I wanted to thank everyone of my special friends who visit this blog.
Each one of you is unique and a Child of God.
I am here to share spiritual energy and we are here 4 each other.
I am blessed to have each of you as my spiritual family and may God’s Light, Love and Wisdom guide us throughout time.
I have been thinking about 2 powerful words these days…. Silent and Listen…
They have the same letters and give us a clue to the Inner Harmony.
When we become Silent within, we can Listen to God’s words and songs of Love for us each day. We need time to be still, quiet and peaceful. This will give you the Power to Hear what your
Future or Higher Self is asking for you now. Then Inner Harmony flows as the Universe sings its songs of peace for you.
Imagine you can time travel to the birth of Jesus. What do you see? What do you feel? ( was 1st written during Christmas)
I can see the magic of God’s Love on Earth and how Jesus Christ came to teach us Humility. The world celebrates this day with exchanging gifts and Father Christmas, Santa Claus.
Many souls have a Christmas Tree in their houses and it reminds us we are part of the World Family Tree. All are Children of One God; we are One Family of Light.
Christ came to share God’s Love and represents a branch of that tree.
See the four stages of the Tree – roots, trunk, branches and leaves.
A cycle of Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron.
There was a time ages ago, where we belonged to One Family, the Trunk. There was unity, peace, harmony and purity. We lived in a land of Divine Beings and the World was vibrating at its highest level, it was Pure Bliss. Some call this time Atlantis, The Golden Age, Satyuga or Heaven…
There was one language, one culture and one religion. "Shanti" - Peace was my Religion. We search for Peace now because we used to live in Peace.
With the passing of time, our spiritual energy waned and we lost our Divinity. We got trapped in our bodies and lost our way.
The search for God or that perfection within begins and the tree grows older. The copper age starts. Confusion, negative karma and sorrow affect the souls and we stop listening to God…..
The Supreme Being, the Light of the World has Mercy on His Children and He sends prophets and spiritual leaders to show the way home, to teach His Message and Realign. (which the real word Religion means) with His Truths.
Religions are established and the branches of the tree begin to emerge. Abraham, Buddha, Mohammed, Christ, and Shankaracharya bring a unique message to this World Family Tree at different times in History.
Now we see Humanity, our Family at a cross road-- War is everywhere…. People fight over land and the environment is being destroyed…the tree has become old, like iron and is dieing.
A cycle is ending. A new one must begin.
We are Eternal and death is the great illusion.
God as the Seed and the Sun of Knowledge rises and starts showering rays of wisdom to his Angels on Earth. Every person or leaf of this World Family Tree is very valuable and no one will be left behind. Everyone will find that Peace again. Realign with God again.
All will see God, our Father/Mother and feel His Love and Mercy.
Time is calling us to awaken and plant the seeds for the next cycle.
Who will be the roots for the Kalpa Tree? A Kalpa is a cycle and we are now in the Diamond Age, the confluence of Iron and Gold.
The return of Christ or God Consciousness has arrived. A time when you can become like Christ and live your Highest Potential, an Angel of Light.
Imagine 2006 years ago a little child being born in Bethlehem. He changed the world because he knew his mission. He planted the seeds for the Christian religion and Love was His Key.
God speaks to us in many ways, but do we take time to Listen?
Be Silent and plant your seeds of peace, love, happiness, purity and wisdom.
The Seed of the Tree is calling you…..
Om Shanti, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, each day is Christmas when we live the life of Christ.
So remember be Silent and Listen....
From the Heart,
See nice site on new film from a good friend in Australia.
Based on the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.
www.bkwsu.org - www.bkpublications.com - www.brahmakumaris.com
Sign up for thought for today
Spanish site www.vozdepaz.net or www.bkperu.org
Just a Minute www.just-a-minute.org
Great video of Sept 17th event-interviews with Robin Gibb of Bee Gees and the energy of peace.
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