Friday, August 08, 2008

The Solar-Lunar time is here- 8-8-8.

Dear Family of Light,

Infinity blessings from Colombia as we enter the 8-8-8 timezone of bliss, peace & power.
Today at 8 am as we watched the Olympics opening we did a 26 min meditation that awakens ancient memory.

Enjoy today as a day out of time and time to be Master 8. Eternal Soul.

Attached is the latest blog -if you want to see videos that came with this see. or

See The Solar-Lunar time is here- 8-8-8.

A code or a reawakening? Just another day or a shift in massive awareness, as millions unite 4 peace and ceremony. Infinity magnified 3 times. We see a time when the Sun and Moon dance to bring a new rainbow frequency to earth and all the universe. The eclipse of Aug 1st, the Day Out of Time on July 25 and the June 21st summer solstice coupled with the Lunar Eclipse of Aug 16 is enough energy to make any normal human being or a couple ETs seem a bit wacky. Look at the severe weather, fires, earthquakes and money flying out the window to drive your car. Yes we are in a Cosmic Sandwich of galactic proportions. But fear not, it is not as bad if you know what is going on.

One rule of the game is to go inside and listen. Remember Silent & Listen have same words, different order. Never take the things you hear or see to seriously, as my motto sometimes is "water on a ducks back and flow like a river. In times like these everyone is on edge, time seems to going faster and we get lost in the matrix. If your Spiritual DNA is being re-programmed and your mind is expanding, new light codes reawaken what we have know for ages. We are eternal, infinity, souls of peace, stars of light and 8 lying sideways in the universe of bliss. Remember- God doesn't give us test or situations we can't handle. One day we will laugh and smile seeing how powerful we have been all along. The soul is the key and it is just a point of light with all memories from the beginning of time encoded in light frequencies and a hologram matrix.

The past few days I have been thinking of the mystery of the number 8. All earthy aspects of 4 are magnified in 8. It is a number of practical matters and material concerns. But lay 8 on its side and you have the Lemniscate, the magical symbol of infinity. Buddha taught the 8 fold path away from material life. Aug 8, 2008 is a numerical code, as was 7-7-7 or 6-6-6 which for me is the number of man, not evil. Man or Humankind has now reached the end of a cycle where everything is material based, dense and lost. Evil is the result.
Live is evil spelled backwards.

This day is also a sign of changes in the air forming a triangle. Imagine 3 >8's forming a pyramid. It creates a Lions Gate, a star portal to your ancient past or back to infinity.
Like a new cycle where many of us start seeing things from a Master perspective and Angelic Consciousness. It makes life more fun and not as stressed. Just remember God and like a radio signal God Remembers you and peace is the result

Millions of people are uniting this day in ceremony and prayer to heal the past and the earth from war and abuse. I see a start of a spiritual revolution, like star children taking control of destiny and changing the old paradigm.

8/8/8 is the triple 8 date this '08 year with its Transformation theme.
8 is number of new beginning, and the butterfly symbol of
Transformation. So if we transform now using the awareness of our eternal and infinite self then the true Magicians awake and help bring a New Golden Age back to into alignment with the Galactic Center. Whether we like it or not change is the constant of the universe. When I change the World Changes. It only takes 1 thought to become Om Shanti.

Look at a question mark. ? If you keep looping it becomes an 8. Look at a dot. * , it is the balance of ying/yang, but also full stop to all waste. The soul is a dot and God is a Dot, This Drama unfolding is also a dot. So becoming infinite or an 8 is also becoming a dot. A Star of Peace & Light. Can you destroy Light? No so you can never be destroyed, but we do change and it is an eternal cycle. We have seem it all before. Rainbow bridges dreaming of the rain to shine magic colors for you today.

Instead of going on the crooked path of a question mark, put a full-stop in every situation. Remain stable in the point-form and you will experience being essence-full, Link to God and pure light.. Your awareness, words and actions will all become powerful. If you go into expansion without becoming a point, then you will waste your time and powers in the wasteful words and actions of "why?" and "what?" You have to come out of the jungle of "why?" and "what?" Therefore, remain stable in the point-form and keep all your, mind, body and emotions in order.

So enjoy this day as a day of no questions. A Solar Lunar Inner Activation of 8-8-8
A time to be still and peaceful and enjoy the cosmic light entering into you right now as the world smiles back at you for being aware. Just be a soul and return to innocence.

From the heart,

Now if you think the Universe is not alive...listen to the sounds of space....

more sounds..

