Dear Family of Light,
Greetings of peace, light and love from the inner heart and the heart of the world. As the Solstice changes the seasons, we awaken with new reason. What is the reason you came to earth? Do you remember the promise made to God before you were born? As 2007 ends make this new cycle and year one where transformation to Christ Consciousness is the template, a chance to reawaken your mission as Healers of the World and Stars of Peace.
We just passed the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter and the longest night of the year. The effects of the Galactic Center being activated by Jupiter and Pluto are opening doorways and reprogramming your being on the cellular level. Nothing seems as it is and everything seems to be changing. So we change to be rearranged. We are ending 2007 and going into 2008. 8 is a powerful symbol of infinity, but it also represents one as in 10. A time to be One with God, with your family and with the dream you have encoded in your spiritual database. Having Faith in One, we become carefree and able to fly with the wings of love. Can you feel One Strength and One Support, seeing the Light of God returning you to the essence. We see our eternal nature, a dot. Just a tiny point of light that can time travel in infinity. You have always been and always will, so eternal you are that we forget our greatness.
You become Time. As it is you who travels thru time and space recording everything like a tree who sees all in silent witness. So what time is it? Can you stop time or at least slow it down? As is your thoughts so will be your experience. A space between thoughts brings peace, like the space between notes in music creates harmony.
These past few days have given me a chance to be light and carefree. Like Songs of Happiness flowing from my heart. Today I had a chance to sing an Om Shanti mantra in our Raja Yoga center and it reminded me of a dream many years ago. I was sitting on a Mountain top chanting Om Shanti and singing songs of Praise to God. It was like pure bliss, as nothing could bother me and I was merged in the Eyes of God. A jewel in the eyes of the Magician and he was changing me into a butterfly. Flying with the wind, I could feel God was the wind and he knew exactly where I must land. In The Hand of God, worry is a useless word.
The more I create happiness in myself by watching the game like a butterfly I feel a power that no one can take away. The nourishment of Happiness fills the mind and intellect with such Shakti, that you feel like a carefree emperor in the Heart Throne of God, a power and blessing that makes you ever healthy, ever wealthy, ever wise.
A couple months ago I talked about a renewed awareness of the need to be Silent and Listen, to become timeless. These 2 words have the same letters. When we listen to our higher self we can see our purpose in life and sometimes it is clearer in Silence. Take time to go to within, to a space where time is absent, in the soul world vibrating next to God.
Have you ever wondered why the "end of the year" (Nov-Dec) has more religious holidays than any other time of year? It seems every religion and culture celebrates it's most important holidays during this time - - Ramadan for Islam; Hanukah for Jews; Devali for Hindus; Christmas for Christians; Zoroastrian; Paganism; Wiccan; Quanza; all have High Holy Holidays at this time of year.
While the superstitions of the various world religions embellish their own symbolism for this time of year, all are associated with Light and rebirth of Life. Rightly so because as our Earth reaches Winter Solstice Dec 21 or as this year the 22 , the Southern most point of the Celestial Cross at the Tropic of Capricorn, we experience the longest night and shortest day (in the northern hemisphere). The very next day is the "birth" of light as the sun appears to turn and move north. It begins to "stay up" ever so slightly longer (about 4 minutes) after it stops [solstice= sol (sun). stice (stasis), so Sun stands still].
Have you ever tried to stand still? What would happen if you really became still and silent? I know this is hard for your children and even some gown ups, but it is essential for peace of mind. A scattered mind is on a crash course with destiny. A calm mind controls and creates destiny.
You can stop time and it is all in the power of pure thinking. One Pure thought can take you to God directly, no middle man or side scenes. Remember you are the Masters of Time. Timeless, Free and Double-Light.
So imagine the sun in your third eye and you expand to become the solar system, planets revolve around you and you hold earth in between your hands. From the Soul World, God as Shiva in the form of a Powerful Sun beyond time is sending a golden healing light down your crown chakra and it shines from the 3rd eye, your Sun, a blue light expands from your heart and a red-green light explodes from your eyes. We heal the earth with our thoughts and imagination. Just the simple act of prayer or a thought of love to nature will protect you in future days when nature will seem crazy. Just look at the nature of things today. Nothing is a given and anything can happen suddenly. So it is important to be awake with your 3rd Eye and become a destroyer of obstacles. In the end all obstacles come to make you stronger and when you see the game, a smile of happiness makes it all go away.
Going deeper into Silence, we slow down our thoughts and peace is the result. We feel the Soul World is our true home. It is like I am swimming in an ocean of peace…. nirvana, beyond sound and I am just a seed of light dancing with dolphins, angels and my family of star beings. No worries of the world down below.
We are beings of peace, so why not become peace in action with a generous dose of love.
Listen to God, really listen….. He is only a thought away and loves you more than you can imagine. We can be at our darkest night, but there is a wonderful Light at the end of the tunnel. You are connected to that Light and He Loves you, now and forever. So smile and be happy!
When we feel that Energy, that original peace that has no words, then the heart opens like a flower. You love the true U, a point of light. Loving each other, God smiles. One smile from God can heal a million broken hearts. Love flows in timeless directions and Peace is my birthright. Your heart is healed and all the past is just a cosmic video.
Wisdom is knowing this world is just a stage to express your divinity. When you see that Eternal Light and remember who You really are…then Listening with an open heart becomes a way of life. Listen and be Silent, this can set you free.
Many around the world are celebrating Christmas, the memory of the birth of Christ. But it is also a memory of the Christ Consciousness within each one to awaken. Christ came to show God's Love and His Memory will live forever.
That Love endures today, but how many of us really Love without expectations. Do you really Love yourself and everyone around you? Can you forgive that one person that caused you pain many years ago or today? Past is past and letting go is great freedom. Somehow your higher self is always showing you back to perfection to God's path of gentleness. Being Lost in Love frees me from labor and struggle, as if I am merged with the Almighty and my life is enjoyment. One of my favorite quotes from the old days is, ¨Follow the Father. Son shows Father as Father shows Son.¨ So be a Sun and Son.
Like Christ was the Son of God, so each of us has that same right, Children of the Supreme Sun.
Christ so loved the world that he was willing to die for us.
This is Love in action. Surrender and Devotion to a Higher plan. Peace with no reaction.
The Christmas Tree is the symbol of the world family tree with all the major religions as branches and a Golden and Silver age as a trunk. God is the Seed of this magical tree and He sent his children Abraham, Christ, Buddha and Mohammad to show the way home. We are a global family and everyone is your brother and sister, so why the fighting? Maybe we have forgotten how to Love, maybe we forgotten who we really are, what was the lesson Christ taught many years ago? Maybe we have become so lost in the maze and the gifts that God is giving us everyday are overlooked. These gifts are our true virtues and powers and they are only a thought away. You have them now deep in your soul….Love, Peace, Wisdom, Purity, Power and Happiness. This is what we were and will become again. So there is Hope for the Future and we are that Hope.
This is the message of the new born child and the star that guides the 3 Kings. They came with gifts of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh for a King born in a poorman´s home. Imagine the Light coming from the Heavens on that day.
If Jesus were to appear to you today as a child, would you not feel the innocence that is in your heart? Have we forgotten the inner child still cries for love? It is never too late to have a happy childhood, just rewind the tape and record the new version of a happy child playing with the angels of God. We all need a brain washing some time and it is the only way to release the karmic bondages of the past. Controlled amnesia.
Return to your original nature and be at peace with the world. Don't focus on the war, your imperfection or the past, live in the present and receive God's Presents for you now. He can see your past, present and future and only has the highest thoughts for you, so do the same for others and yourself.
Look within you and feel the new U coming into being. Who are we really but the ancestor souls, the roots of the tree connected to the Master Seed who awakens the World Tree.
These days I have been feeling God's energy on the planet and it is like He is saying, "OK children it is time to create a shift to unify the world through music, art and film. My dream has always been to heal my fellow brothers and sisters with sound, light and color, or wisdom, peace and happiness. When the sound of wisdom, lights our inner peace then happiness is the result. When you see how great you are an Awakening occurs and nothing is the same.
In this New Year of 2008 and during these special days of the Solstice and Christmas, listen more to God and your higher self, spend more time being silent and let the love in your heart heal the world.
When you heal the world, then you are automatically healed and all your dreams will come true.
Flow like a river of love returning to the Ocean and feel the Magic of being a Master, a seed of light creating heaven on earth. The Supreme Being, the Light of the World is with you, so why not share that light with the world. You are powerful beyond measure. We are the ones the world is waiting for.
Open the Heart and let the Light shine thru.
When we re-connect with the oldest memory of the soul, the state of peace, we can then re-establish peace in our inner world. This is the start of peace in the wider world.
Om Shanti, once u were this…becoming Shanti, Peace again.
A Spiritual Christmas and Blessed New Year is my eternal wish for you on this Solstice Reason 4 Christmas Season.
Much love, peace and blessings,
Lucho L Condor
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
2008, One Blessing 4 Christmas
Dear Family of Light,
Special hello from Colombia and hope this Christmas season brings Peace, Success and Joy. Imagine the Happiness of a New Born King 2008 yrs ago and the Joy of God celebrating his son´s birth. God is very present in our lives these days and the need to take an inner journey to really experiece the message of Christ, Love was his main message.
When we see God as the Father of all Religions, we see the beauty of the Christmas Tree, each branch like a different religion and the trunk of the tree a memory of heaven on earth, 1 religion of divine beings and God as the Seed of this human world tree that spins in cycles. So as the year 2007, a 9 ends.. a new cycle begins, 2008.
May this year of 2008 who is 1 (one) -2 + 8 = 10 or 1 ....bring the onesness, unity and love that transforms all waste and old memories. One is the number of unity & beginnings, therefore the number of God, the creator of the universe. In personality terms, it represents leadership, organization and ambition. Ones can be loners, individualists and are unlikely to fit in well as subordinate members of a team. Opinionated and natural leaders, they can be perceived as aggressive. So in this year on 1, may you be a leader and bring unity and peace to all.
I got this email today and enjoyed. See Thought for the Day below.
If there are teachings, instructions or corrections to be given, always give them with a lot of love, and no trace of anger and need to control.
Another email from someone, made me think....when are we going to stop trying to control souls?
When I get mails from people that only what to start a fight--it is best to ignore. Love is the wind beneath my wings.
When will the anger, arrogance and bossiness disappear? How we need to teach the true art of love.
Christ came and became a perfect example of love by dieing for a cause, something so deep he believed in that now his memory, actions and words lives 4 ever.
Here in Colombia, Chavez & Uribe are at war over words spoken without thinking. 2 brother nations fighting because of major egos, and more than 2000 people kidnapped some for 10 years. How hard is it to find a solution for a Humanitarian crisis? The wars will stop when the anger in men turns to love, compassion and forgiveness.
Lets keep the faith that Colombia finds the humility and courage it needs to negotiate a 40 yr war and bring real Joy and Peace to thousands of families that don´t understand why in 1 day their loved ones just disappeared.
I have faith that our country will be an example for this world.
