Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Crystal Bowl Meditation & Fun in Colombia

Dear Family of Light,

A special hello from Colombia land and blessings 4 the full moon.

These days seem like thunder with a cool breeze of calmness. We just had a meditation here with some friends and lit a fire. Ceremony in days of Moon energy link u to cosmic destiny.

Lately I have been waking up at 4 am to go deeper into my yoga. When I first started Raja Yoga in 86, it was the greatest feeling to wake up so early and be still and peaceful. Imagine that this time you can fill yourself with power and experience your angelic stage. We all have an angel within waiting to be born or to be ackowledged. Now is the time to awaken the being again and be a light, just a star of peace and bliss, once you were this. God is always waiting for a thought of us to reach Him. 4 am is the best time, we call it Amrit Vela, the Time of Nectar.

I remember one time in India in the early 90s, I heard a voice saying wake up my son, it was 3 am and I felt like a gentle nudge on my shoulder. I woke up and an amazing energy was in the room, it was like floating to the seed stage room. This is a special place under Om Shanti Bhavan in Mt Abu, India and is my favorite place to meditate. The minute you walk into this room you can feel the power of many years of intense meditation and it is a memory that will last 4 ever.

That day I understood the power of becoming a seed, with no thoughts and sitting next to the Supreme Being. I was in this Ocean of Peace and felt rays of light coming out of my 3rd eye to all my family of Light.

When we use sound and go beyond time, sound becomes like an Ocean bottom. In the depth of the soul, lies a pearl of light. We just need to get the rust off and let that pearl shine again. Will u shine 4 the world today?

This is my wish 4 all and may God´s Light and Peace always guide your path.

Enjoy this crystal bowl medititation in Spanish...yes I am in Colombia and few speak english here. Sound of peace echo in time....

Many blessings and flow like a river,


New Years with family...yes we have fun...

Christmas in Bogota, some creative cousins, Andres Florez and Cesar Villar, production kings here in Bogota...and kids smiling...

Part 2

And back to the meditation with my bros of Light, Gonza and Jairo..with words by Juliana...

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