Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Need a Spiritual Vacation, Peace Village Awaits U

Dear Family of Light,

In this age of stress, bills 2 pay, too much work, traffic jams, angry drivers and just plain old iron age mentality, an Oasis of Peace awaits u.

Peace Village www.peacevillage.com run by my dear family is an example of heaven on earth.

Located in Haines Falls, New York, in the beautiful Catskill mountains, surrounded by a naturally lush and meditative environment that hums with purity and love, a sign appears, "Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Once you arrive all problems are left behind.

If you take the time, you will find a haven for peace and spirituality.

OK who has been thinking, " I need a vacaction, I need to get away from the kids, my boss, my stressful life, I need a little peace and quiet.

If only I could go where I am respected and treated as a soul, I may find my lost child inside. Will this happened to me in 1986, when my life was a mess. I was invited to a retreat in the Colombia mountians and my life has never been the same. My mom says if it was not for the BKs , I would be dead by now....maybe she is right.

We are not here to convert you to any religion or worship any human being. We just open our hearts and share a truth deep inside everyone. You are a peaceful soul now, a point of divine light...maybe u just forgot and someone has to remind u...

So look inside and ask yourself, do you need a spiritual vacation?

I will be at the Retreat in Silence Oct 27.

Hope 2 see u there.

Many blessings,
Lucho "Prakash"

Prakash is my spirit name and it means light...Lucho means warrior, so Warrior of Light.

Here is a list of upcoming retreats~~

Retreat in Silence
October 27 - 31 (Friday - Tuesday)
The awareness of 'being' can access a hidden reservoir of inner wealth. Stop the chatter of the outside world and the chatter of the mind and feel the beauty of knowing the subtle self. A brief class each morning and designed activities enhance your experience of silence.

Facing Change?
November 2 - 5 (Thursday - Sunday)
SML provides a framework to empower individuals for managing complex and constant change. It enhances and encourages personal consciousness and responsibility through a series of self discovery processes that will enhance your focus, values, strengths, and spirit. SML is designed to help you manage your mind so you can better manage your life. Gain insight into strengths that will propel you in new directions.
Course Methodology: Integrates lecture with personal reflection and small group work.
Those who will benefit from this program are: * Ready to make a change in their lives that is full of possibility and authenticity;
* Professionals who must inspire others through their leadership example; * Anyone wanting to reconnect to their strengths, values, priorities for new positive actions and directions.

Positivity -- Myth or Medicine -- Hope in Healthcare
November 17 - 19 (Friday - Sunday)
Continuing on the agenda of igniting Hope in Healthcare, this retreat will aim to bring together group of physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, therapists and practitioners from the allied fields to explore and learn about the therapeutic scope of this simple tool - Positivity. What and how real is it - to be positive? Integrated with presentations from experts in evidence based medicine and current research in Positive Psychology, there will be an opportunity to experience a module on positivity with thoughtfully created exercises to consciously introduce the awareness of Positivity in our day to day interactions. Inquire about educational credits for this event cosponsored by the Point of Life Foundation.

The Ultimate Relationship
GOD AND ME -- a retreat for the 'seeker' in you
December 1 - 3 (Friday - Sunday)
'What is of more value to me than spending a few moments quietly with God? What draws me to the Presence when I least expect it? How well do I connect with the Divine in my moments of need? Is God an 'experience' for me?' A time to dwell in the luxury of these questions and get closer to Truth - through sound and through silence. Come prepared for a highly experiential weekend.

Make Your Life a Work of Art
December 8 - 10 (Friday - Sunday)
As spiritual beings, we are all naturally creative. Even in the most mundane activities we can experience beauty and joy by simply cultivating an awareness of our spiritual identity. This retreat will explore the intimate relationship between creativity and spirituality. True creativity is always benevolent and requires that I truly know myself. Using a variety of creative techniques including the simple yet powerful tool of meditation, participants will be guided to explore and experience their "spiritual reality". Only by knowing who we truly are can we realize our immense intrinsic value and allow it to become the well-spring for creating all our actions. Join us and discover how spiritual awareness can make every moment of your life a work of art - the ultimate creative experience!

Women's Retreat
December 8 - 10 (Friday - Sunday)
A degree of understanding is required in caring for anything, whether it be the self, others, or the world. Women are good at taking care of others. A wise woman cares for herself, knowing that the road to selflessness is paved with self-fullness. Caring generously for others can only be sustained by taking excellent care of yourself -- shining on one's own heart those gentle qualities of mercy, kindness, forgiveness, and generosity. This workshop will explore the role that self-respect and courage play in emerging the wisdom to care for oneself. Participants will have the opportunity to spend precious time recognizing and honoring their own immense intrinsic value. The more we each learn to value our own unique contributions to the world, the more we can each give ourselves permission to be spiritually, emotionally, even physically pampered without guilt. Then, our true caring nature will shine -- automatically.


Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center
Nurture yourself with a variety of workshops and weekend retreats specially designed to uplift and fortify the spirit. On 300 acres of woods, streams, and hiking trails, Peace Village is a safe haven for you to explore your spirituality. Our staff are practicing Raja Yogis who are committed to their own spirituality and self-transformation. Each of our 118 guest rooms has two double beds and private bathroom and three vegetarian meals are served daily. Peace Village is operated by the Brahma Kumaris (www.bkwsu.org) a non-profit organization working at all levels of society for positive change, with students attending 7,000 meditation centers in 90 countries and territories.

Raja Yoga Meditation
Raja Yoga is at the core of what we teach. It is an ancient spiritual discipline that can be used for relaxing, refreshing, and clearing the mind and heart. It provides us with the knowledge and practice needed to strengthen ourselves from the inside out.

Silence, Simplicity, and Service
Silence is a natural state of being, however we are typically out of practice. Retreat participants gain the experience of silence in many of the retreats. Every retreat provides insight to create a life of simplicity. By participating in Karma Yoga, you will experience service as part of your transformational process.

Most of our offerings are facilitated by experienced individuals from within the Brahma Kumaris organization who have professional qualifications and experience as workshop designers and facilitators in a wide range of relevant topics.

Arrivals and Departures
On the arrival date for your retreat, please arrive between 5:00 pm and 9:30 pm. Please call if an emergency requires your late arrival (after 9:30 pm) or cancellation. On the final day of your retreat, departures 2:00 pm.

Registration and Cancellations
Please register on-line: www.peacevillage.com and await confirmation or call us. Cancellations are required at least 48 hours before arrival date.

All workshops and retreats at Peace Village are made possible by the generosity and contributions of the participants. Please check with our staff for details.

Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center
54 OHara Road (at Route 23A)
Haines Falls (Hunter), New York 12436
Tel: (518) 589-5000
Fax: (518) 589-5005
E-mail: peacevillage@bkwsu.com
Website: www.peacevillage.com

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your friends and contacts who may be interested in these offerings!

Images and Voices of Hope event at Peace Village

More Images 4 Hope---

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