Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Meeting of Elders, Kogi Hopi , Last Message

The Meeting of Elders

Kogi ~ Hopi ~ Last Message


Deep in the one of the highest coastal mountain of the world, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, live an ancient tribe that was never conquered by the Spaniards. They call themselves the Kogi or Kagabba which means { The People }. They are still governed by a society of Priests or Mamas, who still use the 5000-year old tradition of Aluna. They know the future and have knowledge of the beginning of time. They have a prophecy that one day they will come to meet with the Eagle of the North.

Another ancient tribe, the Hopi also have a prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. It is written that when the Eagle of the North unites with the Condor of the South, it symbolizes we are One Hand and the time has come for the Rainbow tribes around the world to unite to bring Peace to Earth.

The problem is the Kogi are slowly disappearing and no one knows it…. The Hopi are also sending messages that time is near and the world will soon enter the 5th World.

The Meeting of Elders is a historic cultural exchange, a chance to record the wisdom and knowledge of the Elders and a fulfillment of a prophecy told many years ago.

We the Kogis are the Elder Brother, our Teachings say if our Mountain dies…

the World will die…

We must be the Peace and Hope for this World.
- Mama Gabriel Alimako with Emerson Jackson, Dine Elder

We believe the world is ready to hear the Global Vision and Ecological Warning expressed by "The Elder Brother” the Kogi and our Eagle Brothers.

In the Heart of the World there exists a memory to be shared,

the Kogi’s have a message…Are you willing to listen?


The purpose for producing this High Definition Documentary is to successfully develop a humanitarian communications campaign to share the message of the Elder Brother, the Condor and Native Americans of the North, the Eagle- a historic cultural exchange.

This Documentary will create dialogue for peace and share a vision never heard before.

In 1992 the UN’s Earth Summit created the “Wisdom Keepers” to bring a message of peace and hope for the environment. Time is calling to reveal the Last Message to the World.


With a total economic blockade in the Sierra and more than 250 natives killed in the last 3 years, the Kogi and all the tribes of this sacred land are asking for help.

Tribal Ink News has signed a 3-year humanitarian agreement with Gonawindua Tayrona Organization and the Kogi Mamas (Elders)

Tribal Ink News has a strategic alliance with Airline Ambassadors International, a UN Humanitarian NGO www.airlineamb.org. As a member of the Executive Council, Luis Mejia has created media campaigns around the world, including humanitarian missions to help the Native Elders. Airline Ambassadors has delivered more than $10 million in humanitarian aid during the past 7 years.

Kogi, Last Message rights will be retained by Tribal Ink News, who will devote 50% of proceeds for the acquisition and protection of Kogi land in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia.

Tribal Ink News (TIN) founded in 1998 is an news agency - a "media bridge" company that Links Indigenous people, their teachings and the ancient spirit to the modern world through film documentaries, public relations campaigns, radio messages, news stories, Internet cross-promotions, articles and special events. We are an Internet network of media organizations, TV producers, journalists, Native Elders, Eco and Humanitarian NGOs, Corporate Leaders and Spiritual Teachers ready to bridge the Digital Divide and share the wisdom of the Elders.

In 1999 Tribal Ink News was one of the main organizations that helped save the Miami Circle, an ancient archeological site in downtown Miami.

Strategic Partners & Supporters Include-

Gonawindua Ette Ennaka Tairona Foundation

Airline Ambassadors International www.airlineamb.org

Colombian Consulate in Miami www.colombiaemb.org

Parrot Jungle Island www.parrotjungle.com

Pacifistas Sin Fronters www.pacifistassinfronteras.org

Moon Water Pictures www.moonwaterpictures.com

US Colombian Medical Association www.uscmas.org

Barbara Pyle Foundation, www.PeoplecountTV.com , www.earthsecure.org

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University www.bkwsu.org , www.brahmkumaris.com www.just-a-minute.org

Chiron Communications & Steven McFadden www.chiron-communications.com

Miracle Journeys Magazine www.miraclejourneys.com

The Hopi http://www.timesoft.com/hopi/

The Masters Group, http://www.themastersgroup.org

Global Research Hospital India www.ghrc-abu.com

World Peace Prayer Society www.worldpeace.org

Kesser Post Production and Stock Library www.Kesser.com

The Dine (Navaho) Council

Pa’Ris’Ha and The Yunsai Society http://www.yunsaisociety.com

Primestream www.primestream.net

Phisonica www.phisonica.com

Psyber Vision www.psybervision.tv

VJ Source www.vjsource.com

The ManyOne Network -- www.manyone.net

One Prayer www.oneprayer.org

Images and Voices of Hope www.ivofhope.org

Living Values www.livingvalues.net

Nancy Red Star www.nancyredstar.com

Eliah Levy www.eliahlevy.com

Media Lab www.medialab.tv

Wisdom Media www.wisdommedia.com

Foundation for the Law of Time www.tortuga.com

Sounding of the Planet www.soundings.com

Dream Keepers www.dreamkeepers.net

Drunvalo www.drunvalo.net

Steven Halpren www.innerpeacemusic.com

Mamacoca www.mamacoca.org

Planeta Paz Colombia www.planetapaz.org

The Womb Radio/ TV www.thewomb.com

Sacred Valley Productions www.sacredvalleyproductions.com

Tribal Ink News

Bogota, Colombia & Miami, FLA

Contact: Luis E Mejia ~ Executive Producer, Writer & Director


Miami: 786-268-2723 -Bogota -571-312 5700 or 571 311 472 4349

www.tribalink.org www.sacredvalleyproductions.com

www.moonwaterpictures.com www.pacifistassinfronteras.org


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