Friday, August 24, 2007

Dadi Prakashmani, A Jewel of Light

Dear Family of Light,

Last night I had a powerful dream. I saw one of my Special Teachers, Dadi Prakashmani in a World of Light taking with God. She was so peaceful and rainbows of magical hues all around.

The feeling I got was she was planning to go home and wanted to give a message to the world. Her message was one of Purity, Love and Peace. When I first met her 21 years ago in Mt Abu, Rajasthan India at the Brahma Kumaris Headquarters it was like seeing my grandmother again. She was so loving to me and had this huge smile. Her eyes radiated such purity and peace, that all my problems seem to fade away. I was lost in her eyes and instantly I had a feeling this was one of the Goddess of the past sitting in front of me.

I remember watching her walk and this amazing light around her, as if she was a living Arch Angel. In my dream I saw God as a Loving Father holding her close and whispering secrets in her ear. I tired to get close and soon found myself in the Soul World beyond time and space…it was as if Time had stopped and a New World was emerging from her eyes.

I saw a vision of a Golden Age and everything had changed. I was not me anymore and the world was much different. I saw a thousand angels in a huge circle as the moon was being eclipsed. A New Light had entered the world and silence was in my heart.
The dream continued and no way to put in words….the message I got was time for powerful yoga and pure feelings for all my brothers and sisters. We live in time of great change and if we remember this is a magical drama and in soul time…we have seen everything before…nothing is new under the sun. An eternally repeating drama, each second like a frame in a cosmic video…that stands forever in time…Déjà vu.

Today we got the news that Dadi is in a coma. She has been ill for many months and now her body may be free of this world and is going to be next to God.

My Raja Yoga family has gotten the message to do powerful yoga and to cancel all programs. Only in Powerful Remembrance of God can we heal this world and help with our vibrations of peace.

So as a service to all I want to share these amazing photos and videos I found today from a special brother, Sasha in the UK in honor of Dadi Prakashmani, a Jewel of Light.

From my peaceful Heart,

Be Still, Silent and Peaceful….

We Are Beings of Light….Time to Feel God Present….

Only in Stillness can we be Free…

Be Free to Forgive and Fly to God…


bkbhanu* said...

Oh brother ... nice one ... thanks for sharing ... yes it is time ...

Anonymous said...

dadi's sweet smile reminds us of sweet Baba and and His sweet shanti....