Anyway been busy in this land of contrast and if you have not seen my new blog most welcome at
Also posted a few new videos on You Tube of a dear BK sister who came to Colombia
links- ---go into view all videos
or watch here...
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 4 you and your family
Today Divine Thought.
If someone has a special talent and they use it for evil, it will change into a handicap.
Enlightenment Thought
When one will not, two cannot quarrel.
A good, clean minded person sees the good points of others. A dirty minded person is always looking for dirt.
Special hello from Colombia and hope this Christmas season brings Peace, Success and Joy. Imagine the Happiness of a New Born King 2008 yrs ago and the Joy of God celebrating his son´s birth. God is very present in our lives these days and the need to take an inner journey to really experiece the message of Christ, Love was his main message.
When we see God as the Father of all Religions, we see the beauty of the Christmas Tree, each branch like a different religion and the trunk of the tree a memory of heaven on earth, 1 religion of divine beings and God as the Seed of this human world tree that spins in cycles. So as the year 2007, a 9 ends.. a new cycle begins, 2008.
May this year of 2008 who is 1 (one) -2 + 8 = 10 or 1 ....bring the onesness, unity and love that transforms all waste and old memories. One is the number of unity & beginnings, therefore the number of God, the creator of the universe. In personality terms, it represents leadership, organization and ambition. Ones can be loners, individualists and are unlikely to fit in well as subordinate members of a team. Opinionated and natural leaders, they can be perceived as aggressive. So in this year on 1, may you be a leader and bring unity and peace to all.
I got this email today and enjoyed. See Thought for the Day below.
If there are teachings, instructions or corrections to be given, always give them with a lot of love, and no trace of anger and need to control.
Another email from someone, made me think....when are we going to stop trying to control souls?
When I get mails from people that only what to start a fight--it is best to ignore. Love is the wind beneath my wings.
When will the anger, arrogance and bossiness disappear? How we need to teach the true art of love.
Christ came and became a perfect example of love by dieing for a cause, something so deep he believed in that now his memory, actions and words lives 4 ever.
Here in Colombia, Chavez & Uribe are at war over words spoken without thinking. 2 brother nations fighting because of major egos, and more than 2000 people kidnapped some for 10 years. How hard is it to find a solution for a Humanitarian crisis? The wars will stop when the anger in men turns to love, compassion and forgiveness.
Lets keep the faith that Colombia finds the humility and courage it needs to negotiate a 40 yr war and bring real Joy and Peace to thousands of families that don´t understand why in 1 day their loved ones just disappeared.
I have faith that our country will be an example for this world.
Anyway been busy in this land of contrast and if you have not seen my new blog most welcome at
Also posted a few new videos on You Tube of a dear BK sister who came to Colombia
links- ---go into view all videos
or watch here...
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 4 you and your family
Today Divine Thought.
If someone has a special talent and they use it for evil, it will change into a handicap.
Enlightenment Thought
When one will not, two cannot quarrel.
A good, clean minded person sees the good points of others. A dirty minded person is always looking for dirt.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Humanitarian Leaders Launch
As of today, I have launched a new project and one that has been in the background for a couple years. Humanitarian Leaders is now online at
See 5 new videos from the Americas Conference in Miami 2007, with sound bites from Gustavo Cisneros, El Salvador President, Saca, Televisa CEO, Emilio Ezcarraga Jean, Luis Alberto Moreno, President of IDB and others.
So who is behind this project and what is it?
We are a Multi-Media production team focused on Humanitarian Leaders and NGOs doing the impossible. A platform to express the real needs of the world. My Name is Luis Mejia and I have been involved in humanitarian work for over 25 years. During my years at Ford, Motorola and Nortel, I was part of the communications team and involved in promoting Corporate Responsability.
My experience as a writer, producer and director always led me to searching for solutions for the world problems. In 2005 I created CEO TV News, as a way to promote the positive side of the corporate world. At that time I also got involved in a humanitarian project to help the Kogi Indians of Northern Colombia. Since 1997, I have been doing free media and PR work via Tribal Ink News, a humanitarian news agency. We are producing a HD documentary on the Prophecies of the Eagle and the Condor. See Tribal Ink News
Humanitarian Leaders will interview CEOs, Celebrities, Government & Local Leaders, as well as Youth who are examples of Leadership and Humanitarian concern.
Our 2 main NGOs we support are Airline Ambassadors International, and Global Hospital Research Centre in Mt Abu, Rajasthan India
I have been in the media-magazine business for over 25 yrs and am amazed how ordinary people end up doing extra ordinary things. I see a need for uniting forces and opening new markets, writing the untold story.
I have worked as a consultant for Leaders Magazine and here in Bogota have signed an agreement with Capital Club Magazine. Our aim is to bring Humanitarian Leaders to the You Tube community and be a bridge for non-profits and executive visionaries. As I also work in the media as a journalist, we will also add to this web, select interviews of events we cover. One that is among the best is the Miami Herald Americas Conference.
Another focus is teaching executives Self Management Leadership.
A friend of many years Brian Bacon, founder Oxford Leadership Academy (OLA) is leading the winds of change in the corporate world. OLA has offices in UK, Sweden, Hong Kong, USA and Australia and operations in 16 countries.
Our vision is to brings this new wisdom to executives that need to think out of the box.
We are creating Strategic Alliances with select media and organizations promoting peace and eco-awarness around the globe for value added advertising, Interner networking & editorial exchange. Visit these strategic parntners for more info.
If you have any suggestion of Leaders or NGOs to interview, please send me a note 2
All the best,
Luis Mejia
Humanitarian Leaders & Global TV Live
Leaders in Action
Our sister blogs are
here is a preview-
See 5 new videos from the Americas Conference in Miami 2007, with sound bites from Gustavo Cisneros, El Salvador President, Saca, Televisa CEO, Emilio Ezcarraga Jean, Luis Alberto Moreno, President of IDB and others.
So who is behind this project and what is it?
We are a Multi-Media production team focused on Humanitarian Leaders and NGOs doing the impossible. A platform to express the real needs of the world. My Name is Luis Mejia and I have been involved in humanitarian work for over 25 years. During my years at Ford, Motorola and Nortel, I was part of the communications team and involved in promoting Corporate Responsability.
My experience as a writer, producer and director always led me to searching for solutions for the world problems. In 2005 I created CEO TV News, as a way to promote the positive side of the corporate world. At that time I also got involved in a humanitarian project to help the Kogi Indians of Northern Colombia. Since 1997, I have been doing free media and PR work via Tribal Ink News, a humanitarian news agency. We are producing a HD documentary on the Prophecies of the Eagle and the Condor. See Tribal Ink News
Humanitarian Leaders will interview CEOs, Celebrities, Government & Local Leaders, as well as Youth who are examples of Leadership and Humanitarian concern.
Our 2 main NGOs we support are Airline Ambassadors International, and Global Hospital Research Centre in Mt Abu, Rajasthan India
I have been in the media-magazine business for over 25 yrs and am amazed how ordinary people end up doing extra ordinary things. I see a need for uniting forces and opening new markets, writing the untold story.
I have worked as a consultant for Leaders Magazine and here in Bogota have signed an agreement with Capital Club Magazine. Our aim is to bring Humanitarian Leaders to the You Tube community and be a bridge for non-profits and executive visionaries. As I also work in the media as a journalist, we will also add to this web, select interviews of events we cover. One that is among the best is the Miami Herald Americas Conference.
Another focus is teaching executives Self Management Leadership.
A friend of many years Brian Bacon, founder Oxford Leadership Academy (OLA) is leading the winds of change in the corporate world. OLA has offices in UK, Sweden, Hong Kong, USA and Australia and operations in 16 countries.
Our vision is to brings this new wisdom to executives that need to think out of the box.
We are creating Strategic Alliances with select media and organizations promoting peace and eco-awarness around the globe for value added advertising, Interner networking & editorial exchange. Visit these strategic parntners for more info.
If you have any suggestion of Leaders or NGOs to interview, please send me a note 2
All the best,
Luis Mejia
Humanitarian Leaders & Global TV Live
Leaders in Action
Our sister blogs are
here is a preview-
Monday, November 26, 2007
Just This Day, Nov 28th World-wide, Event in Bogota
Dear Family of Light,
This Wednesday, the 28th we are joining in a special event world-wide called Just This Day. Millions are stopping for 3 mins to be still & silent.
I wrote a blog a while ago about 2 powerful words…. Silent and Listen…
They have the same letters and give us a clue to the Inner Harmony.
When we become Silent within, we can Listen to God’s words and songs of Love for us each day. We need time to be still, quiet and peaceful. This will give you the Power to Hear what your
Future or Higher Self is asking for you now. Then Inner Harmony flows as the Universe sings its songs of peace for you.
There was a time ages ago, where we belonged to One Family, the Trunk of a World Tree. There was unity, peace, harmony and purity. We lived in a land of Divine Beings and the World was vibrating at its highest level, it was Pure Bliss. Some call this time Atlantis, The Golden Age, Satyuga or Heaven…
There was one language, one culture and one religion. "Shanti" - Peace was my Religion. We search for Peace now because we used to live in Peace.
Being silent and listening gives you space inside and a way to stop the traffic of the mind.
see more at --
So be part of a Global Effort.
Visit and join in...for my amigos in Bogota, join us at 7pm at Yoga Shala. see spanish note below.
Many blessings,
If you are at home, try this Deep Meditation...
The 2.7 billion mobile phone users worldwide are being asked to switch their mobiles phones onto silent mode and take 3 mins to allow their minds to fall quiet too.
3 minutes at 10am GMT on November 28th, 2007.
It is an opportunity to take a step away from the prison of noise and to come together in silence, which has the potential to truly change the world for the better.
On Wednesday 28 November 2007 take the time to join the rest of the world in becoming still.
Every effort makes a difference.
You can do this wherever you are or you can join
Hola Amigos de Luz,
Una invitacion muy especial para celebrar Solo este Dia, Just This Day,
Un evento mundial para parar 3 mins y experimentar paz y silencio.
Cambie tu cel y tu mente en modo silent.
En Bogota va ver cantos, sonidos de crystales, y oms.
Dia- 28 de Nov
Hora- 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Donde- Yoga Shala Kr 27 C # 72-29, Bogota, tel 548 5818 o cel 314 477 1841
Aca va la nota de la web.
Un Abrazo,
Tribal Ink News
This Wednesday, the 28th we are joining in a special event world-wide called Just This Day. Millions are stopping for 3 mins to be still & silent.
I wrote a blog a while ago about 2 powerful words…. Silent and Listen…
They have the same letters and give us a clue to the Inner Harmony.
When we become Silent within, we can Listen to God’s words and songs of Love for us each day. We need time to be still, quiet and peaceful. This will give you the Power to Hear what your
Future or Higher Self is asking for you now. Then Inner Harmony flows as the Universe sings its songs of peace for you.
