In the world drama cycle we see the time to take a high jump, to surrender to a Higher power and jump of the cliff. Your wings awaken and the Condor flys home.
This past few days has been a blessing and much inner reflection.
We did a ceremony at the Miami Circle last night with a dear brother and shaman, Alfonso, he is Colombian and lives in Michigan. His wisdom and humility has taught me much.
In the everglades, last sat we did a fire ceremony where all the past was burnt.
Like a time to let go and be who I know I am.
I can feel a new cycle begin and the Presence of God in the atmosphere.
The thoughts around the soul, atma, creates a sphere of light and power, an atmosphere of a Raja Yogi.
Today in my meditation class,we got the message to be a world server with the power of our intense stage and pure vibrations of peace.
I leave today to my birthplace, Bogota. In 7 hrs I will be in the clouds and wanted to share this class from my dear teacher, Dadi Janki. Time 2 go and sharing thoughts in my mind.
From the heart and c u in the subtle regions.
Lucho Prakash -~-Warrior of Light-~-
Dadi Janki 25 October 07 Gyan Sarovar
Questions and answers
Question 1: Dadi, what was your day like today? Anything new to report? Was this a normal day for you?
It was good. I enjoyed everything from Amrit vela until night. Baba (God the Father) is my toy, I hold His hand and He makes me dance to His tune. Baba says - wherever you are sitting, whatever you are doing be in remembrance and then perform actions. There should be this natural way of performing actions. Then, I am happy and everyone is happy. Every day is a new day. Whatever happens is nothing new, it happened a cycle ago. But something new also takes place every day. Baba has given us the knowledge of drama and so we play our part in that consciousness - we look above, we follow what He says, we consider ourselves to be heroes becoming like diamonds (heera). This is the aim isn't it? And in order to reach that aim, each day new points emerge and new things happen.
Question 2: You all know that Dadi's age is big Dadi, what has taken you 90 years to learn?
What have I learned in 90 years? Baba has made me free from thinking. He has said "Hey child, just remember one God." Don't just remember Him but stay in His remembrance and have the determined thought: "it will happen." I think I am 19 (not 90), and so I continue to get strength from Baba. Ever since the time I came to belong to Baba, and even before that on the path of devotion, I never wasted time in gossiping and wasteful thoughts. When I met Baba, through His drishti (Divine Vision), I had the experience that I had found the One who I was searching for. That day Baba put His hand on my head and I feel it is still on my head today. Every human being wishes to have a quality life. Baba says "you are not just a yogi, your life is a yogi's life." I did not want a life of a sannyasi, or to be a guru and have followers. I did not want to be a follower myself. I did not want to have any attachment, or be a leader or a great soul. Baba said "you are a soul and you belong to the Supreme Soul." And the third thing He said, which has been very useful for me until the present time, is about the deep secrets of actions. Let no action be a sinful action; it should always go into the account of elevated actions. "You do not have to renounce actions," Baba says. "Remain a karma yogi, but let your actions be elevated and be an inspiration for others." The method that He has given us is to consider the self a soul, a child of the Supreme and then my actions become elevated. I am a child of the Almighty Authority and my actions are powerful and elevated when He is with me and my time is spent in a worthwhile way.
Question 3: Dadi, in your new role , is it ok to have expectations or for the world to have expectations , or is it only for Baba to have expectations?
What expectations do you have? First let me share a subtle point. Many become Baba's children, but up until now they are still searching and trying to find out what their role is. It is a waste of time. Do not be role conscious; we have to remain soul conscious. What do you expect from me? My role is to remain soul conscious. There should not even be a trace of body consciousness. When I was one or two years in gyan (knowledge), Baba said to me, "Child, always see Father and follow the Father." See Shiv Baba (Supreme Soul) and follow Brahma Baba, both are my fathers. I said "yes, I accept." So whatever hint Baba gives, accept and do what He wants. I have just been obedient, I have never expected anything from Baba, but I accepted everything. I would say "Yes Baba. You have given the power so it will happen." Baba has said it and so it will happen.
Yesterday after yoga I went to Baba's rooms and looked at Baba. When you look closely, then He looks at you with open eyes. I said "Baba, what do you expect from me? There is such a deep secret in being an instrument. Brahma Baba did such a huge task , he became the world father and we saw this happen in front of our eyes. We used to call him Brahma Baba but then we started calling him Prajapita Brahma (Father of Humanity). We saw how he sustained, looked after the children and continued to teach us, Saying oh children, Brahma Kumar and Kumaris, you are world benefactors. Shiv Baba is the Benefactor but Brahma Baba made us into world benefactors.