Got a few mails that are worth sharing, here is one from Kyria Alu'ela Lumina

This year's alignment between Earth, the Sun and Sirius brings in powerful energies of Joy, Abundance and Celebration. The solar feminine (Isis/Sekhmet) & masculine (Ra/Osiris) energies of Leo will enter the planet through the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal, beginning on July 25th/26th until August 12th; this is the moment when the Earth begins her new cycle of spiritual evolution.
At this time, the Sun aligns with Sirius in the early morning sky in the Northern hemisphere, an event that the ancient Egyptians knew as the "helical rising" of the star Sirius. The Earth's "two suns" align in the sky, signifying the opening of the Sirius Stargate, as powerful evolutionary energies and codes are transmitted to the Blue Star Earth from the Blue Star Sun Sirius.
August 8th will be the peak time for this portal opening and alignment, (The number eight ~ 8 relates to abundance & infinite manifestation). The power to manifest lives within us and is as internal and eternal as we are. Manifesting is our Divine and innate nature. It is the reason we came to Earth and why we exist.
Please join Channel and Sonic Alchemyst, Maryanne Savino and Kyria Au'ela Lumina for an interactive evening as they invoke Sacred Vocal Harmonics & Light Languages accompanied by crystal singing bowls and sacred drumming and more supprises.
There will be a special invocation offered in honor of the Egyptian Lion headed Goddess" Sekhmet" who is known as "The Mighty One".
Together we will share bliss with sacred chant and breathing meditation to anchor into beautiful Mother Earth for Healing and Oneness.
Friday, August 8, 2008
7:30 PM
Cleopatra's Needle
(the Obelisk in Central Park )

For further information and to reserve your space, please contact
Maryanne at (347) 418-8641
E mail:
see Maryanne's info on:
Suggested Love offerings are gratefully received:
$15 - $25 + ....sliding scale...
no one will be turned away
Cleopatra's needle (the tall Egyptian Obelisk in Central Park ).
This Historic Obelisk with hieroglyphic writings originally stood in Heliopolis in ancient Egypt, then was moved to Alexandria, Egypt and in the late 1800's it was brought to NYC . If you never seen or felt'll be in awe!
Enter in at 79th street@5thave. (North entrance) on the same block as the Metropolitan Museum . Stay to the right as you walk behind the museum. About half way around, you will see an under path-tunnel on the left, walk through and make the first right and the Obelisk will be on the right side surrounded by a grove of trees.
If anyone is guided to bring a sacred object(eg crystal) and a gift for mother earth(eg. flower) and a sounding tool , they may.
Kyria Alu'ela Lumina -"Kyria Mystica" - singer-composer, Vibrational light and sound healer, spiritual counselor and metaphysical facilitator of Melchizedek and Enoch. She recently moved to New York from Florida to share her wisdom and sounds of Gaia and the cosmos.

Miami Events -

If you are in Miami Join Amber Joy Rava -8- Christelle (Amarun)
888 Infinite Flow Ceremony is flying on the beach at 80st Street!

A day of numerical 8-8-8 alignment
to celebrate unity in our community
through ritual public art.

Come celebrate with us "INFINITE FLOW"

On the beach at 80th street
sealing all directions and elements

Life Mandala

... Infinite Flow ...

Wear your favorite clothes: white or costumes
Bring your bathing suit

The space is more appropriate for high vibration of peace, light, artistic creation, flow..
See you @ 80st street on the beach on Friday 8-8-8..
In infinite connection..

Also in miami for spanish souls.

From my dear sis, Clarissa Shnitzer
En el día 08 del mes 08 a las 8:00PM (viernes), vamos a presenciar la apertura del portal de Orión. El momento sagrado ha llegado, la constelación de Orión es la sed de la Confederación Galáctica y del Consejo de los 24 ancianos.

Orión es el punto de referencia cósmico de la Madre Galáctica, la energía que laboriosa y amorosamente teje y cuida la trama del telar de la vida de la Galaxia.

Los más altos grados de la Confederación desean abrir nuevos niveles vibratorios insospechados hasta ahora, como parte del proceso evolutivo de la humanidad.

Es el momento de su llegada, es decir elevar el nivel de nuestra vibración para que se pueda producir un contacto energético como nunca se había producido antes a nivel planetario.

Comparte con nosotros este maravilloso evento, que va a tener una transcendencia de un nivel espiritual.

Día: 08 de agosto de 2008 a las 7:30p.m. Las puertas se cierran a las 8:00p.m.

Local: Miami Healing Natural Center

12110 SW 117TH CT
MIAMI FL 33186

Ropa: Vestir ropa clara.

Donación: Flores o frutas.


8/8/08 Meditation for Activating YOUR Zero Point

By Phoenix Rising Star

This is the written guideline for the meditation. You can also download the actual meditation as led by Phoenix Rising Star, available in MP3, from The Spirit of Maat ( in August and from Your HeartWalk Center in Sedona in July. ( If you are interested in participating in this meditation through a free teleconference on 8-8-08, please email with teleconference as the subject.

Background: This meditation came about as a result of my intention to learn how to access Zero Point Energy* without tools. The Angels and Ascended Masters that guided this meditation were a team of twelve, led by Melchizedek.

(*Zero Point Energy is defined as the electromagnetic field, once known as the void between cells, now known as the space of creation, that helps explain intention. It is estimated that there is enough zero point energy contained in one cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans of the world.)

This energy needs to be shared.

This meditation is for the highest good and healing for all.

It will help you

* feel better fast
* feel emotionally balanced and centered
* help you retrieve lost or forgotten parts of self
* manifest your heart's desires
* send healing to those whom you have permission
* send healing to the earth, other planets, stars, and the universe.

