, a confluence age or Diamond age, a time to remember the ancient truths and feel God’s power and knowledge. Time to become a diamond in God’s eyes.

Change is coming and the world will not be the same. The world will not be destroyed, but there will be a cleansing. No need to fear, no need to run and hide, just be aware of what you need to do to let your angel within awaken.

For me it is a time to do ceremony, meditate and pray. To go beyond this world to our original home, the soul world. One day we will all return home and you will be amazed at the Cosmic Drama of Life and how powerful you were all along.

In the Mahabharata, it shows Krishna teaching Arjuna the way to conquer the vices within himself and how to fight the inner and outer demons. Krishna stops the movie like a freeze frame and explains the mysteries of God, the world cycle and the time we are in. We are all Arjuna and God or Krishna, Christ, Allah, Baba or whatever name you like is waiting for us to hear His Message. His message is one of peace and love, a message of hope. That is why I go to India to hear God’s message for the world. We can never give up and lose hope. Peace is around the corner and the world is waiting for us to awaken. Time to Open the Curtain of Revelation!

Let us join together in the cosmic dance of sun and moon with a Spirit of Unity and Love for our fellow brothers and sisters. Life is wonderful when we tune into God’s light and serve the world.
The power of the collective starts with just one thought, then others are inspired by it and they will acknowledge the beauty of truth, peace, love, happiness and purity.

Love is the greatest healer, so love yourself first.
Remember God is only 1 thought away. See the Supreme Soul sending you waves of light and peace and be a channel for the world.

Whatever you have to do, do it now.
There is no need to worry about what will happen to the world or in the future. God has a plan and it is in His Hands. You are eternal light and perfect now.

Keep your soul happy, free and peaceful and attention to be what God wants you to be. You will know when you sit in silence and listen….

It is very simple. Free the self of negative thinking, give time to yourself, do service and be with God. Don't allow any waste thoughts to come. Negative thoughts are the enemy.

Prayer is you talking with God, Meditation is God talking to you, but we need to be still and hear His words and Love 4 us.

I slept and dreamed that life was all joy.
I woke and saw that life was service.
I served and discovered that service was joy.
Catching God's thoughts will happen more naturally and your life will be filled with bliss.
Life will become more enjoyable and not a war with others or your mind.

You search for something you know exists because you have experienced it in the past. All your searching ends when you find yourself. You do not need to go anywhere, or to look beyond yourself. Just become what you were before. You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been - a peaceful being of light.
Om Shanti!!

Opening our Hearts to the Universe, the Universe smiles at us as we awaken the inner sun and dance with the moon.

From the Eternal Heart,

Lucho L Condor

A Time to Connect with the Source.....

You Tube link....