There was a time ages ago, where we belonged to One Family, the Trunk of a World Tree. There was unity, peace, harmony and purity. We lived in a land of Divine Beings and the World was vibrating at its highest level, it was Pure Bliss. Some call this time Atlantis, The Golden Age, Satyuga or Heaven…
There was one language, one culture and one religion. "Shanti" - Peace was my Religion. We search for Peace now because we used to live in Peace.
Being silent and listening gives you space inside and a way to stop the traffic of the mind.
see more at --
So be part of a Global Effort.
Visit and join in...for my amigos in Bogota, join us at 7pm at Yoga Shala. see spanish note below.
Many blessings,
If you are at home, try this Deep Meditation...
The 2.7 billion mobile phone users worldwide are being asked to switch their mobiles phones onto silent mode and take 3 mins to allow their minds to fall quiet too.
3 minutes at 10am GMT on November 28th, 2007.
It is an opportunity to take a step away from the prison of noise and to come together in silence, which has the potential to truly change the world for the better.
On Wednesday 28 November 2007 take the time to join the rest of the world in becoming still.
Every effort makes a difference.
You can do this wherever you are or you can join
Hola Amigos de Luz,
Una invitacion muy especial para celebrar Solo este Dia, Just This Day,
Un evento mundial para parar 3 mins y experimentar paz y silencio.
Cambie tu cel y tu mente en modo silent.
En Bogota va ver cantos, sonidos de crystales, y oms.
Dia- 28 de Nov
Hora- 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Donde- Yoga Shala Kr 27 C # 72-29, Bogota, tel 548 5818 o cel 314 477 1841
Aca va la nota de la web.
Un Abrazo,
Tribal Ink News
Friday, November 16, 2007
News from the Stars
Dear Family of Light,
News from the stars ...all is pure magic in Colombia and enjoying the ancient land.
Everytime I come here I see amazing people doing the impossible. A couple weeks ago we had a freak hail storm than caused major jams. 2 mtrs thick in some places and Christmas comes early in Bogota. Then a few days ago we had a mini tornado in this town, not to mention the flooding beacuse of rain. So the weather is the call of time.c
Got this email today and made me wonder, a comet explodes --does it affect us? amazing images at
Imagine the inner universe and your soul as a comet spinning eternaly in space. One day you expand and your light is seen by many. Do u remember who u r ?
Everything in the universe is connected and our awareness triggers a cosmic key.
If you observe the experiment you will affect the outcome.
When we meditate we expand our soul to feel God´s Light change our frequency. Just as the sun is a singing star, we become songs divine in the cosmic play.
Hope all is good with everyone and remember to be at peace in times of comets expanding our awareness.
Much love n light
Comet Holmes Bigger Than The Sun
Summary: Comet 17P/Holmes shocked astronomers on Oct. 24, 2007, with a spectacular eruption. In less than 24 hours, the 17th magnitude comet brightened by a factor of nearly a million, becoming a naked-eye object in the evening sky. Look for a golden 2.5th magnitude fuzzball in the constellation Perseus after sunset
Formerly, the Sun was the largest object in the Solar System. Now, comet 17P/Holmes holds that distinction.
Spectacular outbursting comet 17P/Holmes exploded in size and brightness on October 24. It continues to expand and is now the largest single object in the Solar system, being bigger than the Sun (see Figure). The diameter of the tenuous dust atmosphere of the comet was measured at 1.4 million kilometers (0.9 million miles) on 2007 November 9 by Rachel Stevenson, Jan Kleyna and Pedro Lacerda of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. They used observations from a wide-field camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), one of the few professional instruments still capable of capturing the whole comet in one image. Other astronomers involved in the UH program to study the comet include Bin Yang, Nuno Peixinho and David Jewitt. The present eruption of comet Holmes was first reported on October 24 and has continued at a steady 0.5 km/sec (1100 mph) ever since. The comet is an unprecedented half a million times brighter than before the eruption began. This amazing eruption of the comet is produced by dust ejected from a tiny solid nucleus made of ice and rock, only 3.6 km (roughly 2.2 miles) in diameter.
Caption: (Left) Image of comet Holmes from the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii telescope on Mauna Kea showing the 1.4 million km diameter coma. The white ''star'' near the center of the coma is in fact the dust-shrouded nucleus. (Right) the Sun and planet Saturn shown at the same scale for comparison. (Sun and Saturn images courtesy of ESA/NASA's SOHO and Voyager projects).
The new image also shows the growth of a tail on comet Holmes (the fuzzy region to the lower right in the comet picture), caused by the pressure of sunlight acting on dust grains in the coma. Over the next few weeks and months, the coma and tail are expected to expand even more while the comet will fade as the dust disperses. Comet Holmes showed a double outburst in November 1892 and January 1893. It is not known if the present activity in the comet will follow the pattern from 1892, but continued observations from Mauna Kea are planned to watch for a second outburst. Most comets show small fluctuations in brightness and some have distinct outbursts. The huge event on-going in comet Holmes is unprecedented, however.
The orbit period of comet Holmes is about 6 years, putting it in the class of Jupiter Family Comets whose orbits are strongly influenced by Jupiter. These objects are thought to have spent most of the last 4.5 billion years orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune, in a region known as the Kuiper Belt. Holmes probably was deflected into its present orbit within the last few thousand years and is losing mass as it evaporates in the heat of the Sun. In another few thousand years it is likely either to hit the Sun or a planet, be ejected from the Solar system, or simply die by running out of gas.
News from the stars ...all is pure magic in Colombia and enjoying the ancient land.
Everytime I come here I see amazing people doing the impossible. A couple weeks ago we had a freak hail storm than caused major jams. 2 mtrs thick in some places and Christmas comes early in Bogota. Then a few days ago we had a mini tornado in this town, not to mention the flooding beacuse of rain. So the weather is the call of time.c
Got this email today and made me wonder, a comet explodes --does it affect us? amazing images at
Imagine the inner universe and your soul as a comet spinning eternaly in space. One day you expand and your light is seen by many. Do u remember who u r ?
Everything in the universe is connected and our awareness triggers a cosmic key.
If you observe the experiment you will affect the outcome.
When we meditate we expand our soul to feel God´s Light change our frequency. Just as the sun is a singing star, we become songs divine in the cosmic play.
Hope all is good with everyone and remember to be at peace in times of comets expanding our awareness.
Much love n light
Comet Holmes Bigger Than The Sun
Summary: Comet 17P/Holmes shocked astronomers on Oct. 24, 2007, with a spectacular eruption. In less than 24 hours, the 17th magnitude comet brightened by a factor of nearly a million, becoming a naked-eye object in the evening sky. Look for a golden 2.5th magnitude fuzzball in the constellation Perseus after sunset
Formerly, the Sun was the largest object in the Solar System. Now, comet 17P/Holmes holds that distinction.
Spectacular outbursting comet 17P/Holmes exploded in size and brightness on October 24. It continues to expand and is now the largest single object in the Solar system, being bigger than the Sun (see Figure). The diameter of the tenuous dust atmosphere of the comet was measured at 1.4 million kilometers (0.9 million miles) on 2007 November 9 by Rachel Stevenson, Jan Kleyna and Pedro Lacerda of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. They used observations from a wide-field camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), one of the few professional instruments still capable of capturing the whole comet in one image. Other astronomers involved in the UH program to study the comet include Bin Yang, Nuno Peixinho and David Jewitt. The present eruption of comet Holmes was first reported on October 24 and has continued at a steady 0.5 km/sec (1100 mph) ever since. The comet is an unprecedented half a million times brighter than before the eruption began. This amazing eruption of the comet is produced by dust ejected from a tiny solid nucleus made of ice and rock, only 3.6 km (roughly 2.2 miles) in diameter.
Caption: (Left) Image of comet Holmes from the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii telescope on Mauna Kea showing the 1.4 million km diameter coma. The white ''star'' near the center of the coma is in fact the dust-shrouded nucleus. (Right) the Sun and planet Saturn shown at the same scale for comparison. (Sun and Saturn images courtesy of ESA/NASA's SOHO and Voyager projects).
The new image also shows the growth of a tail on comet Holmes (the fuzzy region to the lower right in the comet picture), caused by the pressure of sunlight acting on dust grains in the coma. Over the next few weeks and months, the coma and tail are expected to expand even more while the comet will fade as the dust disperses. Comet Holmes showed a double outburst in November 1892 and January 1893. It is not known if the present activity in the comet will follow the pattern from 1892, but continued observations from Mauna Kea are planned to watch for a second outburst. Most comets show small fluctuations in brightness and some have distinct outbursts. The huge event on-going in comet Holmes is unprecedented, however.
The orbit period of comet Holmes is about 6 years, putting it in the class of Jupiter Family Comets whose orbits are strongly influenced by Jupiter. These objects are thought to have spent most of the last 4.5 billion years orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune, in a region known as the Kuiper Belt. Holmes probably was deflected into its present orbit within the last few thousand years and is losing mass as it evaporates in the heat of the Sun. In another few thousand years it is likely either to hit the Sun or a planet, be ejected from the Solar system, or simply die by running out of gas.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Time 2 go and sharing thoughts in my mind.
Dear Family of Light,
In the world drama cycle we see the time to take a high jump, to surrender to a Higher power and jump of the cliff. Your wings awaken and the Condor flys home.
This past few days has been a blessing and much inner reflection.
We did a ceremony at the Miami Circle last night with a dear brother and shaman, Alfonso, he is Colombian and lives in Michigan. His wisdom and humility has taught me much.
In the everglades, last sat we did a fire ceremony where all the past was burnt.
Like a time to let go and be who I know I am.
I can feel a new cycle begin and the Presence of God in the atmosphere.
The thoughts around the soul, atma, creates a sphere of light and power, an atmosphere of a Raja Yogi.
Today in my meditation class,we got the message to be a world server with the power of our intense stage and pure vibrations of peace.
I leave today to my birthplace, Bogota. In 7 hrs I will be in the clouds and wanted to share this class from my dear teacher, Dadi Janki. Time 2 go and sharing thoughts in my mind.
From the heart and c u in the subtle regions.
Lucho Prakash -~-Warrior of Light-~-
Dadi Janki 25 October 07 Gyan Sarovar
Questions and answers
Question 1: Dadi, what was your day like today? Anything new to report? Was this a normal day for you?
It was good. I enjoyed everything from Amrit vela until night. Baba (God the Father) is my toy, I hold His hand and He makes me dance to His tune. Baba says - wherever you are sitting, whatever you are doing be in remembrance and then perform actions. There should be this natural way of performing actions. Then, I am happy and everyone is happy. Every day is a new day. Whatever happens is nothing new, it happened a cycle ago. But something new also takes place every day. Baba has given us the knowledge of drama and so we play our part in that consciousness - we look above, we follow what He says, we consider ourselves to be heroes becoming like diamonds (heera). This is the aim isn't it? And in order to reach that aim, each day new points emerge and new things happen.
Question 2: You all know that Dadi's age is big Dadi, what has taken you 90 years to learn?
