Love such a strange word, but such a powerful feeling. We have many types of love, love of a mother and father, love of brothers and sisters, love of a husband or wife, love of our relatives, love for food or pleasures of life and even love for our pets. But the love I talk about is my love for God.
Since I was a little boy, I used to go to church and wonder, "How much love does God have for me? I felt so much love from God and maybe it was a memory of something eternal. Now 47 years later, I understand the greatest love is God's love for His Children and the World. When we will love God with all our heart and soul, magic begins to happen and our relationships begin to heal. Knowing and feeling that God loves you more than you can imagine is the first step to being a Master.
It is the key to really loving yourself. When I love myself and love God deeply then I can love others.
This is Original Love. True love based on wisdom. Love from God is timeless and will never end. It is eternal. True love has no conditions, no history, no beginning and no end. True original love is based on seeing others in their perfect form, divine gods and goddess.
In today's world, love is mixed with many emotions and conditions. How can you say to someone I love you today, but tomorrow I don't love you. We get trapped in the body and sexual feelings and then someone better comes along and love changes. Is this real love?
Love is energy, a force so powerful that all the darkness of the mind melts away. When we feel God's love it is like you are an angel floating on the wings of time and nothing else matters.
The purity of your soul shines in ways you never knew before and you feel this love energy heal you and heal the world. This is real healing and what the world is looking for. It is what I have always searched for...a love in the purest way with no conditions, no attachments and no judgments...the way children love...innocent and free.
We all need love. We all want to feel wanted and cared for, but first we have to love ourselves with the eternal wisdom God shares. When we love ourselves and begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, then the nothing can bring you down, no problems can stop you and all your fears, worries, guilt and depression disappears.
Can you remember the last time a miracle happened in your life? I bet you looked up to heaven and said Thank You God!
God smiles at you and says, "Miracles are love in action. You deserve all the treasures I have in my Heart and you are my special child." Can you feel the love God is giving you now and forever?
God's love is the basis to love the world and accept the reality that we are love in action and when you love from the heart the world loves you back. This is the greatest miracle.
God's love is what makes this world go around and without it we would be lost. Your love for God is like a magnet that draws his powers, wisdom and peace. Once we were Divine beings and love was the energy that made life possible.
Love is such a magic word.
L is for Light. The truth that you are a divine being of Light. Perfect now.
O is for Obedience. Obeying the laws of nature and understanding the laws of karma.
V is for Victory. I am a victorious soul and success is my birthright.
E is for Eternity. It has no time. Love is Eternal.
So Love dances with the Light and I obey God's directions to be an example for the world. This gives me victory over my weaknesses and I see myself in the eternal drama of life, I see my original love in paradise and all the souls with me now show me that love is eternal, a magical play and I am a hero actor. We come to learn the truth about love.
It is my birthright to be loved and to love. But when I love God, then I can love myself and love the world.
I love you....and God's love is the miracle of life.
From the heart,
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PS-- Below is a letter I wrote last year for Valentines to all the women I love....
To the Many Women I Love, to my soul mates and future sisters of light...Happy Valentines Day...every, yesterday and tomorrow, now and forever....
I send U my love and share my thoughts when everyone is falling in and out of love. But if Love were eternal...would we stop loving?
I am hearing my music from India in the background and I am lost in the Supreme Love of God. When I was Holy a few thousand years ago, the world danced in happiness and we were pure, Divine Beings of Light, full of peace and compassion.
I send you a message that is eternal and will never die. Love is eternal and will never end; it just changes as we change. When I change the world changes.
To all my friends, Brothers, who once were Sisters, and Sisters who once were Brothers, we are all souls playing different roles in different body timelines-- on this Day of Love, a message that is eternal, very old and will never end.
Happy Valentines Day!! If we see Today as a Day to Love the World and those in your life, then true love begins to govern our lives. Love yourself and be the light of God's Eye.
In the Golden Age, some 5000 years ago, Love was in its original form and we, the spiritual beings of light functioned on pure energy. That Golden Age of the past and one to come soon, (History repeats itself) ...the -1000 years of peace, harmony and bliss when pure love ruled, will bless you in ways uncounted. We - you and me were perfect. In God's Eye we are perfect now. Remember God sees your past, present and future, He does not judge you, we judge ourselves. Have mercy my love and be free.
In ancient times past, men did not think of sex....they were soul conscious and lived in pure light. 100 % soul activation. Do U Remember?
Love was the rule of the game and we were gods and goddess of love. A memory of Atlantis, or the Greek India they were called deities...Divine Beings, the Bible talks about paradise on Earth and Adam and Eve. The original love was planted on earth, but time has made us forget who we are and who we can become again.
Now it is time to awaken that memory again.
