Monday, January 30, 2006

Blue Thunder and Pachacuti News

Dear Family of Light,

The Words echoed by BlueThunder remind me of a dream long ago. One day all nations will unite under the flag of the Great Spirit.

One day the condor and the eagle will fly hand in hand, one day the new world will emerge from the ashes of old like the great Pheonix.

The rainbow tribes will come together and share the wisdom each has and harmony will ring through out the land. It is in our hands. We have the future in our palm and in our coded hologram of the soul.

One day.....or Day 1... Time is not as we feel, but as we see. One day time will stop and the mountains will move. One day our hearts will sing the song of a New Pachamana.

The prophecy the new Pachacuti has come true with the election of an Indigenous president in Bolivia. See Spanish news below from Altercom.

Is past few days I have been feeling a call of time and a call of the ancestors. The Kogi have been calling me and there message is the same as below.

In time we will see the prophecys come true and a new world glow before us.

From the heart,

Lucho L Condor

El primero y el segundo Pachacuti.El enigma del Estado comunitario.Los Ceremoniales andinos son solemnes. La Profecía de los Q’ero. Bolivia: noticias del Pachacuti, el Ceremonial y la ProfecíaWilson García Mérida* Altercom*

22 de enero de 2006
«Esto fue un verdadero Tsunami», exclamó azorado a los cuatro vientos Tito Hoz de Vila, un ex ministro y hoy senador de la derecha residual boliviana, refiriéndose al inclemente y devastador triunfo popular en las urnas del domingo 18 de diciembre. Ese día llovió a cántaros en algunas regiones del país y sucedieron hechos más que emblemáticos, acaso proféticos. En la ciudad de El Alto, un anciano aymara que agonizaba de vejez en su choza de adobe se dio modos para asistir al acto comicial y murió después de votar, en pleno recinto electoral, cumpliendo su última voluntad, el último acto de su vida: votar por un indio para Presidente de Bolivia.

see more at

Msg To Indigenous Nations Leaders

Bennie E. LeBeau, aka BlueThunder Eastern Shoshone Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming - - (307) 851-6249
January 17th, 2006

Greetings my Fellow Brothers, Sisters & Relatives; All Nations, My name is BlueThunder, aka Bennie LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming.

This is a message to all wisdom keepers within the Indigenous Nations of the America's. I have been asked to spread the word of White Eagle, a sacred Holy One who is working from the East-bringing message towards the west with sacred messages for peace. As an Eastern Shoshone messenger, a Peacemaker; I pray that leaders within the Dakota/Lakota Nations, Navajo Nations, Shoshone Nations, Chumash Nations, including all other Indigenous Nations that receive this message with a peace in their hearts. This is to be considered and sent out to all Leaders/Advisors and Spiritual Leaders within the Indigenous Nations of the America's. Please consider forwarding this to those influential individuals that you know far and wide.

Those that want to get in touch with me please call me at 307 851-6249 or my email at I thank you all on Behalf of White Eagle and White Thunder, Gerry Brolan as Peacemakers from the past, spiritual messages sent now that will help bring peace to the America’s. This Peacemaker White Eagle was recognized by many sacred names in the Tribal Nations of the America's and the World.

May the Great Spirit Continue to Bless Each and Everyone in Wisdom and Knowledge for Mother Earth as the Great Spirit intended within the Central Sun, the Creator our Father and our Universal Mother of Creation the Universe.

Many Zahaunts, meaning many thank you’s for your help in sending this message for peace, within the America’s for the world at large. Those leaders of men and women that receive this message I respectfully request that you consider contacting me at my telephone 307 851-6249 or my email address, Blessings Be Peace.

Bennie E. LeBeau, aka BlueThunder, Eastern Shoshone,

Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming


*Spoken Truth... Warriors of Old - 16th January 2006


The attached message was received this afternoon from White Eagle with the instructions from White Thunder to forward to All Wisdom Keepers. As you know, we do not have e-mails or addresses for them over here in the East we are asking that you Bennie (Blue Thunder) and Marshall (Golden Eagle) please help us. It has been shown that Navajo Nations, Lakota/Dakota Nations and Hopi Nations must receive this attachment as must all or as many of the Wisdom Keepers that you know between you. Please will you forward on and keep in touch with us for we have been shown we need to know who receives this message.

Many Blessings Gerry Brolan (WhiteThunder) – Lyn Shelton (MoonStar), Paul Brolan (RunningBear)


*Book Of Trust

Spoken Truth - Spiritual Messages From the Warriors of Old

Nations Unite Within Souls We Walk

Brother to my people, Saviour to many Nations.

Open with me, walk beside all.

Offer own hand of peace; Challenge no meaning Trust in all Spoken Truth

Knowledge I give, Wisdom I share.

Open the mind, share amongst those, teach through visions shown.

Feel the wisdom I bring to enable walkways of harmony to balance Nature's forces

Touch the heart and soul of those who walk within the shadows of darkness.

Radiate with the love and warmth I bring in peace.

Understand the hand I offer.

Search no more, wisdom I bring. Each Warrior bring forth meanings of the soul.

Tether no more. Wisdom Keepers unleash knowledge of old.
White Eagle

Many walkways of peace shadowed by mysteries of doubt. Each pathway shown by me throughout past time glistens with true vibrations of Natures Glory. Many wish to walk upon footsteps laid down by Ancient Ones in the hope of balancing all Tribal Nations throughout.

Each Warrior understands the true beliefs handed down through time. Peace Brothers give much from within depth of own self, teachings of wisdom shared by many who walked upon the lands that were once of plenty. Eyes closed by the blinkers of doubt change nothing; eyes open bring forth new beginnings. Walk with me along pathways of brightness. True beings of Old walk beside those of true belief. Hands cross many palms of all races, each palm toughed by those chosen by me, share the vibrations of love.

Each barrier of doubt cast shadows from which fears dwell deep within. We acknowledge those of troubled minds, peace from within will shine once more, begin the journeys forward, enhance the true meaning of life itself. Bring forth the true meaning of trust, open own heart to walk the pathway forgotten by many. I bring Truth and Honesty back for all to share, and walk beside the one who carries the hurts and sorrows for all Nations.

Walk within the Golden Rays I bring. These words I have been given to pass through the Wisdom Keepers of many Tribal Nations. I offer the openness of my being to share with many Nations the teachings I bring from many Warriors of Old to enable the worth of many to flourish and to begin the sacredness of journeys of time past.

Each Warrior of today releases energies from within to shine the true colors of Peace and Harmony for which the walkway to eternity forms the Rainbow Bridge of many colors.

White Eagle

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