What have I learned in 90 years? Baba has made me free from thinking. He has said "Hey child, just remember one God." Don't just remember Him but stay in His remembrance and have the determined thought: "it will happen." I think I am 19 (not 90), and so I continue to get strength from Baba. Ever since the time I came to belong to Baba, and even before that on the path of devotion, I never wasted time in gossiping and wasteful thoughts. When I met Baba, through His drishti (Divine Vision), I had the experience that I had found the One who I was searching for. That day Baba put His hand on my head and I feel it is still on my head today. Every human being wishes to have a quality life. Baba says "you are not just a yogi, your life is a yogi's life." I did not want a life of a sannyasi, or to be a guru and have followers. I did not want to be a follower myself. I did not want to have any attachment, or be a leader or a great soul. Baba said "you are a soul and you belong to the Supreme Soul." And the third thing He said, which has been very useful for me until the present time, is about the deep secrets of actions. Let no action be a sinful action; it should always go into the account of elevated actions. "You do not have to renounce actions," Baba says. "Remain a karma yogi, but let your actions be elevated and be an inspiration for others." The method that He has given us is to consider the self a soul, a child of the Supreme and then my actions become elevated. I am a child of the Almighty Authority and my actions are powerful and elevated when He is with me and my time is spent in a worthwhile way.
Question 3: Dadi, in your new role , is it ok to have expectations or for the world to have expectations , or is it only for Baba to have expectations?
What expectations do you have? First let me share a subtle point. Many become Baba's children, but up until now they are still searching and trying to find out what their role is. It is a waste of time. Do not be role conscious; we have to remain soul conscious. What do you expect from me? My role is to remain soul conscious. There should not even be a trace of body consciousness. When I was one or two years in gyan (knowledge), Baba said to me, "Child, always see Father and follow the Father." See Shiv Baba (Supreme Soul) and follow Brahma Baba, both are my fathers. I said "yes, I accept." So whatever hint Baba gives, accept and do what He wants. I have just been obedient, I have never expected anything from Baba, but I accepted everything. I would say "Yes Baba. You have given the power so it will happen." Baba has said it and so it will happen.
Yesterday after yoga I went to Baba's rooms and looked at Baba. When you look closely, then He looks at you with open eyes. I said "Baba, what do you expect from me? There is such a deep secret in being an instrument. Brahma Baba did such a huge task , he became the world father and we saw this happen in front of our eyes. We used to call him Brahma Baba but then we started calling him Prajapita Brahma (Father of Humanity). We saw how he sustained, looked after the children and continued to teach us, Saying oh children, Brahma Kumar and Kumaris, you are world benefactors. Shiv Baba is the Benefactor but Brahma Baba made us into world benefactors.
When I came to London , I understood that Baba had taught us so that we could give this knowledge to these souls coming in front of us. According to the time we receive teachings from the Teacher and also sustenance from the Father. Even today, we say Baba and He says child and He continues teaching us even more deep things. This study is so good, the soul becomes so clean, a realization comes and through that the attainment is so immense that immediately there is the experience happiness and divine love. He has not only taught us, but we have practically attained, and it is our responsibility to give that experience to others. So do not ever think that it is difficult. Everything is easy--meaning there is no need to think twice, it is just a matter of doing it. And if there is anything that strikes the heart, then just do it.
I was never the teacher. I have never said "this is my student" - this is a mistake. Baba said in today's murli to be one with a merciful heart and a great donor. The one with such a heart continues to give and give and continues to accumulate. It is not a question of being a teacher or a student - there is just pure love for everyone's benefit and the wish is that all experience the divine love and attainments that we have received from the Father. Such should be our sanskars. Attention should be towards the study, and my hobby is to draw everyone's attention to it. This study is so good; so much happiness is received from it. Let me study in the morning and in the evening share with others, or instantly if you can. You have to practise revising and develop the confidence within. This is what it means to have a merciful heart and be a great donor.
Baba sees if children are using their time in a worthwhile way throughout the day. He has the concern that we claim the full inheritance and that we do not waste our time in wasteful thoughts. Do not go about your work in a careless way. If someone needs any cooperation or support, it is our responsibility to give it. This is a Godly family. We are the long lost and now found children. Baba has picked us from all 4 corners and put us in a gathering and so the more we take benefit from this, the more happiness there is. There is happiness in seeing that so many have come to get attainments. So, listen, understand, revise and share with others. Whatever inspiration you get, just do it. This is the field of actions and the One who gets things done, is getting it done. If you do as Baba wishes you to do, He gives you a prize.
Question 4: How do you get to know that Baba has 100% faith in you?
There is a secret in this. Once I said to sakar Baba "I have so much faith in You. What should I do that you develop faith in me? He took me in his arms and said "At each step, wherever you go, there will be service. Since, I have never taken any step unless there was service, and I have never followed my own dictates. When Baba hints something, even if it is not to me personally, but a hint in the murli, I take it personally and bring it into my practical life. When such effort is visible, then Baba has faith in us. When others coming into contact with us also experience what faith is, then there is benefit for them.
One is to have faith, another is to have a determined thought and then there is also bhavna (feelings). A determined thought is the work of the intellect. When a doubt comes then all that I had attained finishes, it ruins everything. Baba says the one with a faithful intellect will be victorious. One has to be determined to have complete dharna, to put into practice all the knowledge that is understood. And then there is bhavna. Some do not have a sharp intellect but their bhavna is so honest that they experience a great deal of happiness. Because of their bhavna, they experience fruit - they have the power of a faithful intellect. They have no doubts and their feelings for Baba are true. They are honest children. They never fluctuate.
Then thirdly is the knowledge of drama. This is the Confluence Age when Baba comes. He is making us pure and taking us back home with Him. The Golden age is being established. Whatever we are doing, we are doing with commitment, with full, unshakeable faith. There is no fluctuation in our attitude. The one with faith sees benefit in everything. Someone who vacillates in their faith, if they see something good starts going towards that. But with one with full faith, no matter how good a person is or how much of luxury there is - their eyes are not attracted. Their stage is unshakeable and immovable, no matter what happens. Baba would say "No matter what happens, just wait and see." I have received a lot of power from this Godly statement. I have never become impatient because of this. If someone asks, what effort should I make? I say Have patience, the days of happiness will come.
There are true effort makers, fast effort makers and incognito effort makers. And then there is the constant effort maker. Our elevated Confluence Aged life is a life of effort making. Whatever I have to become, Baba is making me that. He says "Child, keep the aim and objective in front of you. Never forget it and the qualifications will also come." This is the attention I should have all day long, that the qualifications are being instilled to reach the aim. Then the weaknesses will go away. Mama used to say "Never forget the aim and the One who instills the qualifications in you." Make that One your constant Companion, He is helping reach your aim. It is His work to meet me and my work to become. Everyone will become some day. Baba says "Have good wishes for all but do not worry about anyone. Continue to spin the discus of self realization for your own self progress." Churn on the self and remember Baba's words. Thinking and looking at others cause a lot of damage, you incur a loss. Baba said, "Do not be a lawyer for yourself and a judge for others." He also said - be very careful with what you say - speak with the heart and then speak with the mouth." These are the instructions to become real and royal. Do not waste your time in ordinary things.
Question 5: Baba said to someone once that they can reach their stage of perfection through the good wishes of others, can it be that simple?
Our Dadiji always said, "I have the blessings of all. I am fine." We have to take blessings , we do not want anything else. We have a lot to learn from our seniors. The thought is to learn from each other, to take cooperation from all. Baba's cooperation is there and I am ever ready to give cooperation to whomever needs it. A yogi is one who cooperates and one who cooperates becomes a yogi easily and gets blessings.
I used to go come in front of Baba without being called and He would say,"Janak, would you like to do this service?" And I would say yes even though I might not even know how to do it. It is as though He has a right over us, He says, "Go and do this." And with faith, knowing that it has already happened, we go and do it. If there is a need for bigger facilities Baba will provide, do not worry and wait for the money to come first. That is not the law. Do the service and the money will come automatically. This is what is known as understanding the ways in which God works, how the Father dictates and guides the child and how by following this, the child makes his fortune and make the fortune of others accordingly. It is a simple thing. Once Baba said, "Do not ever say to others, do this and that. Because those who do after being told are ordinary human beings but those who do automatically themselves are deities. If you ask someone to do something and still they do not do it, what would they become? Baba would say, "let alone shrimat, I cannot even give directions to such ones. Only courageous ones can follow the directions of the Father."
According to the time you have to make your intellect refined and vast - farsighted. Whatever you do, you have to look at the 3 aspects of time in that. Become honest in an extremely subtle way. Be constantly happy and give happiness to all, this is how to receive blessings from all. Others will come asking for blessings of the ones who have a storehouse full of blessings.
In order to receive blessings, always have the 8 powers within. If the power of tolerance is lacking, or if I cannot merge; if I get frightened, cannot discern or make proper decisions--then I cannot receive blessings. I must fill the soul with all the powers that God has given by bringing in my dharna the virtues of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. These powers make us worthy to give and receive blessings. If someone comes to you and says, "I received your blessings " It means they have received power through your attitude and vibrations, even if they are thousands of miles away. I need to be skillful in giving and receiving blessings, and for that I need to be truthful, polite/ humble, and have purity and 100% honesty with the self, God and each soul of the world. You will definitely receive blessings with this.
Question 6: Dadi, you mention the importance of knowing,who am I and to keep asking the self this question all day and so today, has something new come for you in this? Can you also clarify the difference between numberwise and number one?
In each murli (Magic Flute of Knowledge -classes from India) Baba explains that children are numberwise in understanding and imbibing the knowledge, and He also tells us who is number one. Baba gives remembrance and Namaste numberwise to the children. But do I want to be like this, in a queue waiting to receive remembrance from Baba? The word "queue" also means, why; in Hindi. With both these words income is lost. Keep progressing, do not stop and stand in a queue-- it does not look nice. If an obstacle comes, do not stop to look at it, just take jump and go over it, it is not a big thing. It is time to go home now and we will all go together.
Not a single day has passed when I did not ask myself,"what is the purpose of my life? What did I achieve today and what did I give others?" This is the time to earn an income for 84 births, to become an elevated, worthy of worship soul. Those who remember God from the heart, not because they want something will not even be ordinary worshippers, they will be elevated worshippers. Now God gives me an elevated intellect and so I must not lose this chance. The power of the yoga of the intellect is significant. Knowledge says, "Leave everything aside, forget it and become detached." This ego of "me" and "my" this attachment of "mine"--understand the difference and become egoless and the destroyers of attachment. Today Baba has said , be free of thoughts and a destroyer of attachment. Those who keep this point in their awareness and do the subtle effort to attain this will not waste even a minute. No matter what happens, let there be benefit for all. No hatred for anyone. Nurture your mind in this way so that your thoughts and vibrations are elevated. This way you can also make others light, free form burden. Because God has that power, He says, "Do not keep that burden or worry yourself unnecessarily. Have good wishes for yourself and practice being bodiless." I should bring such benefit to others that no one takes my name. They should remember Baba. This is a very subtle thing. Baba has placed His name on my mouth and let others remember Him - that is the purpose of my time here.