When I came to London , I understood that Baba had taught us so that we could give this knowledge to these souls coming in front of us. According to the time we receive teachings from the Teacher and also sustenance from the Father. Even today, we say Baba and He says child and He continues teaching us even more deep things. This study is so good, the soul becomes so clean, a realization comes and through that the attainment is so immense that immediately there is the experience happiness and divine love. He has not only taught us, but we have practically attained, and it is our responsibility to give that experience to others. So do not ever think that it is difficult. Everything is easy--meaning there is no need to think twice, it is just a matter of doing it. And if there is anything that strikes the heart, then just do it.
I was never the teacher. I have never said "this is my student" - this is a mistake. Baba said in today's murli to be one with a merciful heart and a great donor. The one with such a heart continues to give and give and continues to accumulate. It is not a question of being a teacher or a student - there is just pure love for everyone's benefit and the wish is that all experience the divine love and attainments that we have received from the Father. Such should be our sanskars. Attention should be towards the study, and my hobby is to draw everyone's attention to it. This study is so good; so much happiness is received from it. Let me study in the morning and in the evening share with others, or instantly if you can. You have to practise revising and develop the confidence within. This is what it means to have a merciful heart and be a great donor.
Baba sees if children are using their time in a worthwhile way throughout the day. He has the concern that we claim the full inheritance and that we do not waste our time in wasteful thoughts. Do not go about your work in a careless way. If someone needs any cooperation or support, it is our responsibility to give it. This is a Godly family. We are the long lost and now found children. Baba has picked us from all 4 corners and put us in a gathering and so the more we take benefit from this, the more happiness there is. There is happiness in seeing that so many have come to get attainments. So, listen, understand, revise and share with others. Whatever inspiration you get, just do it. This is the field of actions and the One who gets things done, is getting it done. If you do as Baba wishes you to do, He gives you a prize.
Question 4: How do you get to know that Baba has 100% faith in you?
There is a secret in this. Once I said to sakar Baba "I have so much faith in You. What should I do that you develop faith in me? He took me in his arms and said "At each step, wherever you go, there will be service. Since, I have never taken any step unless there was service, and I have never followed my own dictates. When Baba hints something, even if it is not to me personally, but a hint in the murli, I take it personally and bring it into my practical life. When such effort is visible, then Baba has faith in us. When others coming into contact with us also experience what faith is, then there is benefit for them.
One is to have faith, another is to have a determined thought and then there is also bhavna (feelings). A determined thought is the work of the intellect. When a doubt comes then all that I had attained finishes, it ruins everything. Baba says the one with a faithful intellect will be victorious. One has to be determined to have complete dharna, to put into practice all the knowledge that is understood. And then there is bhavna. Some do not have a sharp intellect but their bhavna is so honest that they experience a great deal of happiness. Because of their bhavna, they experience fruit - they have the power of a faithful intellect. They have no doubts and their feelings for Baba are true. They are honest children. They never fluctuate.
Then thirdly is the knowledge of drama. This is the Confluence Age when Baba comes. He is making us pure and taking us back home with Him. The Golden age is being established. Whatever we are doing, we are doing with commitment, with full, unshakeable faith. There is no fluctuation in our attitude. The one with faith sees benefit in everything. Someone who vacillates in their faith, if they see something good starts going towards that. But with one with full faith, no matter how good a person is or how much of luxury there is - their eyes are not attracted. Their stage is unshakeable and immovable, no matter what happens. Baba would say "No matter what happens, just wait and see." I have received a lot of power from this Godly statement. I have never become impatient because of this. If someone asks, what effort should I make? I say Have patience, the days of happiness will come.
There are true effort makers, fast effort makers and incognito effort makers. And then there is the constant effort maker. Our elevated Confluence Aged life is a life of effort making. Whatever I have to become, Baba is making me that. He says "Child, keep the aim and objective in front of you. Never forget it and the qualifications will also come." This is the attention I should have all day long, that the qualifications are being instilled to reach the aim. Then the weaknesses will go away. Mama used to say "Never forget the aim and the One who instills the qualifications in you." Make that One your constant Companion, He is helping reach your aim. It is His work to meet me and my work to become. Everyone will become some day. Baba says "Have good wishes for all but do not worry about anyone. Continue to spin the discus of self realization for your own self progress." Churn on the self and remember Baba's words. Thinking and looking at others cause a lot of damage, you incur a loss. Baba said, "Do not be a lawyer for yourself and a judge for others." He also said - be very careful with what you say - speak with the heart and then speak with the mouth." These are the instructions to become real and royal. Do not waste your time in ordinary things.
Question 5: Baba said to someone once that they can reach their stage of perfection through the good wishes of others, can it be that simple?
