Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Secrets of Raja Yoga in Bogota Oct 29 invite & Taita Videos

Dear Family of Light

Busy day today as doing a special event tonite at 8pm in Yoga Shala -Bogota.

I will talk about the Secrets of Raja Yoga & then a sound healing concert with my good buddy Mario and other star beings.

So if anyone is in Bogota...Most Welcome or come in spirit and view from above.

Also attached more vidoes from the Calera and an Interview with Taita Eustorgio from Putumayo...its in Spanish...will translate in time...

Many blessings 2 all & much love,


The sun is with u today & 4 ever

When we see the sign in the sky, be ever ready.

Info from Colombia family

Secretos de Raja Yoga ~ una charla con Lucho L Condor, 22 años de exp en Raja Yoga, sanador con sonido- vibraciones y shaman.

Xp~O = Experencia cyclica del alma, exponer la verdad, abrir concencia. Ser un Zero o O. Un punto de luz.

Musica para Sanar ~ Cuencos de Cristal, tambores, guitara, y sonidos celestials.

Mario Jimenez- Experto en Hot Yoga, Cuencos de Cristal y sanador.

Al final vamos a grabar un video para You Tube para invitar el publico en Nov 11 2008 ~*~ 108 Horas de Tambores en el Jardin Botanico.

Dia- Oct 29-

Hora -8 pm

Lugar - Yoga Shala
Kr 27C #72-29

Yoga Shala Hot Yoga
Tel 548-5818 o Cel-311 854 3307

Lucho 314 477 1841

Going 2 the River....

Taita Shaman speaks about Yage...

Ceremony 2 Awaken

Monday, October 20, 2008



A Nuestra Madre Tierra
Es un ritual de tambores y cantos cuya duración es de 108 horas ininterrumpidas.
Con esta jornada de reflexión, queremos invitar a todos los seres humanos para que ofrenden por 108 horas sus pensamientos y acciones, transformándolos en vibraciones de amor para ayudarle a Nuestra Madre Tierra a sanarse.

Descripción del ritual

El músico percusionista Rodolfo Lozano Muñoz Se instalará en la maloca del Jardín Botánico, junto con un set de instrumentos de percusión a las 9 pm del día martes 11 de noviembre, y tocará de forma ininterrumpida hasta el día domingo 16 de noviembre a las 10 am, momento en el que se completarán las 108 horas del ritual.

La maloca tendrá sus puertas abiertas para recibir a las personas que libremente deseen participar del ritual (ya sea tocando algún instrumento, meditando en silencio, cantando mantras, o simplemente observando), en los horarios de atención al público que el Jardín Botánico tiene establecidos.
Durante esta jornada de música y meditación, asistirán como invitados algunos artistas y sanadores reconocidos a nivel local y nacional, así como grupos que se unirán al sonido del tambor con sus voces y otros instrumentos.

Esperamos contar tambien contigo!!!!

Abre el archivo Adjunto!!! y has extensiva esta información a tus contactos
Con gran aprecio

Natalia Y Rodolfo
Laboratorio Artístico Agua de Fuego

Una ceremonia en La Maloka.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Life in Bogota-Time 2 get clean!

Dear Family of Light,

Well here we are in present time and a special welcome to all the new star beings. Honored to have u here in this time of awakening.

Been busy here and never a dull moment in this Shaman Brahmin life.

On the fun side, I went to the airport yesterday--had a ticket to return to Miami..but had so much to do here--so met Jovany Zapata of Spirit Air and explained the Airline Ambassador project and ask if I could postpone my ticket and he said Yes!

So special thanks to Jovany & if anyone wants to fly to Colombia they got great fares,

From there I went el Centro de Bogota for a conference on Social Justice with Ernesto Samper, ex-pres of Colombia and good friend of Marcela and me. Will be posting some videos of the speeches by Lucho Garzon, ex mayor of Bogota and other VIPS.

See my Humanitarian site

So I come home because we have picko y placa, meaning if your tag on your car ends with a 2,4 6 --and u are on the road from 4- 6pm--expect a police to give u a major ticket or ask for a bride...

I arrive at my home and what do I see? A bunch a people around a truck watching some guy get washed by pretty girls.
Promo by

Yes this is Bogota at its best.

Enjoy and time to get clean!!

Colombia sky blessings,

See the craziness of Bogota Marketing.

Music by La Elastica

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Open Letter to CEO Spirt Air, Ben Baldanza

Dear Mr. Baldanza,

I have flown your new service to Colombia and feel we have a great opportunity for Spirit Air. I Was looking for your name is Google and came up with a US Today story about the need for good customer service and Corporate Citizenship.

For the past few months I have been doing a humanitarian campaign with Airline Ambassadors Int & the US Embassy in Bogota. We have created a unique partnership with the Colombian Military, NGO's and The Governor of Guaviare to help rebuild a hospital in Southern Colombia.

