Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prophecy, Last Message -An Expereince Film

Prophecy, Last Message

A modern tale of adventure, mystery & wisdom.
Not a documentary...an EXPERIENCE FILM!!

When the Eagle of the North,and the Condor of the South join together it symbolizes we are one hand…

it is time for the Rainbow Tribes of the Earth to unite to bring peace on earth. U r the rainbow bridge!

A journey has begun…

A prophecy is unfolding…

Deep in the highest coastal mountain of the world, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, lives an ancient tribe that were never conquered by the Spaniards. They call themselves the Kogi or Kagabba which means {The People}. They are still governed by a society of Priests or Mamas, who still use the 5000-year old tradition of Aluna. They know the future and have knowledge of the beginning of time. They have a prophecy that one day they will meet with the Eagle of the North. The Mamas of the 4 tribes, including Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa & Kankuamo are uniting to reveal the ancient secrets.

Another ancient tribe, the Hopi also has a prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. It is written that when the Eagle of the North unites with the Condor of the South, it symbolizes we are One Hand and the time has come for the Rainbow Tribes around the world to unite to bring Peace to Earth.

The problem is the Mamas and the Sierra are slowly disappearing and no one knows it…. The Hopi are also sending messages that we are in Purification Time and soon we will enter the 5th World.

The Wisdom Keeper’s journey of the Last Message is an experience film whose time has come. An unprecedented opportunity to witness a Prophecy unfolding and a cultural exchange program never recorded before. The Wisdom and Ceremonies of the Elders is a fulfillment of a prophecy written in stone many years ago.

Prophecy, Last Message follows a group of Filmmakers, Shamans, Adventures and Tribal Elders who have embarked upon a mission to bring a message to humanity. The Eagle (Hopi, Seminole, Navaho) and the Condor (Kogi, Q’ero, Maya) are the ancient keepers of the Prophecies, Sacred texts and stones. They see the signs in the sky and know destiny -time is calling to reveal the secrets.

A Prophecy in Motion will bring Eagle Messengers to South America to join their Condor brothers in cultural exchange programs and ceremonies to awaken ancient spiritual sites. They will share their oral tradition and mystery of the Sierra. An opportunity to witness magic, mystery and adventure being revealed through a Higher Power, a Prophet, Rainbow Bridge Warriors and Destiny herself.

It will be an Experience...out of the box filming...

A final journey will unite Native Elders from across Turtle Island in Cultural Exchange programs and Talking Circles to deliver the Final Message to the United Nations and the people of Earth in a “Wisdom Keepers” conference in Mt Abu, India.

Will you join them? Will you listen?

The Beginning…History…Background…

Prophecy, Last Message is the story of an ancient prophecy handed down thousands of years by many Indigenous tribes of North and South America. From the Frozen Tundra of Canada to the southern tip of Earth’s Andean Spine, there exists countless stories, tales and predictions foretelling of a future time when the Eagle and the Condor unite. The most ancient tribes of each continent, Hopi from the Four Corners, Mesa Verde of Arizona, and Kogi, perched on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the highest coastal mountain in the world that rises from Colombia’s North Eastern coast, have come to symbolize these sacred birds among Indigenous Peoples and are respected as Elder Brothers of all humanity.

The experience film follows a group of Shamans, filmmakers and adventurers who feel they have been chosen to fulfill the Prophecy by uniting these ancient tribes and assisting them in bringing forth a message to humanity. With one foot in the spirit world and one in our own, these “Rainbow Bridge People” know nothing more than what they feel in their hearts and what they can do with their minds. Unknowing of an outcome, they are creating a path as they go. They both lead and are led by the ancient Tribal Elders towards an unimaginable future. A Prophecy in Motion is being revealed.

More than a Decade of Development

In an ever shrinking society, where are the true adventurers? In the age of Capitalism, how do the spiritual revolutionaries make a difference? Luis Mejia, aka Lucho L Condor, never stopped asking these questions nor helping those who believe.