Our Dadiji always said, "I have the blessings of all. I am fine." We have to take blessings , we do not want anything else. We have a lot to learn from our seniors. The thought is to learn from each other, to take cooperation from all. Baba's cooperation is there and I am ever ready to give cooperation to whomever needs it. A yogi is one who cooperates and one who cooperates becomes a yogi easily and gets blessings.
I used to go come in front of Baba without being called and He would say,"Janak, would you like to do this service?" And I would say yes even though I might not even know how to do it. It is as though He has a right over us, He says, "Go and do this." And with faith, knowing that it has already happened, we go and do it. If there is a need for bigger facilities Baba will provide, do not worry and wait for the money to come first. That is not the law. Do the service and the money will come automatically. This is what is known as understanding the ways in which God works, how the Father dictates and guides the child and how by following this, the child makes his fortune and make the fortune of others accordingly. It is a simple thing. Once Baba said, "Do not ever say to others, do this and that. Because those who do after being told are ordinary human beings but those who do automatically themselves are deities. If you ask someone to do something and still they do not do it, what would they become? Baba would say, "let alone shrimat, I cannot even give directions to such ones. Only courageous ones can follow the directions of the Father."
According to the time you have to make your intellect refined and vast - farsighted. Whatever you do, you have to look at the 3 aspects of time in that. Become honest in an extremely subtle way. Be constantly happy and give happiness to all, this is how to receive blessings from all. Others will come asking for blessings of the ones who have a storehouse full of blessings.
In order to receive blessings, always have the 8 powers within. If the power of tolerance is lacking, or if I cannot merge; if I get frightened, cannot discern or make proper decisions--then I cannot receive blessings. I must fill the soul with all the powers that God has given by bringing in my dharna the virtues of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. These powers make us worthy to give and receive blessings. If someone comes to you and says, "I received your blessings " It means they have received power through your attitude and vibrations, even if they are thousands of miles away. I need to be skillful in giving and receiving blessings, and for that I need to be truthful, polite/ humble, and have purity and 100% honesty with the self, God and each soul of the world. You will definitely receive blessings with this.
Question 6: Dadi, you mention the importance of knowing,who am I and to keep asking the self this question all day and so today, has something new come for you in this? Can you also clarify the difference between numberwise and number one?
In each murli (Magic Flute of Knowledge -classes from India) Baba explains that children are numberwise in understanding and imbibing the knowledge, and He also tells us who is number one. Baba gives remembrance and Namaste numberwise to the children. But do I want to be like this, in a queue waiting to receive remembrance from Baba? The word "queue" also means, why; in Hindi. With both these words income is lost. Keep progressing, do not stop and stand in a queue-- it does not look nice. If an obstacle comes, do not stop to look at it, just take jump and go over it, it is not a big thing. It is time to go home now and we will all go together.
Not a single day has passed when I did not ask myself,"what is the purpose of my life? What did I achieve today and what did I give others?" This is the time to earn an income for 84 births, to become an elevated, worthy of worship soul. Those who remember God from the heart, not because they want something will not even be ordinary worshippers, they will be elevated worshippers. Now God gives me an elevated intellect and so I must not lose this chance. The power of the yoga of the intellect is significant. Knowledge says, "Leave everything aside, forget it and become detached." This ego of "me" and "my" this attachment of "mine"--understand the difference and become egoless and the destroyers of attachment. Today Baba has said , be free of thoughts and a destroyer of attachment. Those who keep this point in their awareness and do the subtle effort to attain this will not waste even a minute. No matter what happens, let there be benefit for all. No hatred for anyone. Nurture your mind in this way so that your thoughts and vibrations are elevated. This way you can also make others light, free form burden. Because God has that power, He says, "Do not keep that burden or worry yourself unnecessarily. Have good wishes for yourself and practice being bodiless." I should bring such benefit to others that no one takes my name. They should remember Baba. This is a very subtle thing. Baba has placed His name on my mouth and let others remember Him - that is the purpose of my time here.
Baba remembers each child and sees his form, seeing how much each one has imbibed. Let my form and my face be good through knowledge. If we have this attitude towards each other and a pure equal vision for all, one of seeing each one's speciality then there is no such a thing as having love for some and not for others. Baba gives love to each one and knows their speciality. If I do not have this, I need to check myself and change internally accordingly. Then I will become honest, sensible and wise. To be wise is not a question of having a good intellect but of using God's wisdom. The intellect should function with such sensibility that others see that, this one is a Godly child. God has taught this one. The student glorifies the name of the Teacher, the child glorifies the Father and who glorifies the Satguru? The one who follows shrimat (Divine Directions). It is not my name who should be glorified but my Father's. Such is the time - to understand the truth, to become truthful and to reveal the truth then the falsehood will come to an end and glorification of truth takes place. Om shanti
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