Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter Solstice and Silent Tree

Dear Family of Light,

Greetings of peace, light and love from the inner heart. Wishing everyone a Magical Solstice, a Spiritual Christmas and Blessed New Year.

Today Dec 21 is the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter and the longest night of the year. We are ending 2006 and going into 2007, the year of completion a 9. We just finished an 8 year, 2006, the symbol of infinity. When we see our eternal nature, a dot, we can time travel in infinity. You become time. So what time is it? Can you stop time or at least slow it down? As is your thoughts so will be your experience. A space between thoughts brings peace, like the space between notes in music creates harmony.

These past few days have given me a chance to see how the astros affect us. We had the Mercury transit, a couple solar and lunar eclipses in Sept and the reality of a black hole in each galaxy. Pluto is going through our galactic center and we are all vibrating at a new frequency. A couple months ago I talked about a renewed awareness of the need to be Silent and Listen, to become timeless. These 2 words have the same letters. When we listen to our higher self we can see our purpose in life and sometimes it is clearer in Silence. Take time to go to within, to a space where time is absent, in the soul world vibrating next to God.

We are in a solar cross, the Winter Solstice is the actual start of the real new year. It arrives each year sometime between Dec 20-23 (actual date varies because of our un-natural calendar)

Have you ever wondered why the "end of the year" (Nov-Dec) has more religious holidays than any other time of year? It seems every religion and culture celebrates it's most important holidays during this time - - Ramadan for Islam; Hanukah for Jews; Devali for Hindus; Christmas for Christians; Zoroastrian; Paganism; Wiccan; Quanza; all have High Holy Holidays at this time of year.

While the superstitions of the various world religions embellish their own symbolism for this time of year, all are associated with Light and rebirth of Life. Rightly so because as our Earth reaches Winter Solstice (DEC 21) , the Southern most point of the Celestial Cross at the Tropic of Capricorn, we experience the longest night and shortest day (in the northern hemisphere). The very next day is the "birth" of light as the sun appears to turn and move north. It begins to "stay up" ever so slightly longer (about 4 minutes) after it stops [solstice= sol (sun). stice (stasis), so Sun stands still].

To the average person looking at the sunrise and setting, this annual process simply looks like the sun is rising a little bit further south or north of due east each day. More info at

So imagine the sun in your third eye and you expand to become the solar system, planets revolve around you and you hold earth in between your hands, a golden light shines from the 3rd eye, a blue light from your heart and a red-green light from your eyes. We heal the earth with our thoughts and imagination.

Going deeper into Silence, we slow down our thoughts and peace is the result. We feel the Soul World is our true home. It is like I am swimming in an ocean of peace…. nirvana, beyond sound and I am just a seed of light dancing with dolphins, angels and my family od star beings. No worries of the world down below.

We are beings of peace, so why not become peace in action with a generous dose of love.

Listen to God, really listen….. He is only a thought away and loves you more than you can imagine. We can be at our darkest night, but there is a wonderful Light at the end of the tunnel. You are connected to that Light and He Loves you, now and forever. So smile and be happy!

When we feel that Energy, that original peace that has no words, then the heart opens like a flower. You love the true U, a point of light, love each other then God smiles. One smile from God can heal a million broken hearts. Love flows in timeless directions and Peace is my birthright. Your heart is healed and all the past is just a cosmic video.

Wisdom is knowing this world is just a stage to express your divinity. When you see that Eternal Light and remember who You really are…then Listening with an open heart becomes a way of life. Listen and be Silent, this can set you free.

Many around the world are celebrating Christmas, the memory of the birth of Christ. But it is also a memory of the Christ Consciousness within each one to awaken. Christ came to show God's Love and His Memory will live forever.

That Love endures today, but how many of us really Love without expectations. Do you really Love yourself and everyone around you? Can you forgive that one person that caused you pain many years ago or today? Past is past and letting go is great freedom. Somehow your higher self is always showing you back to perfection to God's path of gentleness.

This is Love in action. Peace with no reaction.

The Christmas Tree is the symbol of the world family tree with all the major religions as branches and a Golden and Silver age as a trunk. God is the Seed of this magical tree and He sent his children Abraham, Christ, Buddha and Mohammad to show the way home. We are a global family and everyone is your brother and sister, so why the fighting? Maybe we have forgotten how to Love, maybe we forgotten who we really are, maybe we have become so lost in the maze and the gifts that God is giving us everyday. These gifts are our true virtues and powers and they are only a thought away. You have them now deep in your soul….Love, Peace, Wisdom, Purity, Power and Happiness. This is what we were and will become again. So there is Hope for the Future, that is the message of the new born child. If Jesus were to appear to you today as a child, would you not feel the innocence that is in your heart?

Return to your original nature and be at peace with the world. Don't focus on the war, your imperfection or the past, live in the present and receive God's Presents for you now. He can see your past, present and future and only has the highest thoughts for you, so do the same for others and yourself.

The Winter Solstice is a time of magic. In the South it is the Summer Solstice. Its true meaning is the "Sun stands still. " Let you inner sun be still, silent and listen. Look within you and feel the new U coming into being. Who are we really but the ancestor souls, the roots of the tree connected to the Master Seed who awakens the World Tree.

These days I have been feeling God's energy on the planet and it is like He is saying, "OK children it is time to create a shift to unify the world through music, art and film. My dream has always been to heal my fellow brothers and sisters with sound, light and color, or wisdom, peace and happiness. When the sound of wisdom, lights our inner peace then happiness is the result. When you see how great you are an Awakening occurs and nothing is the same.

In this New Year of 2007 and during these special days of the Solstice and Christmas, listen more to God and your higher self, spend more time being silent and let the love in your heart heal the world.

When you heal the world, then you are automatically healed and all your dreams will come true. Use your Heart. I got an email from of Go Gratitude

'Heartist' is a (k)new word, yet officially in the
dictionary, though its meaning is transparent and
easily received.

Quite simply it is this:

One who creates from the heart.

Imagine for a moment your favorite song ...

Let this melody play within your frame, re-awakening
Love, Joy, Grace and Gratitude presently stored as
emotion through the power of cellular memory.
Take notice of the shift within your being, enjoying
being wrapped once again in the bliss of this vibrational

Sri Chimnoy, a well known spiritual teacher, wisely
praises the power of song like this:

"My heart is all gratitude to music,
for it keeps me all the time in touch with my
Universal Self."

When we intentionally expose our bodies to frequencies
resonating with Love and Gratitude, our mind-body-spirit
remembers how to pattern itself after perfection ... releasing
a spirited mix of kundalini cocktails to relax, rejuvenate
and re-(k)new our earthly being-ness.

Flow like a river of love returning to the Ocean and feel the Magic of being a Master, a seed of light creating heaven on earth. The Supreme Being, the Light of the World is with you, so why not share that light with the world. You are powerful beyond measure. We are the ones the world is waiting for.
Open the Heart and let the Light shine thru.

Much love and blessings,

Lucho L Condor
See my you tube site,

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