Baba remembers each child and sees his form, seeing how much each one has imbibed. Let my form and my face be good through knowledge. If we have this attitude towards each other and a pure equal vision for all, one of seeing each one's speciality then there is no such a thing as having love for some and not for others. Baba gives love to each one and knows their speciality. If I do not have this, I need to check myself and change internally accordingly. Then I will become honest, sensible and wise. To be wise is not a question of having a good intellect but of using God's wisdom. The intellect should function with such sensibility that others see that, this one is a Godly child. God has taught this one. The student glorifies the name of the Teacher, the child glorifies the Father and who glorifies the Satguru? The one who follows shrimat (Divine Directions). It is not my name who should be glorified but my Father's. Such is the time - to understand the truth, to become truthful and to reveal the truth then the falsehood will come to an end and glorification of truth takes place. Om shanti
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In the world drama cycle we see the time to take a high jump, to surrender to a Higher power and jump of the cliff. Your wings awaken and the Condor flys home.
This past few days has been a blessing and much inner reflection.
We did a ceremony at the Miami Circle last night with a dear brother and shaman, Alfonso, he is Colombian and lives in Michigan. His wisdom and humility has taught me much.
In the everglades, last sat we did a fire ceremony where all the past was burnt.
Like a time to let go and be who I know I am.
I can feel a new cycle begin and the Presence of God in the atmosphere.
The thoughts around the soul, atma, creates a sphere of light and power, an atmosphere of a Raja Yogi.
Today in my meditation class,we got the message to be a world server with the power of our intense stage and pure vibrations of peace.
I leave today to my birthplace, Bogota. In 7 hrs I will be in the clouds and wanted to share this class from my dear teacher, Dadi Janki. Time 2 go and sharing thoughts in my mind.
From the heart and c u in the subtle regions.
Lucho Prakash -~-Warrior of Light-~-
Dadi Janki 25 October 07 Gyan Sarovar
Questions and answers
Question 1: Dadi, what was your day like today? Anything new to report? Was this a normal day for you?
It was good. I enjoyed everything from Amrit vela until night. Baba (God the Father) is my toy, I hold His hand and He makes me dance to His tune. Baba says - wherever you are sitting, whatever you are doing be in remembrance and then perform actions. There should be this natural way of performing actions. Then, I am happy and everyone is happy. Every day is a new day. Whatever happens is nothing new, it happened a cycle ago. But something new also takes place every day. Baba has given us the knowledge of drama and so we play our part in that consciousness - we look above, we follow what He says, we consider ourselves to be heroes becoming like diamonds (heera). This is the aim isn't it? And in order to reach that aim, each day new points emerge and new things happen.
Question 2: You all know that Dadi's age is big Dadi, what has taken you 90 years to learn?
What have I learned in 90 years? Baba has made me free from thinking. He has said "Hey child, just remember one God." Don't just remember Him but stay in His remembrance and have the determined thought: "it will happen." I think I am 19 (not 90), and so I continue to get strength from Baba. Ever since the time I came to belong to Baba, and even before that on the path of devotion, I never wasted time in gossiping and wasteful thoughts. When I met Baba, through His drishti (Divine Vision), I had the experience that I had found the One who I was searching for. That day Baba put His hand on my head and I feel it is still on my head today. Every human being wishes to have a quality life. Baba says "you are not just a yogi, your life is a yogi's life." I did not want a life of a sannyasi, or to be a guru and have followers. I did not want to be a follower myself. I did not want to have any attachment, or be a leader or a great soul. Baba said "you are a soul and you belong to the Supreme Soul." And the third thing He said, which has been very useful for me until the present time, is about the deep secrets of actions. Let no action be a sinful action; it should always go into the account of elevated actions. "You do not have to renounce actions," Baba says. "Remain a karma yogi, but let your actions be elevated and be an inspiration for others." The method that He has given us is to consider the self a soul, a child of the Supreme and then my actions become elevated. I am a child of the Almighty Authority and my actions are powerful and elevated when He is with me and my time is spent in a worthwhile way.
Question 3: Dadi, in your new role , is it ok to have expectations or for the world to have expectations , or is it only for Baba to have expectations?
What expectations do you have? First let me share a subtle point. Many become Baba's children, but up until now they are still searching and trying to find out what their role is. It is a waste of time. Do not be role conscious; we have to remain soul conscious. What do you expect from me? My role is to remain soul conscious. There should not even be a trace of body consciousness. When I was one or two years in gyan (knowledge), Baba said to me, "Child, always see Father and follow the Father." See Shiv Baba (Supreme Soul) and follow Brahma Baba, both are my fathers. I said "yes, I accept." So whatever hint Baba gives, accept and do what He wants. I have just been obedient, I have never expected anything from Baba, but I accepted everything. I would say "Yes Baba. You have given the power so it will happen." Baba has said it and so it will happen.
Yesterday after yoga I went to Baba's rooms and looked at Baba. When you look closely, then He looks at you with open eyes. I said "Baba, what do you expect from me? There is such a deep secret in being an instrument. Brahma Baba did such a huge task , he became the world father and we saw this happen in front of our eyes. We used to call him Brahma Baba but then we started calling him Prajapita Brahma (Father of Humanity). We saw how he sustained, looked after the children and continued to teach us, Saying oh children, Brahma Kumar and Kumaris, you are world benefactors. Shiv Baba is the Benefactor but Brahma Baba made us into world benefactors.
When I came to London , I understood that Baba had taught us so that we could give this knowledge to these souls coming in front of us. According to the time we receive teachings from the Teacher and also sustenance from the Father. Even today, we say Baba and He says child and He continues teaching us even more deep things. This study is so good, the soul becomes so clean, a realization comes and through that the attainment is so immense that immediately there is the experience happiness and divine love. He has not only taught us, but we have practically attained, and it is our responsibility to give that experience to others. So do not ever think that it is difficult. Everything is easy--meaning there is no need to think twice, it is just a matter of doing it. And if there is anything that strikes the heart, then just do it.
I was never the teacher. I have never said "this is my student" - this is a mistake. Baba said in today's murli to be one with a merciful heart and a great donor. The one with such a heart continues to give and give and continues to accumulate. It is not a question of being a teacher or a student - there is just pure love for everyone's benefit and the wish is that all experience the divine love and attainments that we have received from the Father. Such should be our sanskars. Attention should be towards the study, and my hobby is to draw everyone's attention to it. This study is so good; so much happiness is received from it. Let me study in the morning and in the evening share with others, or instantly if you can. You have to practise revising and develop the confidence within. This is what it means to have a merciful heart and be a great donor.
Baba sees if children are using their time in a worthwhile way throughout the day. He has the concern that we claim the full inheritance and that we do not waste our time in wasteful thoughts. Do not go about your work in a careless way. If someone needs any cooperation or support, it is our responsibility to give it. This is a Godly family. We are the long lost and now found children. Baba has picked us from all 4 corners and put us in a gathering and so the more we take benefit from this, the more happiness there is. There is happiness in seeing that so many have come to get attainments. So, listen, understand, revise and share with others. Whatever inspiration you get, just do it. This is the field of actions and the One who gets things done, is getting it done. If you do as Baba wishes you to do, He gives you a prize.
Question 4: How do you get to know that Baba has 100% faith in you?
There is a secret in this. Once I said to sakar Baba "I have so much faith in You. What should I do that you develop faith in me? He took me in his arms and said "At each step, wherever you go, there will be service. Since, I have never taken any step unless there was service, and I have never followed my own dictates. When Baba hints something, even if it is not to me personally, but a hint in the murli, I take it personally and bring it into my practical life. When such effort is visible, then Baba has faith in us. When others coming into contact with us also experience what faith is, then there is benefit for them.
One is to have faith, another is to have a determined thought and then there is also bhavna (feelings). A determined thought is the work of the intellect. When a doubt comes then all that I had attained finishes, it ruins everything. Baba says the one with a faithful intellect will be victorious. One has to be determined to have complete dharna, to put into practice all the knowledge that is understood. And then there is bhavna. Some do not have a sharp intellect but their bhavna is so honest that they experience a great deal of happiness. Because of their bhavna, they experience fruit - they have the power of a faithful intellect. They have no doubts and their feelings for Baba are true. They are honest children. They never fluctuate.
Then thirdly is the knowledge of drama. This is the Confluence Age when Baba comes. He is making us pure and taking us back home with Him. The Golden age is being established. Whatever we are doing, we are doing with commitment, with full, unshakeable faith. There is no fluctuation in our attitude. The one with faith sees benefit in everything. Someone who vacillates in their faith, if they see something good starts going towards that. But with one with full faith, no matter how good a person is or how much of luxury there is - their eyes are not attracted. Their stage is unshakeable and immovable, no matter what happens. Baba would say "No matter what happens, just wait and see." I have received a lot of power from this Godly statement. I have never become impatient because of this. If someone asks, what effort should I make? I say Have patience, the days of happiness will come.
There are true effort makers, fast effort makers and incognito effort makers. And then there is the constant effort maker. Our elevated Confluence Aged life is a life of effort making. Whatever I have to become, Baba is making me that. He says "Child, keep the aim and objective in front of you. Never forget it and the qualifications will also come." This is the attention I should have all day long, that the qualifications are being instilled to reach the aim. Then the weaknesses will go away. Mama used to say "Never forget the aim and the One who instills the qualifications in you." Make that One your constant Companion, He is helping reach your aim. It is His work to meet me and my work to become. Everyone will become some day. Baba says "Have good wishes for all but do not worry about anyone. Continue to spin the discus of self realization for your own self progress." Churn on the self and remember Baba's words. Thinking and looking at others cause a lot of damage, you incur a loss. Baba said, "Do not be a lawyer for yourself and a judge for others." He also said - be very careful with what you say - speak with the heart and then speak with the mouth." These are the instructions to become real and royal. Do not waste your time in ordinary things.
Question 5: Baba said to someone once that they can reach their stage of perfection through the good wishes of others, can it be that simple?
Our Dadiji always said, "I have the blessings of all. I am fine." We have to take blessings , we do not want anything else. We have a lot to learn from our seniors. The thought is to learn from each other, to take cooperation from all. Baba's cooperation is there and I am ever ready to give cooperation to whomever needs it. A yogi is one who cooperates and one who cooperates becomes a yogi easily and gets blessings.
I used to go come in front of Baba without being called and He would say,"Janak, would you like to do this service?" And I would say yes even though I might not even know how to do it. It is as though He has a right over us, He says, "Go and do this." And with faith, knowing that it has already happened, we go and do it. If there is a need for bigger facilities Baba will provide, do not worry and wait for the money to come first. That is not the law. Do the service and the money will come automatically. This is what is known as understanding the ways in which God works, how the Father dictates and guides the child and how by following this, the child makes his fortune and make the fortune of others accordingly. It is a simple thing. Once Baba said, "Do not ever say to others, do this and that. Because those who do after being told are ordinary human beings but those who do automatically themselves are deities. If you ask someone to do something and still they do not do it, what would they become? Baba would say, "let alone shrimat, I cannot even give directions to such ones. Only courageous ones can follow the directions of the Father."
