Friday, May 16, 2008

Fire Godess Party on 19th and Wisdom Thoughts

Dear Family of Light,

Many txs to all who responded to the last blog....yes we live in times of change and rearrange and things seem to be speeding up.

So what is going on? A major earthquake, cyclone and the sun on fire, not to mention the Everglades....well it is all part of the plan and if you are in aware the earth will move soon.

Here in Miami we are having heat waves and seems like Hurricane season may be a test for Emergency folks. Yes it is an end of a cycle and time to go home, but before all that stuff, let me share some insight.

In Raja Yoga we teach each one is a Master. You are not who u think u are....U are someone Divine and Special, the veil will be lifting soon and you will see your true Glory. Life is a never-ending cycle and everything is perfect under the Sun.
God doesn't make mistakes, He just gives us wisdom to know.

From our Brahma Kumaris Teachings ( ) we read a blessing everyday and I especially enjoyed the one from this past Thursday--

It reads-

May you be a conqueror of matter and with your stage of a master become garlanded by matter with the garland of co-operation.

Matter is now invoking you masters. Everywhere the elements of nature will create upheaval, and it will become a server for you masters of matter what ever you are and serve you. You simply have to become a conqueror of matter and matter will then garland you with the garland of co-operation. Wherever you Brahmins, who are the conquerors of matter, set foot, wherever your place is, there cannot be any damage. Storms will come and the earth will shake--outside it will be like a crucifix--whereas for you it will be like a thorn and everyone will come running to you for physical and subtle support.


In order to experience alokik (Spiritual) happiness and sweetness of the mind, stay in the stage of manmanabhav, (Only 1 God on my Mind) .


So what does this mean? If you serve nature now, in the future nature will serve you.
Simple things- conserve water, don't destroy plant life, they feel everything. Conquer Matter means to conquer the self and the negative vices which cause you pain.
Sometimes I go to the Ocean and just send loving thoughts to water, the birds and all nature. Does She hear me? In time she will call you and you will understand.

Our loving atitude will cause big storms to be like nothing new and not affect our stage. Remember each of you is a Master.....or do you want to be a slave to pain?

If you serve the world, God will give you a kingdom in your next birth. What a lottery!
Anyway, please feel free to see more wisdom at

OK -so back to my main message and invite-

Special invite this Monday at 9 pm for a Goddess Ceremony--yes that means only sisters, then a fire dance, music and drums plus surprises at 10 pm

Where - 74 & Collins - Miami Beach
Time 9 pm - For Goddesses
10 pm - for everyone else...

This is being created by Amber Joy, my dear angel sis and amazing fire dancer.

So if u have time and energy, join us for a Full Moon blessings,

From the heart,


Enjoy past Moon magic...

Last Days or a New Day to Come?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you. It is really great to hear that this is the time to change and even God said to be ever ready. This are the last few years in cycle. His task of world transformation is being carried out at a faster rate. Media is playing a very important role in spreading Baba's message.