A leading international PR professional, Lucho has dedicated his life to humanitarian efforts and creating a free voice for Indigenous people through Tribal Ink News, a news agency he started in 1997 and the Earth Station Foundation in 1992. Many battles are lost because no one knows they are being fought.
A new NGO, Humanitarian Leaders is taking charge of raising funds for the EXP FILM. www.youtube.com/HumanitarianLeaders

In 1986 he had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in a car crash, 90 mph into a tree. It was like God slapping him in his face, change and remembered your mission. An ancient Prophecy needs to be uncovered. This brought him back to his homeland, Colombia for a year of inner search. In August 1986, Lucho met Dadi Janki, a spiritual leader of the Brahma Kumaris and got involved in the UN Million Minutes of Peace campaign. This led to a trip to New York and then a unique journey to Mt Abu, India in December of 1986. These events changed his life forever. He saw the prophecies from a new perspective based on the Bhagavad Gita and understood himself from God’s plan, a higher dimension.

For decades, Lucho has interacted, studied and done ceremony with many Indigenous tribes of the Americas. Through his travels, the Prophecy kept appearing in dreams, real visions of the Hopis and the Kogis doing fire ceremonies, sharing music. Visions of the future not understood in present. Strange encounters and obstacles along the way never slowed the enthusiasm for the project.

In 1992, working for a magazine in Los Angeles and Earth Station Foundation, Lucho attended the “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. He was invited to the “Wisdom Keepers” gathering and understood the power of Prophecy based on the dire predictions of the destruction of the Amazons. During the frantic experience in Rio, Dadi Janki of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University offered a private retreat for VIPs and deep insight was shared. She was named a United Nation’s “Wisdom Keeper” and would prove to be a vital link in the Prophecies and how they are related to present time.

In April 1995, Lucho traveled to Hopi land and was given an Eagle feather, Katchina Doll and sacred stone. Later in 1995 he joined the Solar Initiation Ceremony in the Mayan Yacatan with spiritual leaders from all over the world. Here he met Drunvalo and created a bond with a special man who is key for the prophecies. www.drunvalo.net

In 1997, he received an invitation to the second International Gathering of Priest & Elders of America in Colombia. He quit his job at Ford and traveled to Colombia meeting the Kogis for the first time.

While at the Amazon Gathering, a Kogi Mamo sought him out and brought him back to the Kogi village where, for two months, he lived in a primitive state learning the old ways. The Mamo’s foretold him of his involvement in fulfilling the Prophecy; uniting the Condor and the Eagle and assisting them in their mission to speak to the world. After two months with no contact to the outside world, a brief encounter with the FARC, many sleepless nights, Lucho returned to Miami and began a decade long quest to honor the destiny and a promise for which he had been chosen.

In 1999, a ancient circle was discovered in Miami. Tribal Ink News become the media force to save this lost mystery and revealed secrets in the dreams that kept Lucho awake at night. Dubbed the Miami Circle, this Sacred Site is still in disarray, lost in a political jungle, but a message is to be revealed in the stones.

Trapped in the corporate world again doing media campaigns for Motorola, Lucho got involved with the Discovery Educational Fund and a project in Peru. Tired of being a slave to big business, Lucho quit his job at Motorola and went to Cusco, Peru to work on the Korichancha Project, uncovering the lost tunnels of the Incas. For 1 year during 2001 he studied the Shaman ways, did ceremony with the Q’ero, planted sacred crystals in Machu Pichu then returned to Miami to fulfill the dream. In 2003, Lucho returned to Colombia to investigate the best way to help the Mamos, as the paramilitary war was going on and very dangerous to travel to the Sierra, the film was suspended in time. During his time is Colombia, he traveled to the Sierra and had a series of strange experiences that confirmed his mission.

In May 2007, Lucho, a film crew and an Arhuaco emissary from the Mamo’s, Kogi spiritual leaders, traveled to the Sedona and ancient Hopi land to re-establish a connection that had been lost for millennia. 2 Sacred Eagle and a Red-tail Hawk feathers were gifted at second mesa and created a mystical connection to the Hopi people. Returning to Colombia on August 1, 2008- a magical day of a Total Solar Eclipse, Lucho returned to the Sierra to gift the feathers to a silent, old Mamo. He returned to Miami on Jan 27, 2009, a Lunar Eclipse. The mystery continues…

In May 2009, Lucho was invited to speak at the International Indigenous Leadership Gathering in Lilloeet, Canada. He was gifted 5 Eagle feathers and given the codes to Medicine Mountain. A Kogi bag was exchanged for a drum with a Tribal Elder, Dave Terry who danced the Bear Song. 4 days fasting on Medicine Mt, Dave left this world back to spirit world. Events that transpired at this Canada gathering are triggers to the Prophecy. see short film @ http://protectingthesacred.ning.com

What began in 1992 is being revealed now. These sycro-destiny scenes are being recorded and will awaken a memory lost many moons ago. What is the meaning of feathers? What is the meaning of the dreams and visions? Who are the Bhahana, White people the Hopi talk about? What do the Kogi’s want to say at the end of time or is it the beginning of time? What do the Spirit of the Condor and Eagle have to share? Does the Fire have a Message? Are you a rainbow Bridge soul being asked to be part of an Experience Film?