According to the time you have to make your intellect refined and vast - farsighted. Whatever you do, you have to look at the 3 aspects of time in that. Become honest in an extremely subtle way. Be constantly happy and give happiness to all, this is how to receive blessings from all. Others will come asking for blessings of the ones who have a storehouse full of blessings.
In order to receive blessings, always have the 8 powers within. If the power of tolerance is lacking, or if I cannot merge; if I get frightened, cannot discern or make proper decisions--then I cannot receive blessings. I must fill the soul with all the powers that God has given by bringing in my dharna the virtues of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. These powers make us worthy to give and receive blessings. If someone comes to you and says, "I received your blessings " It means they have received power through your attitude and vibrations, even if they are thousands of miles away. I need to be skillful in giving and receiving blessings, and for that I need to be truthful, polite/ humble, and have purity and 100% honesty with the self, God and each soul of the world. You will definitely receive blessings with this.
Question 6: Dadi, you mention the importance of knowing,who am I and to keep asking the self this question all day and so today, has something new come for you in this? Can you also clarify the difference between numberwise and number one?
In each murli (Magic Flute of Knowledge -classes from India) Baba explains that children are numberwise in understanding and imbibing the knowledge, and He also tells us who is number one. Baba gives remembrance and Namaste numberwise to the children. But do I want to be like this, in a queue waiting to receive remembrance from Baba? The word "queue" also means, why; in Hindi. With both these words income is lost. Keep progressing, do not stop and stand in a queue-- it does not look nice. If an obstacle comes, do not stop to look at it, just take jump and go over it, it is not a big thing. It is time to go home now and we will all go together.
Not a single day has passed when I did not ask myself,"what is the purpose of my life? What did I achieve today and what did I give others?" This is the time to earn an income for 84 births, to become an elevated, worthy of worship soul. Those who remember God from the heart, not because they want something will not even be ordinary worshippers, they will be elevated worshippers. Now God gives me an elevated intellect and so I must not lose this chance. The power of the yoga of the intellect is significant. Knowledge says, "Leave everything aside, forget it and become detached." This ego of "me" and "my" this attachment of "mine"--understand the difference and become egoless and the destroyers of attachment. Today Baba has said , be free of thoughts and a destroyer of attachment. Those who keep this point in their awareness and do the subtle effort to attain this will not waste even a minute. No matter what happens, let there be benefit for all. No hatred for anyone. Nurture your mind in this way so that your thoughts and vibrations are elevated. This way you can also make others light, free form burden. Because God has that power, He says, "Do not keep that burden or worry yourself unnecessarily. Have good wishes for yourself and practice being bodiless." I should bring such benefit to others that no one takes my name. They should remember Baba. This is a very subtle thing. Baba has placed His name on my mouth and let others remember Him - that is the purpose of my time here.
Baba remembers each child and sees his form, seeing how much each one has imbibed. Let my form and my face be good through knowledge. If we have this attitude towards each other and a pure equal vision for all, one of seeing each one's speciality then there is no such a thing as having love for some and not for others. Baba gives love to each one and knows their speciality. If I do not have this, I need to check myself and change internally accordingly. Then I will become honest, sensible and wise. To be wise is not a question of having a good intellect but of using God's wisdom. The intellect should function with such sensibility that others see that, this one is a Godly child. God has taught this one. The student glorifies the name of the Teacher, the child glorifies the Father and who glorifies the Satguru? The one who follows shrimat (Divine Directions). It is not my name who should be glorified but my Father's. Such is the time - to understand the truth, to become truthful and to reveal the truth then the falsehood will come to an end and glorification of truth takes place. Om shanti
More info at or
![]() | May God's Love, Peace & Light bless you in Eternal Time, Now & 4ever!.
dadi janki,
tribal ink news,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007Dalai Lama Live web cast Oct 17
Dear Family of Light,
As many of you know by seeing my photos, I have a special connection with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Last year in Colombia I spent 3 days with him as press taking hundreds of picture and more than 7 hrs of video. I gave him a condor feather and see him flying all over the world bringing Compassion to our broken hearts. He kept looking at me and smiling wondering, who is this guy with long hair in a biz suit taking so many pictures. His eyes were full of Light and I saw the mystery of Tibet and all his people have suffered. I became good friends with his Latin America rep and one day we will meet again and he will be in our film about the Prophecies. I feel he is playing an important role in World Peace and Human Rights. He is the personification of Innocence and a Master, childlike in ego and full of wisdom of a World Leader. His gentle words and spontaneous humor can take us to another realm. He even visited our Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in India and has a special connection with Dadi Janki, the angel who in 1986 gave me a vision of Heaven. He calls her his Divine Sister. So if you never had a chance to see a Spiritual Leader in action, here is your chance with a LIVE WEBCAST. Free, live webcast of Dalai Lama address and Tibetan cultural performances! The International Campaign for Tibet is honored to announce a public address by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on October 17, 2007 following his receipt of the Congressional Gold Medal in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Congress has passed a resolution permitting the International Campaign for Tibet to sponsor a public event on the Capitol grounds in connection with the Gold Medal award ceremony. ICT is working with U.S. Tibetan Associations to organize a special event and celebration of the award, being presented to His Holiness "…in recognition of his enduring and outstanding contribution to peace, non-violence, human rights, and religious understanding." The Dalai Lama's speech will follow cultural performances by the Tibetan community in a gathering expected to be attended by thousands. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend the festivities on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol Mall on October 17, 2007. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 11:00 Tibetan Cultural Performances 1:00 Gold Medal Award Ceremony 2:30 Address by the Dalai Lama LIVE WEBCAST ICT will broadcast the events live online. To register for the free webcast, visit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dalai Lama in Colombia June 2006 Official Dalai Lama Web Three Main Commitments in Life Firstly, on the level of a human being, His Holiness' first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. All human beings are the same. We all want happiness and do not want suffering. Even people who do not believe in religion recognize the importance of these human values in making their life happier. His Holiness refers to these human values as secular ethics. He remains committed to talk about the importance of these human values and share them with everyone he meets. Secondly, on the level of a religious practitioner, His Holiness' second commitment is the promotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world's major religious traditions. Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of each other's respective traditions. As far as one truth, one religion is concerned, this is relevant on an individual level. However, for the community at large, several truths, several religions are necessary. Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and carries the name of the 'Dalai Lama'. Tibetans place their trust in him. Therefore, his third commitment is to the Tibetan issue. His Holiness has a responsibility to act as the free spokesperson of the Tibetans in their struggle for justice. As far as this third commitment is concerned, it will cease to exist once a mutually beneficial solution is reached between the Tibetans and Chinese. However, His Holiness will carry on with the first two commitments till his last breath. Source- A Brief Biography His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is both the head of state and the spiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At the age of two the child, who was named Lhamo Dhondup at that time was recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso. The Dalai Lamas are believed to be manifestations of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and patron saint of Tibet. Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have postponed their own nirvana and chosen to take rebirth in order to serve humanity. Education in Tibet His Holiness began his monastic education at the age of six. The curriculum consisted of five major and five minor subjects. The major subjects were logic, Tibetan art and culture, Sanskrit, medicine, and Buddhist philosophy which was further divided into a further five categories: Prajnaparimita, the perfection of wisdom; Madhyamika, the philosophy of the middle Way; Vinaya, the canon of monastic discipline; Abidharma, metaphysics; and Pramana, logic and epistemology. The five minor subjects were poetry, music and drama, astrology, motre and phrasing, and synonyms. At 23 he sat for his final examination in the Jokhang Temple, Lhasa, during the annual Monlam (prayer) Festival in 1959. He passed with honours and was awarded the Geshe Lharampa degree, the highest-level degree equivalent to a doctorate of Buddhist philosophy. Leadership Responsibilities In 1950 His Holiness was called upon to assume full political power after China's invasion of Tibet in 1949. In 1954, he went to Beijing for peace talks with Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders, including Deng Xiaoping and Chou Enlai. But finally, in 1959, with the brutal suppression of the Tibetan national uprising in Lhasa by Chinese troops, His Holiness was forced to escape into exile. Since then he has been living in Dharamsala, northern India, the seat of the Tibetan political administration in exile. Since the Chinese invasion, His Holiness has appealed to the United Nations on the question of Tibet. The General Assembly adopted three resolutions on Tibet in 1959, 1961 and 1965. Democratisation Process In 1963 His Holiness presented a draft democratic constitution for Tibet that was followed by a number of reforms to democratise our administrative set-up. The new democratic constitution promulgated as a result of this reform was named "The Charter of Tibetans in Exile". The charter enshrines freedom of speech, belief, assembly and movement. It also provides detailed guidelines on the functioning of the Tibetan government with respect to those living in exile. In 1992 His Holiness issued guidelines for the constitution of a future, free Tibet. He announced that when Tibet becomes free the immediate task would be to set up an interim government whose first responsibility will be to elect a constitutional assembly to frame and adopt Tibet's democratic constitution. On that day His Holiness would transfer all his historical and political authority to the Interim President and live as an ordinary citizen. His Holiness also stated that he hoped that Tibet, comprising of the three traditional provinces of U-Tsang, Amdo and Kham, would be federal and democratic. In May 1990, the reforms called for by His Holiness saw the realisation of a truly democratic administration in exile for the Tibetan community. The Tibetan Cabinet (Kashag), which till then had been appointed by His Holiness, was dissolved along with the Tenth Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies (Tibetan parliament in exile). In the same year, exile Tibetans on the Indian sub-continent and in more than 33 other countries elected 46 members to the expanded Eleventh Tibetan Assembly on a one-man one-vote basis. The Assembly, in its turn, elected the new members of the cabinet. In September 2001, a further major step in democratisation was taken when the Tibetan electorate directly elected the Kalon Tripa, the senior-most minister of the Cabinet. The Kalon Tripa in turn appointed his own cabinet who had to be approved by the Tibetan Assembly. In Tibet's long history, this was the first time that the people elected the political leadership of Tibet. Peace Initiatives In September 1987 His Holiness proposed the Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet as the first step towards a peaceful solution to the worsening situation in Tibet. He envisaged that Tibet would become a sanctuary; a zone of peace at the heart of Asia, where all sentient beings can exist in harmony and the delicate environment can be preserved. China has so far failed to respond positively to the various peace proposals put forward by His Holiness. The Five Point Peace Plan In his address to members of the United States Congress in Washington, D.C. on 21 September 1987, His Holiness proposed the following peace plan, which contains five basic components: 1. Transformation of the whole of Tibet into a zone of peace. 2. Abandonment of China's population transfer policy that threatens the very existence of the Tibetans as a people. 3. Respect for the Tibetan people's fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms. 4. Restoration and protection of Tibet's natural environment and the abandonment of China's use of Tibet for the production of nuclear weapons and dumping of nuclear waste. 5. Commencement of earnest negotiations on the future status of Tibet and of relations between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. Strasbourg Proposal In his address to members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 15 June 1988, His Holiness made another detailed proposal elaborating on the last point of the Five Point Peace Plan. He proposed talks between the Chinese and Tibetans leading to a self-governing democratic political entity for all three provinces of Tibet. This entity would be in association with the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Government would continue to remain responsible for Tibet's foreign policy and defence. Universal Recognition His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a man of peace. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet. He has consistently advocated policies of non-violence, even in the face of extreme aggression. He also became the first Nobel Laureate to be recognized for his concern for global environmental problems. His Holiness has travelled to more than 62 countries spanning 6 continents. He has met with presidents, prime ministers and crowned rulers of major nations. He has held dialogues with the heads of different religions and many well-known scientists. Since 1959 His Holiness has received over 84 awards, honorary doctorates, prizes, etc., in recognition of his message of peace, non-violence, inter-religious understanding, universal responsibility and compassion. His Holiness has also authored more than 72 books. His Holiness describes himself as "a simple Buddhist monk". More info at Tibet House Sunday, October 14, 2007Healing Humanity- Free to Forgive
Dear Family of Light,
Today I got a wonderful video by Humanity Healing. Touched my soul and believe we are in a time when Humanity is uniting forces to spread the Light & Heal the broken hearts and tired planet. Compassion and a Passion for the Lord. Revealing the open secrets of the Timeless Heart. It was something I have been thinking about and the feeling God is inspiring many to see beyond present time and understand the power of collective unity based on love and forgiveness. Love in action, kindness as our guide & peace in our hearts, a Gentle Warrior knows God is the One doing everything~~> no worries in the flow of life. Become a River and Shower the Light, just by being Bliss, we return to this. From the heart, Lucho Feel Free to Forgive ~*~ Healing Humanity SAMAY KI PUKAR Once I had a dream of the Call of Time, she talked to me and gave me a Vision of the Future. All is Perfect in this World Drama Cycle, become angels of Peace and see the Golden Age return. Om Shanti. I am a Peaceful Soul. Friday, October 12, 2007Some Images and Videos from Myspace
I am in the process of cleaning my graphic intense myspace site, so thought I will share with Blogger community.