It is a meditation that works. And it's free.

And if we all do this meditation within a 24 hour period, it will create a planetary shift faster and better than any of us thought possible! At least that's what my angels and guides tell me.

They've picked August 8, 2008 as the Meditation Day. At 8AM, your time, wherever you are. So in that 24 hour period, everyone who wants to be a part of this will have, and can see instantaneous results, the angels and guides say.

How many people does it take to change the world? What if we have the number it takes? What if we can all access Zero Point Energy for the highest good and healing for all? What will the world look like if it changes for the highest good and healing for all?

Drunvalo Melchizedek says it only takes 3 beings to create change.. If so, I know we'll have 3 beings taking part in this.

Gregg Braden says it takes less than 8,000 to change the world. (The square root of 1 percent of the world's population). So let's see if we can't get 8,000 people to all try this meditation on August 8, 2008 at 8AM and see what happens!

Please feel free to send it on to anyone who might feel guided to join in.

Anyone who wants to learn how to access Zero Point Energy without tools.

Anyone interested in healing themselves, and sharing healing with others and the planet. Because you can!

Don't you want to be a part of that shift? If so, I invite you to join with me at 8AM on August 8, 2008 to see if we can truly make a difference in this world.

Preparation: If you feel guided to write things down ahead of time, feel free to do so. Or if you are a person who makes mental lists, that works too.

Prior to doing the meditation, you'll want to

1) state your intention for healing,
2) receive permission from the people/beings you wish to send healing to,
3) receive permission from Mother Earth, or any inter-planetary places
you wish to send healing to, and
4) create a list of people, events, and/or circumstances
you'd like to manifest for your heart's desires.

Please be aware that there may be terms used you are not familiar with (such as chakras, causal body, merkaba, etc.). Just assume your higher self knows what these are and will only allow what is for your highest and best to take place. Action will follow intention.

Also, if this meditation feels overwhelming at any time, just do what you can do. It is not necessary to complete the meditation every time. Do what you can and sit in sacred silence the rest of the time.

The Meditation:

Begin by balancing your chakras, using whatever way you are used to. If you aren't used to this, just have the intention that all of your chakras are balanced, aligned, and spinning in the right way.

Turn your awareness to your heart space and concentrate on feeling the emotions of love, joy and gratitude. If it helps to remember a person or circumstance in which you felt those feelings, do so. Allow the feelings to build and build inside your heart…..

Let's begin with the physical body. Invite all the cells in your physical body to begin feeling love, joy, and gratitude. Really feel this. Feel the fullness expand in your body as you allow yourself to experience these feelings.

When you're ready, invite all the spaces between your cells to feel love, joy, and gratitude. Really feeling it. Feeling yourself expand even further.

Do the same thing for your emotional body. Invite love, joy, and gratitude into the cells of your emotional body and really feel it. Feel the fullness expand as you allow yourself to experience the feelings. Invite these feelings into the spaces between cells in your emotional body.

Continue inviting your cells and the space between your cells in your mental body to feel love, joy, and gratitude. Really feel it. Move to your spiritual body and do the same thing. And your causal body.. And your merkaba and light bodies……feeling love, joy, and gratitude and expanding into those feelings…….

Know that in this state, you are connected to your Divine Self. Send love, joy, and gratitude to your Divine Self. Stay in that space for as long as you wish….

Keeping those feelings of love, joy, and gratitude, prepare yourself for sending this to those from whom you have received permission. Ask your Divine Self to send it to their Divine Selves. See these emotions filtering from the Divine Self directly to each in whatever way is for his/her highest good.

When you feel it's time to move on, ask that this love, joy, and gratitude continue to filter through each person as long as he/she needs it.

Next, ask your Divine Self to send love, joy, and gratitude to Mother Earth. Ask that your Divine Self connect with hers. Allow love, joy, and gratitude to filter through the Divine Selves to Mother Earth in whatever way is for her highest good and healing. Just send it, don't be attached to the outcome. See this continuing as long as is necessary……

Ask your Divine Self to send love, joy and gratitude to other planets, stars or universes. Ask that your Divine Self connect with theirs. Allow love, joy, and gratitude to filter through their Divine Selves in whatever way is for their highest good and healing. See this continuing as along as necessary……

Last, using your list of your heart's desires, ask your Divine Self to send love, joy, and gratitude to each and every element on your list. Just send it, without being attached to the outcome. Your Divine Self knows exactly what is needed for your highest good and healing….so just allow it to be sent. Know that you are now in divine timing and divine order for everyone's highest good and healing……and that's all you need to know for this moment.

Continue in this state of love, joy, and gratitude until it feels complete for now. Know that you can always come back to this place. Know that you can always access this energy any time you want to. And to expedite the process, you can touch your thumb and index finger together, making it faster and easier from now on, to be in and send love, joy, and gratitude…..

Phoenix Rising Star

Enjoy a journey home....

Tribal Ink News & Humanitarian Leaders
786.268.2723 ~ Colombia 571 310-477-1841
Producer, Writer, & Director.

Thoughts 4 Future Reference

Family of Light


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