Production Overview

Prophecy, Last Message is a Experience Film, feature length motion picture, combining elements of documentary filmmaking and reality media by including the Filmmakers and production crew in the story they are documenting. Composed of four separate journeys, the 1st Journey was completed and documented while on location in Sedona, Arizona, and the Hopi Nation. This journey successfully established the ancient connection between the Condor and the Eagle as foretold in the Prophecy. The 2nd journey was filmed in Canada and an 8 min demo was produced for fund-raising.

Upon finalizing and securing financing, production will be divided into two separate shoots, coinciding with the two remaining journeys in the fulfillment of the Prophecy.

Overview of 3nd Journey

Having now reestablished this ancient connection with Hopi and Canadian Elders, the 3nd Journey will bring the Eagle to the land of the Condor and together, they will awaken ancient sacred sites.

The 3nd Journey will feature:

* The participation of Hopi Elders in traveling to multiple locations throughout South America, Peru, Colombia, & Bolivia.
* The first meeting, ever, between Hopi Elders and Kogi Mamo’s in the sacred homeland of the Sierra Nevada Mountain in Santa Marta, Colombia.
* Documentation of the Elders conducting spiritual ceremony at Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, Lake Titicaca, Saqsawaman and other important ancient sites.
* Documentation of meetings between the Elders and important modern day cultural figures, including Evo Morales.

Overview of 4th Journey- Part 1 &2

The 4th and final journey will follow the Mamas & Elders from their native land in Colombia, to Miami where a fully equipped tour bus (dubbed, the Magic Bus) will take the Mamo’s and the Production Team to do ceremony at the Miami Circle, interact with the Seminole Tribe in the Everglades and travel cross country inviting celebrities, media & Native Elders to join the Magic Bus to share their vision of the future as well as create awareness for Humanitarian campaigns in the Sierra, and other sacred sites around the world. The trip ends in Hopi Village where an exchange of Condor & Eagle Feathers fulfills another prophecy

Remembering the Hopi message to the UN in 1992, and fulfill the Prophecy of Return, the Elders will travel to the United Nations to speak to the press and share their vision of Peace, Hope and Wisdom with a select group of VIPS, Politicians and Celebrities.


* A group of Mamos traveling by air from Colombia to Miami, Florida.
* A tour bus journey by the Mamos from Miami to the Four Corners region where they will join a group of Hopi Elders, and together travel to New York City.

The delivery of the Last Message to the United Nations, VIP gathering, press

The 4rd Journey Part 2:

Journey 4 Part 2 takes the film crew and Indigenous Peoples from around the world to Mt Abu, India for a “Wisdom Keepers” conference. Date TBD... Cultural exchange, dance, live concerts, and art will be a way to share the Last Message and reveal the secrets via Film & Live Internet Transmission.


* A group of Mamo’s, VIPs, media and film crew traveling by air from NY to London, then India.
* A “Wisdom Keepers” conference and concert in Mt Abu, India, featuring Indigenous speakers, performers and well-known musical artists from around the world who are committed to supporting Indigenous Peoples. www.bkwsu.org or www.brahmakumaris.com ; www.prophecylastmessage.com
* Live video transmission of conference and selected clips of Prophecy, Last Message.
* Tour of Sacred sites in India.

