Monday, November 26, 2007

Just This Day, Nov 28th World-wide, Event in Bogota

Dear Family of Light,

This Wednesday, the 28th we are joining in a special event world-wide called Just This Day. Millions are stopping for 3 mins to be still & silent.

I wrote a blog a while ago about 2 powerful words…. Silent and Listen…

They have the same letters and give us a clue to the Inner Harmony.

When we become Silent within, we can Listen to God’s words and songs of Love for us each day. We need time to be still, quiet and peaceful. This will give you the Power to Hear what your
Future or Higher Self is asking for you now. Then Inner Harmony flows as the Universe sings its songs of peace for you.

There was a time ages ago, where we belonged to One Family, the Trunk of a World Tree. There was unity, peace, harmony and purity. We lived in a land of Divine Beings and the World was vibrating at its highest level, it was Pure Bliss. Some call this time Atlantis, The Golden Age, Satyuga or Heaven…

There was one language, one culture and one religion. "Shanti" - Peace was my Religion. We search for Peace now because we used to live in Peace.
Being silent and listening gives you space inside and a way to stop the traffic of the mind.

see more at --

So be part of a Global Effort.
Visit and join in...for my amigos in Bogota, join us at 7pm at Yoga Shala. see spanish note below.

Many blessings,


If you are at home, try this Deep Meditation...


The 2.7 billion mobile phone users worldwide are being asked to switch their mobiles phones onto silent mode and take 3 mins to allow their minds to fall quiet too.
3 minutes at 10am GMT on November 28th, 2007.

It is an opportunity to take a step away from the prison of noise and to come together in silence, which has the potential to truly change the world for the better.

On Wednesday 28 November 2007 take the time to join the rest of the world in becoming still.
Every effort makes a difference.
You can do this wherever you are or you can join

Hola Amigos de Luz,

Una invitacion muy especial para celebrar Solo este Dia, Just This Day,
Un evento mundial para parar 3 mins y experimentar paz y silencio.
Cambie tu cel y tu mente en modo silent.

En Bogota va ver cantos, sonidos de crystales, y oms.

Dia- 28 de Nov
Hora- 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Donde- Yoga Shala Kr 27 C # 72-29, Bogota, tel 548 5818 o cel 314 477 1841

Aca va la nota de la web.

Un Abrazo,

Tribal Ink News

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