Yesterday I sent a letter to your communications person in Miami and wanted to add a few videos so you can see the wonderful work of Airline Ambassadors and humanitarian leaders in action.

Today I will be at the Bogota Airport for a conversation with your Colombian Spirit Air Team and hope to unite forces with your company to bring much need aid to our people. We are looking for CEOs like yourself to promote Good Governance.

See more Humanitarian Leaders...

All the best,

Luis Mejia
President, Humanitarian Leaders
Tribal Ink News

Our work in Colombia.

Who are Airline Ambassadors?

NBC news about AAI

A trip to Nepal

Below is letter mentioned.

Dear Juan,

My name is Luis Mejia and I am a journalists & Film Director working in Colombia with base in Miami.

I wanted to write you to share some PR & Promotional opportunities for Spirit Air.
I used your new service to Bogota . Excellent Service and price.

In your press release July 24th-

Miramar, Florida (July 24, 2008) - Spirit Airlines today becomes the first ultra low cost carrier to offer daily service between Fort Lauderdale and Bogota, Colombia, including daily connections from 16 cities in the United States.

I agree with you in liberating millions of Colombians in Bogota from high fares. A trip to Cartagena from Bogota is the same price as flying to NY. As a media professional I see the need for Corporate Citizenship and creating a good image in a new country.

I am doing a humanitarian campaign with Airline Ambassadors Int. ( ) & US Embassy in Bogota.
Please see press release attached. We are supporting a Hospital in Southern Colombia and 2 orphanages in Bogota.
3min clip at You Tube video -

I am also producing a Documentary about the Eagle & Condor Prophecies and in the future we will need an airline sponsor.
Our production time-line includes a trip to Miami from Bogota with 5 Elders from the Sierra Nevada.
Lots of media coverage and excellent opportunity for positive corporate relations.
Short demo @

We are open to create a Strategic Alliance with Spirit Airlines and open a door to discuss future humanitarian missions.

Please let me know your thoughts and look forward to meeting you on my return to Miami.

All the best,

Luis Mejia

Tribal Ink News & Humanitarian Leaders
786.268.2723 ~ Colombia 571 310-477-1841
Producer, Writer, & Director.

Thoughts 4 Future Reference

Family of Light

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Drunvalo Melchizedek -Enzymes & Moving Energy.

Dear Family of Light,

Such a special time we are in and seems like time is quickening.

Can u feel it? Do u see the signs in the sky? Can u dream the forgotten dream?

Yes it is time we see the magic of who we are & be Stars of Peace 4 a world out of Balance.

This past few days my parents arrived--so less time on net and more family time.

Yes my mom & dad are very special and with a name like Mejia Florez...soon u will see myster codes in teh name and my book...The Flowers of Messiah. Been writing it for a while and soon to be released.

But more on that later, now got a great video of my good buddy Drunvalo, a master and healer...hear his message of enzymes and moving energy.

From the Healing Heart,


Direct link.

Spanish translations with Lucho more on healing....

Direct link.

and one more to make us think....

More info on Drunvalo.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Bamboo Parable & Foto Motage

Dear Family of Light

Some thoughts to remember and words to remind u.

The time is still, the sun is setting, the moon is coming out. All is a cycle spinning round.
We are souls trapped in time, but can step out-- if u understand the soul.

A star is faster than anything material...Be a star of peace out of time into a land of silence and purity --this trip is worth a thousand smiles.

Blessings from the heart,

Patience is a virtue and a power too. Patience tells us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that we get over there one step at a time. Patience teaches us not to rush. Knowing that there is a reason and a season for everything it enables us to smile at the challenges, realizing that there is an answer to every problem. And, even though we cannot see it, yet there is awareness that within every crisis lies an opportunity.

Everybody has …..a different Purpose!
An Interesting Anecdote! Please Read On!

One day I decided to quit...

One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God', I said. 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'
His answer surprised me...
'Look around', He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', I replied.
When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light. I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
'In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But
I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from
The bamboo seed. 'I would not quit.' He said. 'Then in the fifth year
A tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant... But
Just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots.

Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I
Would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.'

He said to me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have
Been struggling, you have actually been growing roots.'

'I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. ' Don't
Compare yourself to others ..' He said. ' The bamboo had a different
Purpose than the fern ... Yet, they both make the forest beautiful.'

Your time will come, ' God said to me. ' You will rise high! ' How
High should I rise?' I asked.

How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.

'As high as it can? ' I questioned.

' Yes. ' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can. '

I left the forest and bring back this story.

I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.

He will never give up on you.

Never regret a day in your life.

Good days give you happiness

Bad days give you experiences;

Both are essential to life.

A happy and meaningful life requires our continuous input and
Creativity. It does not happen by chance. It happens because of our
Choices and actions. And each day we are given new opportunities to
Choose and act and, in doing so, we create our own unique journey.'
Keep going...

Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
"Bridging Distances, Touching Lives & Strengthening Relationships with God" is all what we do!? ?

Enjoy Some Kogis, Some Sedona and Something....

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Hopi Visions & dreams

Dear Family of Light,

In time we see the mission, in the dream we understand the vision.

Was going thru my backup drive and found these clips of Grandfather Martin and our
Hopi adventure in May 07. So put together a quick clip and wanted to share some
insight to my Hopi Connection.

First time I visited Hopi Prophecy Rock was in 95 when I went to Sedona and met a
wonderful sister named Sakina Blue Star. She said she knew the Hopis and was
willing to take me there. We arrived and met Rowina Jackson, amazing Hopi women who
carves Katchinas..Well bought a Katchina and was given my first Eagle feather, a
small chest feather that was dear to me.

I have always heard of the Hopis and it is other mans stories, very few times you
get a chance to be with the real one. In the late 90s attended the One Prayer
Gathering in New York.

One year they had Grandfather Thomas Banyaca. He was old and even had a chance to
do a healing on him. The exp was powerful and could write and chapter about the
spirit animals I saw.

But now back to present. Everlasting life....purification. as I write I am
listening to Martin speaking about the prophecy. Will here is us in Sedona talking
to him, then a trip to his home...we almost hit a dog, them a short clip a Prophecy

Enjoy & remember time is close....

Much love & Colombia sky blessings,

A journey behind the scenes of Hopi Elder Grandfather Martin & Prophecy Last


Direct link

Martin Gashweseoma

An vision at Prophecy rock.

part 2

part 3

a message for the end.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Airline Ambassadors in Bogota, Colombia

Dear Family of Light,

An amazing time with Airline Ambassadors and a humanitarian mission to Colombia.

Airline Ambassadors delivering humanitarian aid to orphanages in Bogota, Colombia
Ninos por un Nuevo Planeta and
Hogar Luz y Vida

A short trip to humanitarian land.

Direct Link

Airline Ambassadors, LDS Charities, US Embassy Bogotá & Military
Join Forces to Bring Aid to Colombia

(Sept 24, 2008) On September 24, 2008, 30,000 lbs of hospital supplies (valued over $1M) arrived in San Jose del Guaviare thanks to assistance from the US Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, Colombian military and the Colombian National Police.

Airline Ambassadors International (AAI) a humanitarian NGO put together this unique collaborative effort with the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) Charities in Colombia after a call for help from the US Civil Affairs personnel stationed in Colombia in April 2008.

An advance AAI team met with the Governor of Guaviare, Oscar Cadavid and decided to bring support to his Plan of Action. Hospital director, Nancy Sanchez Perez compiled a needs list for the Hospital de San Jose de Guaviare serving the region from the Venezuelan border to the northern frontiers of Peru and Ecuador.

LDS Charities in Salt Lake City, UT generously provided over 40,000 lbs of medical aid for this hospital. 50,000 lbs still awaits shipment from Homestead Airbase in Miami to Colombia.

Colombian National Police Battalion Commander, Gustavo Chavarro played a critical role to make sure the shipment will arrive safely to San Jose del Guaviare. The National Police has also generously provided personal air transport for the donor volunteers.

Oscar Cadavid, Governor del Guaviare has developed an economic plan, “All for the Social and Economic Recuperation of Guaviare”. He has identified public health care as an important element to this plan of action. The Hospital in San Jose currently serves all sectors of society, including civilian, military and police.
Page 2 AAI press

This first shipment of aid to Hospital San Jose de Guaviare will help scale up the health care facility to international standards, with the ability to supply outlying clinics. The Governor plans to provide a jobs training program for technicians from the region to maintain and repair medical equipment in this hospital, giving those reliant on the drug trade an alternative means to provide for their families. The Governor’s “Plan of Action” is so innovative it will be featured in the upcoming Interamerican Development Bank’s upcoming 50th Annual Anniversary meeting in Medellin in March 2009.

The US Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia has also been very generous with logistical support, transportation and technical assistance. The US Embassy assisted AAI in coordination with the Colombian military and identifying the donation site of San Jose de Gauviare.

This is the first of its kind collaboration among NGOs, the US Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, military and government in a coordinated effort to bring sustainable development to Southern Colombia.

Airline Ambassadors teams also delivered aid to two adopted orphanages in Bogotá – Niños por Un Nuevo Planeta for sexually abused children and also Hogar de Luz y Vida for disabled and special needs children. AAI plans on regular missions to these orphanages as well as continued development support to Southern Colombia.

Airline Ambassadors International is a humanitarian non profit organization that provides humanitarian aid to children and families in need as well as international relief and development in underprivileged countries worldwide.

Contact: Luis Mejia, AAI PR

A Photo Montage.

A Photo montage.