Completed Production Milestones

* 15 years background and pre-production development by Project Director
* Financing and pre-production development by Project Producer
* Execution and documentation of 1st Journey in April, 2007
* Completion of a three minute promotional video from 1st Journey footage -Live on www.youtube.com/tribalinknews
* Rough edit of 20-minute short video from 1st Journey footage
* Execution and documentation of 2st Journey in Canada, 2009
* Completion of a eight minute promotional video International Indigenous Leadership Gathering, Canada 2009
* Creation of Pre-production document, Business Plan, Executive Team
* Creation of Humanitarian Leaders, Inc., non-profit corporate structure, strategic alliance with Entertainment Incubator, Inc., agent of record, pay pal account set up, web to raise funds. www.prophecylastmessage.com www.entertainmentincubator.org www.HumanitarianLeaders.org
* Creation of Humanitarian document, YECHIKIN with You Tube links & Alliance with Tierra Una, based in Bogota www.tierrauna.org



Marketing Overview

Prophecy, Last Message presents an eminent opportunity to launch an Indigenous media campaign targeted to the mainstream public that bridges the cultural, lingual, geographical and economic divides of the Americas. Furthermore, it provides the advantageous circumstances in which a motion picture’s production creates public relations opportunities to raise public awareness prior to it’s release.

Properly executed, Prophecy, Last Message will appear to the public as a retrospective to the events that transpired, not the catalyst that caused the events. This EXPERIENCE FILM...docudrama will question whether history was recorded or actually created. Either answer is potentially profitable as the events may be seen as historically significant.

Key Elements

While it is important to document each day, opportunities to expand media exposure and public awareness are produced by these events:

* Press conference in La Paz, Bolivia, where the world’s only Indigenous National Leader will send the Condor to join the Eagle and speak to humanity as emissaries of the Indigenous Peoples of Earth.
* Press conference in Miami, Florida, at the Miami Circle to commence the final journey, which will deliver the Last Message. An ancient sacred site whose discovery in 1999 drew international media coverage, it shall host the spiritual reunification of the Eagle and the Condor.
* A transnational magic bus tour will bring the Condor to meet the Eagle, frequently stopping to allow creative, philosophical and spiritual leaders to partake in the journey. While in motion, time will be spent collaborating on music inspired by their mission. Potential live feeds and media exposure will generate “Buzz”.
* A press conference at the United Nations in New York City where the spiritual leaders of the Hopi and the Kogi will deliver the Last Message to all who listen. This message, as of yet, is unknown to all parties, even to the spiritual leaders, as this knowledge only becomes available when the time is at hand.
* A celebration and live musical concert, “The Concert for the Heart of the World”, in multiple locations across the Americas at the conclusion of the 3rd Journey to raise support and awareness of Indigenous causes.
* A Wisdom Keepers gathering in India and Concert transmitted Live via the Internet.

Tribal Ink News (TIN) founded in 1998 is a Humanitarian News Agency – a “media bridge” company that Links Indigenous people, their teachings and the ancient spirit to the modern world via ink- news stories, film documentaries, public relations campaigns, radio messages, Internet cross-promotions, and special events. We are an Internet network of media organizations, TV producers, journalists, Native Elders, Eco and Humanitarian NGOs, Corporate Leaders and Spiritual Teachers ready to bridge the Digital Divide and share the wisdom of the Elders.

Tribal Ink News & Humanitarian Leaders has a strategic alliance with Airline Ambassadors International, a UN Humanitarian NGO www.airlineamb.org. As a member of the Executive Council, Luis Mejia has created media campaigns around the world, including humanitarian missions to help the Native Elders. Airline Ambassadors has delivered more than $15 million in humanitarian aid during the past 15 years. www.youtube.com/HumanitarianLeaders www.airlineamb.org

Prophecy, Last Message rights, Internet and DVD sales will be retained by Tribal Ink News/Humanitarian Leaders. A percentage of the proceeds of the film will used for the acquisition and protection of Kogi land in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia.

In 1999 Tribal Ink News was one of the main organizations that helped save the Miami Circle, an ancient archeological site in downtown Miami. www.miamicirclesite.com

Tribal Ink News www.tribalink.org

Bogota, Colombia & Miami, FLA

Contacts: Luis E Mejia, Writer, Producer & Director


Miami: -361 236 KOGI-Bogota -571-225-3703

www.myspace.com/LCondor www.youtube.com/TribalinkNews http://TribalinkNews.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/LCondor
www.HumanitarianLeaders www.ProphecyLastMessage.org

our demo soon to be updated...

Direct link


Mamos Speak...

Direct Link

Kogi Words....sorry no translation

Direct Link


Kogi Hopi Dreams

Direct Link

Mamos at Tunja Rocks

Direct Link


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