Thursday, February 15, 2007

So if God came ...who would listen?

So if God came ...who would listen? This has been my question for the past 20 years. In 1986 I had a very powerful NDE experience with God and now many years later I ask the question...What if God, as a Point of Light, the Supreme Soul decided to come to Earth and share His wisdom.

Would He come with Lighting and Fire, would he come as His son, Jesus...could be crucified again. Maybe God could enter into a Movie star and then people will listen or at least make a movie about Him.

So where is God when we need Him the most?

What if I told you that in 1937, God picked the oldest religion on Earth to share His secrets. India the ancient land, Bharata in the scriptures and the Holy Gita, the Hindus who are remains of the Eternal Original Deity Religion are lost,as the rest of us. By the way who started the Hindu Religion? If you know please email me...I will reply with my ideas of who created or recreated this cosmic play.
Enjoy some videos of my family in India.

< a..


Where is God?

Is God omnipresent? Is He in you and me and in all matter? If I am God why am I suffering and looking for Him. Is God in this computer looking back at me or is He in the Bombs killing His children? Hard to see God everything...maybe we just need to get the the point... ( * )

Just like the Sun is in 1 place and the light and warmth is felt everywhere, then so is God living beyond time in Nirvana sending His light, love and peace everywhere. But I do not see Him as Omnipresent, All Powerful, An Ocean of Love, Yes!

In 1986, I had a vision of God as Loving Light, this changed my concept of omnipresence and opened a new awareness of the Supreme Soul.

God lives, not everywhere but somewhere beyond the physical world. A thought of God almost always takes the eyes upwards, as though one is perhaps expecting a face to miraculously appear from behind the clouds or to beam down from the moon. Thoughts are powerful. They link one soul to another. If they are properly channeled, thoughts or I the Soul, can go anywhere in 1 second. The soul can travel – beyond the moon and stars to a dimension of golden red light, the original home of all souls. Immersed in the experience of the warmth of this light, the soul feels as though it is truly at home at last, and with God in an Ocean of Peace.

God – The Spiritual Sun
Like the physical sun, which gives light and life indiscriminately to all beings, God is the Spiritual Sun, giving light, love and peace to all, whomever and wherever they may be. He serves altruistically, without any selfish motives, reminding each one of their innate qualities of love, peace and happiness. This is why He has been remembered in some countries and cultures by the name Shiva, The Benevolent One. Shiva also means the seed, and point of light.

This video shares ideas of God and a personal experience.
~*~ Enjoy and Remember, When I think of God as He is...Then He begins to Think about me....Om Shanti.

Visit 4 an audio exp...


Who is God?
Alla, Shiva, Great Spirit, Yahweh, so many names for One God.
Who has been remembered as the Ocean of Love, the Intellect of the Wise, the Almighty Authority, the Comforter of Hearts, the Truth, The Living Being and the Blissful One? Sat Chit Anand.

What if God, as a Point of Light comes to Earth and explains who He is?

I am the Ocean of Love, Peace & Bliss.
I show you the path of love, happiness & purity.
My love remains unbroken and constant. It is Eternal.
I can never forget any of my children.
I have so much love for you, My love is unconditional and unlimited.
I am the Beloved, the One who Heals all Hearts..
You have been calling out to Me for a long time and I hear you.

I am the Supreme Light, your Mother, Father, the Seed of the Human World Tree, the Ocean of Wisdom and Peace. ~ * ~

So if God came ...who would listen?

We are used to knowing things by seeing them, hearing them, tasting them, touching or smelling them. Most of us have grown up in a ‘seeing–is–believing’ and ‘hands on’ culture and we are used to perceiving things in that way. Because we can’t see, hear, taste, touch or smell God, the question arises – is God for real?

One can reach out to God with pure thoughts and be connected to Him. Like a radio and receiver, all is in the frequency. This is yoga, a union with the Supreme. The soul experiences the response of pure feelings and spiritual strength. God is Truth itself and thus can be recognized with the eye of truth.

God: The Supreme Soul
Like us, God is also a soul. Unlike us, He is referred to as the Supreme Soul – the only soul who never takes a body (gross or subtle, human or angelic) of His own. He is beyond the effects of actions, karma and is never subject to the dualities of birth and death, pleasure and pain, success and failure. Being beyond the limits of time of this physical world, He retains absolute knowledge of the universe and all its dimensions, the 3 worlds.

So who is God? Take a inner journey into the Greatest Mystery out of Time...
~ * ~ Om Shanti ~V~

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Take an inner journey...

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