Friday, January 26, 2007

Just Be...Star Artists

Dear Family of Light,

I am humbled by the love, the energy exchange and the many messages received.
A sweet feeling of a new wave coming into our plane, a Star Artist.

These past few days I have been in a creative vortex and meeting so many of U out there in our~your~my Space~~....(Posted on )

The music, the art, the freedom 2 Xpress, the need 2 connect and share what we have within each one has been a blessing and now I understand real greatness.

It is just being ...we are human doers..but few of us just be..

In that state of childlike innocence, present in the Now, aware of the magic in each second and loving all life is it unfolds....that is the life of an Artist, a Galactic Be ~ ing...a Star that shines just by its light Xpressing its natural talents deep inside....Star and Artist have the same letters...just add and I ~ T -- Inside Time.

Only when we go inside can we stop time.. <{*}>..

I saw the live webcast of the Human Greatness project today and was touched by the stories of regular people who out of no where did something great. They surprised themselves and found inner courage to Be what destiny called. Each one has a special story to share and God is listening.

We are God's painters, artists and singers creating myths along the way. What is your story, Miss-tory or History?

I invite each one to stop time and go within to find your True Greatness, your film, painting or song created in syncro-destiny of a Galactic Be~Ing ~~> In History.

Emerge Your Human Greatness....

So just Be...add a I and T and go inside time & create the new world U have been dreaming about, Be a Star Artist.

Much love n blessings,


I send back some fotos that have graced my page, much appreciated and lets Be ~~Star Artists!!

Cool Slideshows

We become Children again--see nice video about healing the inner child.

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