If you havn't seen my site go to it is a joy and blessing to share my world with you. Enjoy and be happy... Lucho ..
God is Present Now... 2coolphoto / Healers of the World Unite...
Gloria Estefan at FIU GLORIA ESTEFAN at FIU Add to My Profile | More Videos Lucho L Condor at EarthDance Miami - ========== myspace clean object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="300" width="413" id="hexagon" align="middle" data="">
Wednesday, October 10, 2007Miami New Moon Ceremony Oct 11
Dear Family of Light,
A special welcome to all the new friends entering this { O} Circle of Light, I am most honored to have you all in my space. It is humbling and a blessing. For anyone in the S. FLA area, Please join us for this special New Moon ceremony. I will be giving away lots of books and assorted stuff. This is my last new moon in Miami as I leave for Colombia Oct 30th. Come and be joy & love in action. Much love & bliss, once u were this, Lucho Time to Change or Change Time.... see note from Carolina =================== Hi everyone :) PLEASE pass this e-mail only to people who can appreciate this time of shared energies. When: Thursday, October 11, 2007 8:00 PM to 11:00 PMish Where: "Space 402": 402 N.E 34 Street, Miami 33137 (3 houses EAST of Biscayne Blvd. on 34th St.... there is a Wendy's at the intersection of 34th & Biscayne Blvd. Click this link for map / location...,-95.677068&sspn=33.710275,81.738281&ie=UTF8&ll=25.809318,-80.188501&spn=0.00935,0.019956&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1 This is a time for Celebration and Joy. In this month, you will feel the ascension or "lift" in your consciousness as a Joy and Lightness of Heart and Spirit. You will feel the Divine Feminine in her Solar aspect as Creative Energy and Joy as you anchor your Consciousness fully into the Diamond Matrix of the New Earth." from The Energies for October 2007 : The Awakening of the Planetary Heart and the Ascension to New Earth Consciousness : Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. Performances include but are not limited to: Drum circle - bring your hand drum/percussion instruments Shaman ritual (New Moon) Art Exhibit Massage BYOB Pot luck - please bring a dish or something healthy to munch on. This is a community effort: please clean-up after yourself. Tidying/light cleaning volunteers appreciated - contact Carolina $ Donations greatly appreciated (trash bags, plates, cups, napkins, etc.) Our intention is to provide a sacred communal space where you can express any creative energies/performances you may want to share (dance, music, theater, classes, poetry, art, story telling, etc.). Let's challenge any vulnerabilities we may have and push our boundaries of creative expression in an effort of growth within a loving supportive environment based on fun, respect, and community. Please be as much of a contributor as possible. Please contact Carolina (305.803.6241) if you wish to present/perform for scheduling purposes. We look forward to sharing this special space and energy with you. Namaste, Carolina - Bindu 305.803.6241 Experience The Royal Yoga ~*~ Monday, October 08, 2007John Lennon Day Oct 9th
Dear Family of Light & John Lennon Fans,
On Oct 9th millions around the world will celebrate John Lennon day. A time to reflect on inner peace and show the world love is the answer. Also on the 9th Yoko Ono will be in Iceland to reveal a sculpture of peace. May Peace Prevail on Earth with Love as the answer!! From the heart, Lucho see message from Yoko... Make sure you visit on October 9th, John Lennon's birthday, for the unveiling of the incredible IMAGINE PEACE TOWER on the isle of Videy, Reykjavik, Iceland. Please visit the site, have a look around, IMAGINE PEACE and send your wishes to join over 495,000 others buried in capsules around the IMAGINE PEACE TOWER, dedicated to my late husband: musician, poet, artist and peace activist, John Lennon. Please join us on October 9th at Wherever you are, we will all be together that day. With the deepest love, Yoko Ono *********************** Imagine Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, No hell below us, above us only sky, Imagine all the people, living for today. Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too, Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one. Sign the petition to create an international holiday every October 9th called John Lennon Day, that celebrates the musician's vision of peace. ================ Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. There's nothing you can do that can't be done. The heartbeat of humanity is music. Let us honor our greatest singer-songwriter and the most influential political artist of the 20th century with an International holiday celebrating his message for us of peace and love on Earth. I was at the Dakota on Monday, December 8, 1980, from 11:45pm till 8:45am the next morning. These 9 hours were the longest and saddest of my life. That night I promised John I would give the rest of my life to changing the world by filling it with peace and love. This petition was created and put online to gather the signatures of 1% of humanity (about 64 million) that will be needed to make this dream a reality. Imagine, an international holiday every October 9th for all people to reflect and celebrate together. Imagine, one by one, every country on Earth honoring John Lennon, a man who gave his life for spreading the message of peace and love. When .1% of humanity (6.4 million) sign this petition it will be sent to the heads and governing bodies of every country on Earth and the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Every time another .1% of humanity sign, it will again be sent to the heads and governing bodies of every country and the Secretary-General of the United Nations. When 1% of humanity have signed, following each country's own official governing process, we will ask them to proclaim every October 9th, John Lennon Day. I agree that there should be an international holiday every October 9th to celebrate the life's message of John Lennon, to be known as the John Lennon Day. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one. ================== Try this meditation from my Raja Yoga Family... Thursday, September 27, 2007Demo of Prophecy, Last Message.
Demo of Prophecy, Last Message.
Film about the Kogi- Hopi Prophecy and how they relate to our modern world. Enjoy and txs for watching. Sunday, September 23, 2007Thursday, September 20, 2007World Peace Day, 9-21 & Equinox 9-23
Dear Family of Light,
Join with millions around the galaxy for World Peace Day, 9-21 Stop at 12 noon and think of God, Pray to Him/Her, Be in Silence..... Traffic Control--stop the traffic of your thoughts and become light. Peace One Day A short video explaining Peace One Day. Friday, Sept. 21 is World Peace Day--this is an OUTSTANDING video--please watch it--we need your energy for Attracting World Peace Remember, what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life... Take 5 minutes 2 attract world peace. Watch the Attraction Magnet video, and focus on a world at peace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the UN For immediate release UN SECRETARY-GENERAL CALLS FOR MINUTE OF SILENCE FOR PEACE ON 21 SEPTEMBER International Day of Peace precedes UN high-level talks on Darfur, Israel/Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan New York, 12 September 2007 Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, has appealed to people around the world to join in a Minute of Silence at 12 noon on the International Day of Peace, observed on 21 September each year. The International Day of Peace, designated by the UN General Assembly, has been growing in worldwide recognition since the date was fixed on 21 September in 2001 as an annual day of global cease-fire and non-violence. All governments, UN system agencies, non-governmental organizations and individuals are called upon to join in the observance. Civil society has added an International Day of Peace Vigil, including prayers and meditation for peace by people of all faiths. This year, the International Day of Peace falls on a Friday, just before the start of the Secretary-General's high-level meetings on four of the most sensitive areas of conflict in the world: Darfur, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It also falls during both Ramadan and the Jewish High Holy Days. Mr. Ban admits that, " countless communities across the globe, peace remains an elusive goal." He urges "all countries and combatants to honour this cessation of hostilities" and asks "people everywhere to observe a minute of silence at 12 noon local time." "As the guns fall silent, we should use this opportunity to ponder the price we all pay due to conflict. And we should resolve to vigorously pursue ways to make permanent this day's pause. On this International Day, let us promise to make peace not just a priority, but a passion." The Secretary-General will back up his promise with the high-level talks at the United Nations, which will include the participation of several Foreign Ministers and the Presidents of Afghanistan and the Prime Minister of Iraq. The International Day of Peace will be observed at UN headquarters on 21 September beginning with the Secretary-General ringing the Peace Bell at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Ban and the President of the General Assembly will then greet 700 middle school children attending the annual student observance. Also participating will be several Messengers of Peace, including Michael Douglas, Jane Goodall and Elie Wiesel. Three new Messengers of Peace will be introduced. The children will raise the flags of all nations with the theme, "May Peace Prevail on Earth." The public is urged to join in the Minute of Silence at 12 noon on Friday, 21 September, in support of a successful outcome to the peace talks and in a shared focus or prayer for peace on earth. For the complete message of the Secretary-General, please visit For information on how you can support the International Day of Peace, please visit For the International Day of Peace Vigil, please visit Sit back an relax.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the 23rd is the Fall Equinox & Harvest Moon. Equal Day of the Eternal Dance. AUTUMNAL EQUINOX (FALL) SEPTEMBER 23 2007 09:51 GMT EST- Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 5:51 am Get your time at What is the Harvest Moon? A day of Ceremony and time when Venus is the Brightest, so as the planet of love...become love in action and kiss someone. The date when night and day are nearly of the same length and Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving southward (in the northern hemisphere). In the southern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving northward and occurs on the date of the northern vernal equinox. The autumnal equinox marks the first day of the season of autumn. As the sun spirals its equal dance, Cleanse us, As nature shows bounty and fertility Bless us, As God showers Peace on all, let it rain bliss. Let all things live with loving intent, a pure heart And may we all fulfill our truest destiny. We are solar children with an inner galaxy. As above so outside so inside. The Sun is our Father and the Moon our Mother. In ancient times the sun was seen as God and giver of all life. His movement across the sky was watched and recorded. Certain days had special spiritual and ritualistic significance. The Equinox and Solstice were opening portals into other dimensions and ways to activate our inner temples. So on this day open your temple, create a fire and dance with the cosmic energies healing the Earth & U! This date has had spiritual significance for thousands of years as humans have been amazed by the great power of the sun. Many ancient sites are activated during this time and if you meditate long enough you will remember the fires created in past lives during the Equal Days. One day you will see all your past lives like a 5 min movie and understand who u are and why you are with certain souls. So have mercy on yourself and forgive and forget. Let God take over and life becomes much easier. So lets celebrate this day as a new vision for the self. An inner sun awakening the powers we have within and showing the wisdom of the magical healer within. Let the Sun's rays wash all the troubles away... Last Wed in my meditation class we did a visualization and sound chants that took us to the Soul World, a place of golden red light beyond