When Adam or Adi Dev, the first man lived on earth, it was perfection in all its Glory. In India they called it Bharata. Have you read the Gita? Krishna was the prince in the beginning of time and when he married Radhe, he becomes Narayan, the Perfect Man, the King of the Golden Age. The stories of Lakshmi and Narayan can be the story of true love in the eternal game of life. They are our stories of the past or of the future, when time is a cycle. It is the story of you and me.
Love was the pure energy that all beings flowed in.
Some of us remember the Alpha and the Omega.
But when did time begin, When did Love begin? God is Love, so maybe Love is eternal and time is the great illusion.
The Kogis and Incas have the memory of when time began or when the world was created or recreated.... the old souls need to remember who they are.....Time is not as we think....It is a circle, a perfect drama , the zero --O ...the perfect cycle of time in a timeless region. My soul lives in that world of peace where I become timeless and love is the only way to live.
We are time travelers. Who were those deities of ancient past?
Maybe they were you and me. We were those Divine Beings living in pure love, perfection and harmony. A memory that is in your soul right now.
We just need to awaken to the bigger picture.
In the beginning love was not as it is today. It is such a shame to see so many hearts broken, so much attachment to sex and small pleasures of life, all in the name of love. We have forgotten who we are, how to really love.
We have forgotten our past. Who R U? How does God see you? As a Master or Slave? See yourself as a peaceful, loving soul... a being that will live forever and never die. Then God will smile on you and the sun will shine forever on your path.
We will become Divine again, like Angels of light, a memory of pure love...the cycle continues.
What is love like in the Golden Age?
In that ancient past we created babies with pure thoughts, 2 eyes united in pure energy and not the physical way we create children now.
Love and sex are 2 aspects of the Soul and body, using the mind or emotions and the intellect, but also of our karma and drama. Sex today only last for a few minutes, but true love last forever and goes beyond anything physical. In the Golden Age true love flows because we are perfect and in balance with our male/female energy.
True love is eternal and beyond the physical. Sex is below Love~Compassion is above and Love is in the middle. Sex is the seed, love is the flower and compassion is the fragrance. A love united with God makes us Masters and free of karma, free of the slaves of our passions and desires.
We become the future kings and queens of the Golden Age now. How did those Divine beings get to where they are? They must have perfected themselves at this time, the Confluence age of Light and Dark, Iron and Gold. This is the time to really love God and get your reward in the future.
When your love is has no desires and you are egoless, you need nothing from others. When your love is not a need, but a sharing of the heart, when you give love and not ask for it, when love is unconditional ...then the world changes and you become love in action. That pure fragrance united with God's power is the blessing of purity working with knowledge. This understanding sets you free. The result is compassion united in love and healing that brings a passion to my soul. It becomes like a fire that burns away all feelings of sex, jealousy and attachments.
Love is giving and the happiness in being, then the link or yoga with God makes this love true and eternal like a fragrance of a rose or a lotus flower that is detached from any outcome, true freedom to express yourself.
When we Love God, that energy becomes a protection for me. It is a way to heal the past hurts and mend a broken heart. Only God's love can heal the world and the angel within starts to shine in ways unknown.
Do you have an angel within waiting to be born again? Do you have an Angel of Love who is really there to protect you? When we were born, we were angels and that purity and innocence is the gifts of God. Then true peace follows and love becomes like a river searching for the Ocean.
Sometimes we hide our truth, our purity and our love. We need to awaken to our true selves and be that love in action again. We need to let go of the ego and become children again.
One day we will remember the Power of God's Love in our life and the 1000 years of peace will helps us forget about the sorrow of the present day.
Then True Love will last Forever!!
Become Love in action and set everyone free.
Happy Valentines Day! Every, yesterday and tomorrow, now and forever.
Smile God Loves U!!
Much Love, Light and Peace,
1 comment:
9 a Remember the b former things of old: for c I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is d none like me,
10 a Declaring the b end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My c counsel shall stand, and I will do all my d pleasure:
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God [John 3: 3].
About 3 years ago I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life, but somehow [Holy Spirit], I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital. I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell. I imagine I was going through some sort of metamorphosis [mental, physical & spiritual]. I had been seeing a therapist [1994] on a regular basis, up until this point in time. I actually thought I would be locked away – but the hospital staffs were very supportive [I had no control over my process]. I was released from hospital 16th September 1994, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I remember this particular morning waking up [home] & my process would start up again [fear, pain, & shame]. No one could help me, not even my therapist [I was terrified]. I asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. Slowly, all my fear has dissipated & I believe Jesus delivered me from my “psychological prison.” I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing. I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically. He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. God LOVES me so much. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions. I just wanted to share my experience with you [Luke 8: 16 – 17].
Peace Be With You
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