this world, where time stops. We used to live here as pure energy, seeds of light and power, like a star of peace. Here is where God Lives. In India they call it Nirvana, the land beyond sound, Shantidham, the land of peace. Many names, but 1(one) home. The truth is that it is within us as without us. As above, so below.... Traveling to the 3 worlds we see the bigger picture and the cycles of time. The Subtle region or angelic world, is the in between dimension where your higher self lives. It is like a silent movie, a world of pure energy and a place to have visions. No time and ability to see past, present and future. Each one of us has an angelic or higher self beyond this world. Imagine if you can see yourself 10 years from now, what would you look like? What are u thinking about? What were you when you were 2 years old? Maybe your parents called you an angel. In God's time…the past, present and future are all happening at once. If He is Out of time, then maybe time is a point for Him. Get the point and be a dot. When we tune into God's light and knowledge we can heal ourselves on multi-dimensional levels and the understanding of vibrations and soul awareness makes the journey much happier. Time to be a river and flow. Time to be Fire and Glow. Time to be Light and become might. You may never know how powerful you were all along, but I know and God time 4 u 2 know. Light by Twilight Light is… Light Was…Light is to Be….. Light by Twilight and random thoughts for future reference. I just burned a match and my candle smiled, the light came on… Lights out in New York, The UN stops for a minute of peace and the world will never be the same. Reality TV or TV reality, Time Vortex and my TV blew a tube. Can this be happening? Peace around the corner or peace in my heart? Light is who I am & so are you. God is Light and like Father, like son or is it the sun? When we turn on the lights, the darkness fades. When we become Light, fear runs away and the inner child flys on the wings of love. The Light in your heart is the truth of who u are, so be double light and never touch the ground. All is going round. Long lost and now found. A cycle of time and an eternal dance of u and me. Know each of u is much loved. Light by Twilight and the world will never be the same. This poem was written long ago and it is being be rewritten now for words have a way of changing before the reality we see in life now. The history of the world is created from our individual actions, as is the future of the world. Each thought is powerful and our actions follow, so be love, peace and bliss in the flow of life. Your actions will be a reflection of the inner soul. For my Miami Family join us Sunday at sunset 4 a Fire ceremony and Meditation 4 Peace at 81 & Collins on the beach from 6-8 pm Music, Drums and Love. May Peace Prevail on Earth!! From the heart, Lucho News from around the world on this day. An Angel Meditation.... Tuesday, September 18, 2007Eclipse Sunrise Medtation -Miami Beach Aug 28
Dear Family of Light,
Enjoy this video of Solar Eclipse sunrise Aug 28, 2007 in Miami Beach, A meditation, crystal healing and waves of bliss. All the best, Lucho Eclipse Sunrise Add to My Profile | More Videos Fotos of Sunrise.. Sunday, September 16, 2007Global Om & Journey to Nirvana
Dear Family of Light,
Yesterday we had an amazing EarthDance and still feeling the pure energy of the Global OM. Wanted to thank everyone who joined in person and spirit. Special congrats to Eric, Theresa, Ray of Moksha Family and all who made it happen. Love in action. When we link with our powerful thoughts, the world is healed and God smiles on us. In honor of the Peace experienced wanted to share a Journey to Nirvana and Truth at the center of your mind. Take a minute to go within..... Let the Dolphins take you home.... From the Dancing Heart of the Earth, Lucho Monday, September 10, 2007Solar Eclipse & Time to Open the Curtain of Revelation.
Dear Family of Light,
On the anniversary of 9-11, we have a partial Solar Eclipse. Is the world darker or brighter; are u in tune with the changes or just cruising along? Today 9-10 was on a Spanish radio program talking about the changes, Faith and the cosmos...felt the shift in process. It is available for 24 hrs -see For my family in Miami we will gather at 46 and Collins on Miami Beach at 6 am for a fire ceremony, then again @ 8 pm at Space 402": 402 N.E 34 Street, Miami 33137 (3 houses EAST of Biscayne Blvd. on 34th St. This is a chance to burn the past and light you inner fire. So if you have been feeling Strange....join the club!! We are sandwiched in between 2 powerful eclipses, the past lunar of the 28 & the partial Solar one tomorrow. An increased vibrational energy that can consume you or transform you. U have all the answers in your hands. The key is Faith in a Higher Power and Trust in the Universe to rearrange itself to fit your picture of reality. When we consciously work with this energy, we have a great opportunity to affect a deep and positive change in the mass consciousness and our world. We can use this energy to manifest anything we desire. The bigger the wave of consciousness, or intensity of voltage of the thought energy, the easier it is for us to bring positive changes and to dream the forgotten dream. For me this has been a time of intense reflection, deep meditation and silence. Since the day Dadi Prakashmani left this plane, my mind has been in another world...not to mention my Internet was down for 4 yes behind on mails and requests... She stayed in the Subtle Regions for 12 days and on Sept 6 we received a special message from India, "Dadiji has the button to open the curtain of Revelation in her hands; all of you become cooperative in this." Revelations, messages from God and how do you share such profound secrets? Do I share all in my heart or will you think I am crazy? Not to worry...been crazy and OK with that! Look at the way this world is going....looks pretty crazy to me! I am not here to prove anything -just presenting a point of view. Sharing my thoughts with my family and open 4 discussion. Many will ask, Who are these people? What is this Spiritual University? Who is teaching these souls dressed in white? In my dreams I can still see her and she says, "Be Ever Ready, Free of Attachment & a Brick in a Spiritual Fortress. If the brick is at the bottom, or in the middle or a brick on top, if even one brick shakes, it influences everything." So now is the time to be strong and Karmateet, free of all karma and light as a feather. I see the Sun dancing with the Moon, Krishna playing with Radhe, Christ with His Mother and God with His Children. We all have a moon and sun within. A Father and a Mother image. The moon is now being charged with new light and nothing will be the same. See this time as a chance to awaken. As your inner crystal awakens and is eclipsed by the inner sun, see the pure energy you are, a being of light, peace and wisdom. We have this celestial gift to truly become a master in time. The universe opens a portal of light and you can feel the magic in the air. Imagine the world in your hands and the sun in your 3rd eye. We heal the earth and ourselves with our positive thoughts as we unite with millions around the world. The moon and your emotions are cleared and cleansed when the sun and earth align. Let the light and peace of God shower blessings upon you as you fulfill your dreams and visions. You are a Master in time becoming timeless and free. Be who you were meant to be. Doing ceremony, meditations or going to church to pray during this Eclipse is important. It is a chance to accelerate synchro-destiny and intuition. From South America, where it will be visible to the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, to the stone circles in England, to the solar markers in the Native northwest, an incredible amount of energy will flood the planet. Time to make a profound difference in our world, just tune in. The Sun is on fire and our Inner Sun is being activated. These celestial events are a unique time to tune into the mysteries of God and prophecy. Do you understand the meaning of these ancient cosmic dances of sun and moon? In the past the Tribal People saw the sun as God, without Him no life would exist on earth. When the moon danced in front of the sun and the world becomes dark, it was as a sign of changes to come, a sign from God to awake and change the inner self. The power of cycles and cosmic days is not to be underestimated. In these days we can see our shadow side and also our true power. This is a time to look deep within and change what is not working. It is also a time to be timeless and have faith that everything that is happening is perfect and no need to worry. Worry is a negative emotion and during these times we have to be on a high vibrational frequency and only create positive and powerful thoughts about ourselves and the world. Have mercy on yourself and become double light, light in the mind and light in your astral self with pure thoughts. We dream a message of peace, love and enlightenment and it is up to us to make it happen. We are creating a new world by the thoughts we plant now. If you see a clock we are at 11:59, a confluence age or Diamond age, a time to remember the ancient truths and feel God’s power and knowledge. Time to become a diamond in God’s eyes. Change is coming and the world will not be the same. The world will not be destroyed, but there will be a cleansing. No need to fear, no need to run and hide, just be aware of what you need to do to let your angel within awaken. For me it is a time to do ceremony, meditate and pray. To go beyond this world to our original home, the soul world. One day we will all return home and you will be amazed at the Cosmic Drama of Life and how powerful you were all along. In the Mahabharata, it shows Krishna teaching Arjuna the way to conquer the vices within himself and how to fight the inner and outer demons. Krishna stops the movie like a freeze frame and explains the mysteries of God, the world cycle and the time we are in. We are all Arjuna and God or Krishna, Christ, Allah, Baba or whatever name you like is waiting for us to hear His Message. His message is one of peace and love, a message of hope. That is why I go to India to hear God’s message for the world. We can never give up and lose hope. Peace is around the corner and the world is waiting for us to awaken. Time to Open the Curtain of Revelation! Let us join together in the cosmic dance of sun and moon with a Spirit of Unity and Love for our fellow brothers and sisters. Life is wonderful when we tune into God’s light and serve the world. The power of the collective starts with just one thought, then others are inspired by it and they will acknowledge the beauty of truth, peace, love, happiness and purity. Love is the greatest healer, so love yourself first. Remember God is only 1 thought away. See the Supreme Soul sending you waves of light and peace and be a channel for the world. Whatever you have to do, do it now. There is no need to worry about what will happen to the world or in the future. God has a plan and it is in His Hands. You are eternal light and perfect now. Keep your soul happy, free and peaceful and attention to be what God wants you to be. You will know when you sit in silence and listen…. It is very simple. Free the self of negative thinking, give time to yourself, do service and be with God. Don't allow any waste thoughts to come. Negative thoughts are the enemy. Prayer is you talking with God, Meditation is God talking to you, but we need to be still and hear His words and Love 4 us. I slept and dreamed that life was all joy. I woke and saw that life was service. I served and discovered that service was joy. Catching God's thoughts will happen more naturally and your life will be filled with bliss. Life will become more enjoyable and not a war with others or your mind. You search for something you know exists because you have experienced it in the past. All your searching ends when you find yourself. You do not need to go anywhere, or to look beyond yourself. Just become what you were before. You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been - a peaceful being of light. Om Shanti!! Opening our Hearts to the Universe, the Universe smiles at us as we awaken the inner sun and dance with the moon. From the Eternal Heart, Lucho L Condor A Time to Connect with the Source..... You Tube link....
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